--- /dev/null
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+# Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+# GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# Build Emacs in several different configurations.
+@configs =
+ (
+ ["--without-x", "--optim"],
+ ["--without-x-toolkit", "--optim"],
+ ["--without-toolkit-scroll-bars", "--optim"],
+ ["--with-x-toolkit=lucid", "--optim"],
+ ["--with-x-toolkit=motif", "--optim"],
+ ["--with-x-toolkit=motif", "--enable-checking"],
+ ["--with-x-toolkit=motif", "--gcc3"],
+ ["--with-x-toolkit=motif", ""],
+ );
+$log = "/tmp/$$.out";
+print "Using log file $log\n";
+unlink $log;
+$root = $ENV{"EMACS_ROOT"};
+$root = "/gd/gnu/emacs" unless $root;
+chdir ($root) or die "Cannot chdir to emacs";
+foreach $config (@configs)
+ {
+ my $configure_options = @$config[0];
+ my $make_options = @$config[1];
+ my $rc;
+ print "$configure_options, $make_options\n";
+ unlink "config.cache";
+ $rc = system ("$root/configure $configure_options >>$log 2>&1");
+ if ($rc != 0)
+ {
+ print "configure failed\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ $rc = system ("make-emacs --all $make_options >>$log 2>&1");
+ if ($rc != 0)
+ {
+ print "Make failed\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ }
+# Local Variables:
+# mode: cperl
+# End:
--- /dev/null
+: #-*- Perl -*-
+eval 'exec perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' # Portability kludge
+ if 0; # Author: Martin Buchholz
+use strict;
+use POSIX;
+(my $myName = $0) =~ s@.*/@@; my $usage="
+Usage: $myName
+Finds DOCSTRING arg mismatches between
+formal parameters, docstrings, and lispref texi.
+This program is in the public domain.\n";
+die $usage if @ARGV;
+die $usage unless -r "src/alloc.c" && -d "CVS" && -d "lisp";
+my %texi_funtype;
+my %texi_arglist;
+my %code_funtype;
+my %code_arglist;
+sub FileContents {
+ local $/ = undef;
+ open (FILE, "< $_[0]") or die "$_[0]: $!";
+ return scalar <FILE>;
+sub Show_details {
+ my ($show_details, $function, $parms, $docstring) = @_;
+ if ($show_details) {
+ print "function = $function $parms\n$docstring\n", "-" x 70, "\n";
+ }
+sub Check_texi_function {
+ my ($function, $funtype, $docstring, @parms) = @_;
+ my %docstring_parm;
+ my %docstring_word;
+ my %arglist_parm;
+ my $show_details = 0;
+ if (exists $texi_funtype{$function}) {
+ print "duplicate texidoc: $function @parms\n";
+ return; # later definition likely bogus package def
+ }
+ $texi_funtype{$function} = $funtype;
+ $texi_arglist{$function} = "@parms";
+ foreach my $parm (@parms) {
+ next if $parm eq '&optional' || $parm eq '&rest';
+ $arglist_parm{$parm} = 1;
+ }
+ foreach my $parm ($docstring =~ /\@var{([^{}]+)}/g) {
+ $docstring_parm{$parm} = 1;
+ }
+ foreach my $hit ($docstring =~ /[^\`]\`[A-Za-z-]+\'/g)
+ {
+ print "texi \@code missing: $function: $hit\n";
+ $show_details = 1;
+ }
+ # (my $raw_docstring = $docstring) =~ s/\@var{[^{}]+}//g;
+ # $raw_docstring =~ s/[^a-zA-Z_-]+/ /g;
+ # foreach my $word (split (' ', $raw_docstring)) {
+ # if ($word =~ /^[A-Z][A-Z-]+$/) {
+ # print "Missing \@var: $function: $word\n";
+ # }
+ # }
+ foreach my $parm (keys %docstring_parm) {
+ if (! exists $arglist_parm{$parm}) {
+ print "bogus texi parm: $function: $parm\n";
+ $show_details = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $parm (keys %arglist_parm) {
+ if (! exists $docstring_parm{$parm}) {
+ print "undocumented texi parm: $function: $parm\n";
