so before you use or modify a Lisp package, see if the author has provided
any hints in the source code.
- If a package does not come with Emacs, check the Lisp Code Directory,
- (formerly?) maintained by Dave Brennan. The directory is contained
- in the file LCD-datafile.Z, available from the Emacs Lisp Archive (see
- question 90), and is accessed using the "lispdir" package, available from
- the same site. Note that lispdir.el requires crypt++, which you can grab
- from the Emacs Lisp Archive's "misc" subdirectory when you get
+ If a package does not come with Emacs, check the Lisp Code
+ Directory, maintained (unfortunately slowly at present) by Dave
+ Brennan <>. The directory is contained in the file
+ LCD-datafile.Z, available from the Emacs Lisp Archive (see question
+ 90), and is accessed using the "lispdir" package, available from the
+ same site. Note that lispdir.el requires crypt++, which you can
+ grab from the Emacs Lisp Archive's "misc" subdirectory when you get
Once you have installed lispdir.el and LCD-datafile, you can use "M-x
them. You should also use binary mode whenever you retrieve any
files with names ending in ".elc".
- Note that the archive is apparently not being maintained at the time of
- writing; a volunteer to take on the task would be welcome.
Packages which have been posted to gnu.emacs.sources should be locatable
via a service like Dejanews.