(unless advised
(advice-remove 'macroexpand #'cl--sm-macroexpand)))))
+(defmacro cl-with-gensyms (names &rest body)
+ "Bind each of NAMES to an uninterned symbol and evaluate BODY."
+ (declare (debug (sexp body)) (indent 1))
+ `(let ,(cl-loop for name in names collect
+ `(,name (gensym (symbol-name ',name))))
+ ,@body))
+(defmacro cl-once-only (names &rest body)
+ "Generate code to evaluate each of NAMES just once in BODY.
+This macro helps with writing other macros. Each of names is
+either (NAME FORM) or NAME, which latter means (NAME NAME).
+During macroexpansion, each NAME is bound to an uninterned
+symbol. The expansion evaluates each FORM and binds it to the
+corresponding uninterned symbol.
+For example, consider this macro:
+ (defmacro my-cons (x)
+ (cl-once-only (x)
+ \\=`(cons ,x ,x)))
+The call (my-cons (pop y)) will expand to something like this:
+ (let ((g1 (pop y)))
+ (cons g1 g1))
+The use of `cl-once-only' ensures that the pop is performed only
+once, as intended.
+See also `macroexp-let2'."
+ (declare (debug (sexp body)) (indent 1))
+ (setq names (mapcar #'ensure-list names))
+ (let ((our-gensyms (cl-loop for _ in names collect (gensym))))
+ ;; During macroexpansion, obtain a gensym for each NAME.
+ `(let ,(cl-loop for sym in our-gensyms collect `(,sym (gensym)))
+ ;; Evaluate each FORM and bind to the corresponding gensym.
+ ;;
+ ;; We require this explicit call to `list' rather than using
+ ;; (,,@(cl-loop ...)) due to a limitation of Elisp's backquote.
+ `(let ,(list
+ ,@(cl-loop for name in names and gensym in our-gensyms
+ for to-eval = (or (cadr name) (car name))
+ collect ``(,,gensym ,,to-eval)))
+ ;; During macroexpansion, bind each NAME to its gensym.
+ ,(let ,(cl-loop for name in names and gensym in our-gensyms
+ collect `(,(car name) ,gensym))
+ ,@body)))))
;;; Multiple values.