+ $show_details = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ Show_details $show_details, $function, "@parms", $docstring;
+sub Check_function {
+ my ($function, $funtype, $docstring, @parms) = @_;
+ my %docstring_parm;
+ my %arglist_parm;
+ my $show_details = 0;
+ if (exists $code_funtype{$function}) {
+ print "duplicate codedef: $function @parms\n";
+ return; # later definition likely bogus package def
+ }
+ $code_funtype{$function} = $funtype;
+ $code_arglist{$function} = "@parms";
+ #foreach my $parm ($parms =~ /\b[a-z0-9-]{3,}\b/g) {
+ # $arglist_parm{$parm} = 1;
+ #}
+ foreach my $parm (@parms) {
+ next if $parm eq '&optional' || $parm eq '&rest';
+ $arglist_parm{$parm} = 1;
+ }
+ my $doc_tmp = $docstring;
+ $doc_tmp =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/ /g;
+ foreach my $parm (split (' ', $doc_tmp)) {
+ if ($parm =~ /^[A-Z][A-Z0-9-]*$/) {
+ next if $parm =~ /I18N/;
+ next if $parm =~ /M17N/;
+ $parm =~ tr[A-Z][a-z];
+ $docstring_parm{$parm} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ # foreach my $parm ($docstring =~ /\b[A-Z0-9-]{1,}\b/g) {
+ # next if $parm =~ /-$/;
+ # $parm =~ tr[A-Z][a-z];
+ # $docstring_parm{$parm} = 1;
+ # }
+ foreach my $parm (keys %docstring_parm) {
+ next if $parm eq 'tty';
+ next if $parm eq 'fsf';
+ next if $parm eq 'note';
+ next if $parm eq 'warning';
+ next if $parm eq 'bug';
+ next if $parm eq 'ascii';
+ next if $parm eq 'iso';
+ next if $parm eq 'and';
+ next if $parm eq 'absolutely';
+ next if $parm eq 'doc';
+ next if $parm eq 'user';
+ next if $parm eq 'not';
+ next if $parm eq 'must';
+ next if $parm eq 'nil';
+ next if $parm eq 'esc';
+ next if $parm eq 'lfd';
+ next if $parm eq 'gpm';
+ next if $parm eq 'primary';
+ next if $parm eq 'secondary';
+ next if $parm eq 'clipboard';
+ next if length $parm < 3;
+ if (! exists $arglist_parm{$parm}) {
+ print "bogus parm: $function: $parm\n";
+ $show_details = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $parm (keys %arglist_parm) {
+ if (! exists $docstring_parm{$parm}) {
+ print "Undocumented parm: $function: $parm\n";
+ $show_details = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($docstring !~ /[\]}!\)\.]\s*\Z/m &&
+ $docstring =~ /\S/ &&
+ $docstring !~ /Keywords supported/)
+ {
+ print "Missing trailing period: $function\n";
+ $show_details = 1;
+ }
+ if (exists $texi_arglist{$function}
+ and "@parms" ne $texi_arglist{$function}
+ and not ("@parms" eq 'int nargs Lisp-Object *args'
+ && $texi_arglist{$function} =~ /&rest/)) {
+ my @texi_parms = split (' ', $texi_arglist{$function});
+ my @a = ("@parms" =~ /&optional/g);
+ my @b = ("@parms" =~ /&rest/g);
+ my @c = ("@texi_parms" =~ /&optional/g);
+ my @d = ("@texi_parms" =~ /&rest/g);
+ if (@parms != @texi_parms
+ || (@a != @c) || (@b != @d)) {
+ print "serious mismatch: $function: @parms --- @texi_parms\n";
+ } else {
+ print "texi mismatch: $function: @parms --- $texi_arglist{$function}\n";
+ }
+ $show_details = 1;
+ }
+ if (exists $texi_funtype{$function}
+ && $texi_funtype{$function} ne $funtype) {
+ print "interactiveness mismatch: $function: $funtype --- $texi_funtype{$function}\n";
+ $show_details = 1;
+ }
+ Show_details $show_details, $function, "@parms", $docstring;
+my $lisprefdir;
+if (-d "man/lispref") { $lisprefdir = "man/lispref"; }
+elsif (-d "lispref") { $lisprefdir = "lispref"; }
+else { die "Can't find lispref texi directory.\n"; }
+open (FIND, "find $lisprefdir -name '*.texi' -print |") or die;
+while (my $file = <FIND>) {
+ my @matches = ((FileContents $file) =~
+ /\@(def(?:fn|un))([^\n]+)\n(.*?)\n\@end def(?:un|fn)/sgo);
+ # /^\@(def(?:un|fn))\s+(.*)\n([.|\n]*?)^\@end def(?:un|fn)\n/mgo);
+ while (@matches) {
+ my ($defform, $defn, $docstring) = splice (@matches, 0, 3);
+ #print "defform = $defform\n";
+ #print "defn = $defn\n";
+ #print "docstring = $docstring\n";
+ my ($function, @parms, $funtype);
+ if ($defform eq 'defun') {
+ ($funtype, $function, @parms) = ('Function', split (' ', $defn));
+ } else {
+ die unless $defform eq 'deffn';
+ ($funtype, $function, @parms) = split (' ', $defn);
+ }
+ next if $funtype eq '{Syntax' or $funtype eq '{Prefix';
+ Check_texi_function $function, $funtype, $docstring, @parms;
+ }
+open (FIND, "find src -name '*.c' -print |") or die;
+while (my $file = <FIND>) {
+ my @matches =
+ ((FileContents $file) =~
+ /\bDEFUN\s*\(\s*\"((?:[^\\\"]|\\.)+)\"\s*,\s*\S+\s*,\s*(\S+)\s*,\s*(\S+)\s*,\s*((?:0|\"(?:(?:[^\\\"]|\\.)*)\"))\s*,\s*\/\*(.*?)\*\/\s*\(([^()]*)\)\)/sgo);
+ while (@matches) {
+ my ($function, $minargs, $maxargs, $interactive, $docstring, $parms) = splice (@matches, 0, 6);
+ $docstring =~ s/^\n+//s;
+ $docstring =~ s/\n+$//s;
+ $parms =~ s/,/ /g;
+ my @parms = split (' ',$parms);
+ for (@parms) { tr/_/-/; s/-$//; }
+ if ($parms !~ /Lisp_Object/) {
+ if ($minargs < @parms) {
+ if ($maxargs =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ die unless $maxargs eq @parms;
+ splice (@parms, $minargs, 0, '&optional');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $funtype = ($interactive =~ /\"/ ? 'Command' : 'Function');
+ Check_function $function, $funtype, $docstring, @parms;
+ }
+my @pkgs;
+if (-d "../xemacs-packages") {
+ @pkgs = qw (libs/edebug libs/xemacs-base comm/eudc oa/edit-utils);
+} else {
+ @pkgs = ();
+for (@pkgs) { s@^@../xemacs-packages/@; }
+open (FIND, "find lisp @pkgs -name '*.el' -print |") or die;
+while (my $file = <FIND>) {
+ my $contents = FileContents $file;
+ $contents =~ s/(?:\s|;);.*//mog;
+ my @matches =
+ ($contents =~
+ /\((def(?:un|subst|macro))\s+(\S+)\s+\(([^()]*)\)\s+\"((?:[^\\\"]|\\.)+)\"(.*?)\)/sgo);
+ while (@matches) {
+ my ($defform, $function, $parms, $docstring, $code_fragment) = splice (@matches, 0, 5);
+ my $funtype =
+ $defform eq 'defmacro' ? 'Macro' :
+ $code_fragment =~ /^\s*\(interactive\b/so ? 'Command' :
+ 'Function';
+ $docstring =~ s/^\n+//s;
+ $docstring =~ s/\n+$//s;
+ my @parms = split (' ', $parms);
+ Check_function $function, $funtype, $docstring, @parms;
+ }
+open (FIND, "find lisp @pkgs -name '*.el' -print |") or die;
+while (my $file = <FIND>) {
+ my $contents = FileContents $file;
+ $contents =~ s/(?:\s|;);.*//mog;
+ my @matches = ($contents =~ /^\((?:defalias|fset|define-function)\s+\'([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)\s+\'([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/mog);
+ while (@matches) {
+ my ($alias, $aliasee) = splice (@matches, 0, 2);
+ print "alias $alias aliasee $aliasee\n";
+ if (exists $code_funtype{$aliasee}) { $code_funtype{$alias} = $code_funtype{$aliasee}; }
+ if (exists $code_arglist{$aliasee}) { $code_arglist{$alias} = $code_arglist{$aliasee}; }
+ }
+foreach my $fun (sort keys %texi_funtype) {
+ if (not exists $code_funtype{$fun}) {
+ print "nuke-this-doc: $fun $texi_funtype{$fun}\n";
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+# Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+# GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# Build Emacs with various options for profiling, debugging,
+# with and without warnings enabled etc.
+require 5;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
+use Cwd;
+# Default CVS sandbox directory. Only used when called from outside
+# of the sandbox.
+$root = $ENV{"EMACS_ROOT"};
+$root = "/gd/gnu/emacs" unless $root;
+# Default make command.
+$make = $ENV{"EMACS_MAKE"};
+$make = "gmake" unless $make;
+$rc = GetOptions ("help" => \$help,
+ "enable-checking" => \$enable_checking,
+ "no-warn" => \$no_warn,
+ "check-marked" => \$check_marked,
+ "all" => \$all,
+ "no-optim" => \$no_optim,
+ "union-type" => \$union_type,
+ "gprof" => \$profile,
+ "malloc-check" => \$malloc_check,
+ "no-mcheck" => \$no_mcheck,
+ "alias" => \$aliasing,
+ "wall" => \$wall,
+ "gcc3" => \$gcc3,
+ "trace-selection" => \$trace_selection,
+ "stabs" => \$use_stabs,
+ "optim" => \$optim);
+if ($rc == 0 || $help)
+ {
+ print <<USAGE;
+make-emacs [options] ...
+Build Emacs.
+ --help show this help
+ --all make clean versionclean first
+ --enable-checking ENABLE_CHECKING=1 (implies Lisp union type)
+ --no-warn disable warnings
+ --check-marked GC_CHECK_MARKED_OBJECTS=1
+ --optim no debug defines
+ --gprof make Emacs for profiling
+ --union-type define USE_LISP_UNION_TYPE (bad for GDB)
+ --malloc-check define GC_MALLOC_CHECK
+ --no-mcheck dont define GC_MCHECK
+ --wall compile with -Wall
+ --gcc3 use GCC 3.0 (30% slower compilation, slower code)
+ --trace-selection print traces in xselect.c
+ --stabs use -gstabs instead -g
+Default is to compile with warnings, with -DGC_MCHECK=1, and
+with -DGLYPH_DEBUG=1.
+ exit 1;
+ }
+# Chdir to the top-level directory of the tree. If not in a tree
+# containing Emacs, use the default.
+while (! -f "src/emacs.c" && cwd () ne "/")
+ {
+ chdir "..";
+ }
+chdir $root if cwd () eq "/";
+chdir "./src";
+print "Build in ", cwd (), "\n";
+# If first arg is `all' or if `--all' specified, ensure a clean
+# build.
+if (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq "all")
+ {
+ $all = 1;
+ shift @ARGV;
+ }
+system ("$make clean versionclean") if $all;
+if ($wall)
+ {
+ $warn = "-Wall";
+ }
+elsif (!$no_warn)
+ {
+ $warn = "-Wpointer-arith -Wchar-subscripts -Wformat -Wimplicit-int";
+ $warn = "$warn -Wreturn-type -Wswitch -Wuninitialized";
+ }
+$defs = "-DGLYPH_DEBUG=1" unless $optim;
+$defs = "$defs -DGC_CHECK_MARKED_OBJECTS=1" if $check_marked;
+$defs = "$defs -DENABLE_CHECKING=1" if $enable_checking;
+if ($profile)
+ {
+ $opts = "-pg";
+ $defs = "$defs -DPROFILING=1";
+ }
+ {
+ if ($use_stabs)
+ {
+ $opts = "-gstabs";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $opts = "-g";
+ }
+ }
+$defs = "$defs -DUSE_LISP_UNION_TYPE" if $union_type;
+$defs = "$defs -DGC_MALLOC_CHECK=1 -DGC_PROTECT_MALLOC_STATE=1" if $malloc_check;
+$defs = "$defs -DGC_MCHECK=1" unless $no_mcheck;
+$defs = "$defs -DTRACE_SELECTION" if $trace_selection;
+# arch=pentium leads to slightly faster code than without.
+$opts = "$opts -march=pentiumpro";
+if ($optim)
+ {
+ $opts = "$opts -pipe -O3";
+ }
+elsif ($no_optim)
+ {
+ $opts = "$opts -pipe -fno-inline";
+ }
+ {
+ $opts = "$opts -O -pipe -fno-inline";
+ }
+$opts = "$opts -fstrict-aliasing" if $aliasing;
+$opts = "$opts $defs" if $defs;
+$opts = "$opts $warn" if $warn;
+$cc = "/usr/bin/gcc";
+$cc = "/gd/local/bin/gcc" if $gcc3;
+exit system "$make CC=\"$cc\" CFLAGS=\"$opts\" @ARGV";
+# Local Variables:
+# mode: cperl
+# End:
--- /dev/null
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+# Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+# GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+use File::Basename;
+if (@ARGV < 3)
+ print <<USAGE;
+revdiff FILE OLD NEW
+Get a diff of FILE between revisions OLD and NEW. Store the
+diff in a file named FILE-OLD-NEW.diff. If NEW is +<number>
+or -<number>, build diffs between revisions OLD and OLD +/- <number>.
+OLD being `-' means use FILE's current revision.
+revdiff FILE - -1 get the latest change of FILE
+revdiff FILE 1.500 +2 get diffs 1.500-1.501 and 1.501-1.502.
+ exit 1;
+$file = shift @ARGV;
+$old = shift @ARGV;
+sub diffit
+ my ($old, $new) = @_;
+ print "cvs diff -r$old -r$new $file >$file-$old-$new.diff\n";
+ system "cvs diff -r$old -r$new $file >$file-$old-$new.diff";
+sub current_revision ($)
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ my $dir = dirname ($file);
+ my $base = basename ($file);
+ my $entries = "$dir/CVS/Entries";
+ die "Can't find $entries" unless -f $entries;
+ open (IN, "<$entries") or die "Cannot open $entries";
+ my $rev;
+ while ($line = <IN>)
+ {
+ if ($line =~ m,/$base/([^/]+),)
+ {
+ $rev = $1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ die "Cannot determine current revision of $file" unless $rev;
+ close (IN);
+ return $rev;
+if ($old eq "-")
+ $old = current_revision ($file);
+while (@ARGV)
+ {
+ my $new = shift @ARGV;
+ if ($new =~ /^[+]\d+$/)
+ {
+ my $n = $new;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i)
+ {
+ unless ($old =~ /(.*)\.(\d+)$/)
+ {
+ die "Internal error";
+ }
+ my $j = $2 + 1;
+ $new = "$1.$j";
+ diffit ($old, $new);
+ $old = $new;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($new =~ /^[-]\d+$/)
+ {
+ my $n = - $new;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i)
+ {
+ unless ($old =~ /(.*)\.(\d+)$/)
+ {
+ die "Internal error";
+ }
+ my $j = $2 - 1;
+ $new = "$1.$j";
+ diffit ($new, $old);
+ $old = $new;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ diffit ($old, $new);
+ $old = $new;
+ }
+ }
+# Local Variables:
+# mode: cperl
+# End: