;; utility my total load time is just under 1 second, with no loss of
;; functionality!
-;; Here is the simplest `use-package' declaration:
-;; (use-package foo)
-;; This loads in the package foo, but only if foo is available on your system.
-;; If not, a warning is logged to your `*Messages*' buffer. If it succeeds a
-;; message about "Loading foo" is logged, along with the time it took to load,
-;; if that time is over 0.01s.
-;; Use the :init keywoard to do some stuff to initialize foo, but only if foo
-;; actually gets loaded:
-;; (use-package foo
-;; :init
-;; (progn
-;; (setq foo-variable t)
-;; (foo-mode 1)))
-;; A very common thing to do when loading a module is to bind a key to primary
-;; commands within that module:
-;; (use-package ace-jump-mode
-;; :bind ("C-." . ace-jump-mode))
-;; This does two things: first, it creates autoload for the `ace-jump-mode'
-;; command, and defers loading of `ace-jump-mode' until you actually use it.
-;; Second, it binds the key `C-.' to that command. After loading, you can use
-;; `M-x describe-personal-keybindings' to see all such bindings you've set
-;; throughout your Emacs.
-;; A more literal way to do the exact same thing is:
-;; (use-package ace-jump-mode
-;; :commands ace-jump-mode
-;; :init
-;; (bind-key "C-." 'ace-jump-mode))
-;; When you use the `:commands' keyword, it creates autoloads for those
-;; commands and defers loading of the module until they are used. In this
-;; case, the `:init' form is always run -- even if ace-jump-mode might not be
-;; on your system. So remember to keep `:init' activities to only those that
-;; would succeed either way.
-;; Similar to `:bind', you can use `:mode' and `:interpreter' to establish a
-;; deferred binding within `auto-mode-alist' and `interpreter-mode-alist'.
-;; The specifier to either keyword can be a single cons, or a list, or just
-;; a string:
-;; (use-package ruby-mode
-;; :mode "\\.rb\\'"
-;; :interpreter "ruby")
-;; ;; The package is "python" but the mode is "python-mode":
-;; (use-package python
-;; :mode ("\\.py\\'" . python-mode)
-;; :interpreter ("python" . python-mode))
-;; If you aren't using `:commands', `:bind', `:mode', or `:interpreter' (all
-;; of which imply `:commands'), you can still defer loading with the `:defer'
-;; keyword:
-;; (use-package ace-jump-mode
-;; :defer t
-;; :init
-;; (progn
-;; (autoload 'ace-jump-mode "ace-jump-mode" nil t)
-;; (bind-key "C-." 'ace-jump-mode)))
-;; This does exactly the same thing as the other two commands above.
-;; A companion to the `:init' keyword is `:config'. Although `:init' always
-;; happens in the case of deferred modules (which are likely to be the most
-;; common kind), `:config' form only run after the module has been loaded by
-;; Emacs:
-;; (use-package ace-jump-mode
-;; :bind ("C-." . ace-jump-mode)
-;; :config
-;; (message "Yay, ace-jump-mode was actually loaded!"))
-;; You will see a "Configured..." message in your `*Messages*' log when a
-;; package is configured, and a timing if the configuration time was longer
-;; than 0.01s. You should keep `:init' forms as simple as possible, and put
-;; as much as you can get away with on the `:config' side.
-;; You can have both `:init' and `:config':
-;; (use-package haskell-mode
-;; :commands haskell-mode
-;; :init
-;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.l?hs$" . haskell-mode))
-;; :config
-;; (progn
-;; (use-package inf-haskell)
-;; (use-package hs-lint)))
-;; In this case, I want to autoload the command `haskell-mode' from
-;; "haskell-mode.el", add it to `auto-mode-alist' at the time ".emacs" is
-;; loaded, but wait until after I've opened a Haskell file before loading
-;; "inf-haskell.el" and "hs-lint.el".
-;; Another similar option to `:init' is `:idle'. Like `:init' this always run,
-;; however, it does so when Emacs is idle at some time in the future after
-;; load. This is particularly useful for convienience minor modes which can be
-;; slow to load. For instance, in this case, I want Emacs to always use
-;; `global-pabbrev-mode'. `:commands' creates an appropriate autoload; `:idle'
-;; will run this command at some point in the future. If you start Emacs and
-;; beginning typing straight-away, loading will happen eventually.
-;; (use-package pabbrev
-;; :commands global-pabbrev-mode
-;; :idle (global-pabbrev-mode))
-;; Idle functions are run in the order in which they are evaluated. If you
-;; have many, it may take sometime for all to run. `use-package' will always
-;; tell you if there is an error in the form which can otherwise be difficult
-;; to debug. It may tell you about functions being eval'd, depending on the
-;; value of `use-package-verbose'. Other good candidates for `:idle' are
-;; `yasnippet', `auto-complete' and `autopair'.
-;; Finally, you may wish to use `:pre-load'. This form runs before everything
-;; else whenever the `use-package' form evals; the package in question will
-;; never have been required. This can be useful, if you wish for instance, to
-;; pull files from a git repository, or mount a file system. Like :init,
-;; keeping this form as simple as possible makes sense.
-;; The `:bind' keyword takes either a cons or a list of conses:
-;; (use-package hi-lock
-;; :bind (("M-o l" . highlight-lines-matching-regexp)
-;; ("M-o r" . highlight-regexp)
-;; ("M-o w" . highlight-phrase)))
-;; The `:commands' keyword likewise takes either a symbol or a list of
-;; symbols.
-;; You can use the `:if' keyword to predicate the loading and initialization
-;; of a module. For example, I only want an `edit-server' running for my
-;; main, graphical Emacs, not for Emacsen I may start at the command line:
-;; (use-package edit-server
-;; :if window-system
-;; :init
-;; (progn
-;; (add-hook 'after-init-hook 'server-start t)
-;; (add-hook 'after-init-hook 'edit-server-start t)))
-;; The `:disabled' keyword can be used to turn off a module that you're having
-;; difficulties with, or to stop loading something you're not really using at
-;; the present time:
-;; (use-package ess-site
-;; :disabled t
-;; :commands R)
-;; Another feature of `use-package' is that it always loads every file that it
-;; can when your ".emacs" is being byte-compiled (if you do that, which I
-;; recommend). This helps to silence spurious warnings about unknown
-;; variables and functions.
-;; However, there are times when this is just not enough. For those times,
-;; use the `:defines' keyword to introduce empty variable definitions solely
-;; for the sake of the byte-compiler:
-;; (use-package texinfo
-;; :defines texinfo-section-list
-;; :commands texinfo-mode
-;; :init
-;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.texi$" . texinfo-mode)))
-;; If you need to silence a missing function warning, do it with an autoload
-;; stub in your `:init' block:
-;; (use-package w3m
-;; :commands (w3m-browse-url w3m-session-crash-recovery-remove)
-;; :init
-;; (eval-when-compile
-;; (autoload 'w3m-search-escape-query-string "w3m-search")))
-;; If your package needs a directory added to the `load-path' in order load,
-;; use `:load-path'. It takes a string or a list of strings. If the path is
-;; relative, it will be expanded within `user-emacs-directory':
-;; (use-package ess-site
-;; :disabled t
-;; :load-path "site-lisp/ess/lisp/"
-;; :commands R)
-;; Lastly, `use-package' provides built-in support for the diminish utility,
-;; if you have that installed. It's purpose is to remove strings from your
-;; mode-line that would otherwise always be there and provide no useful
-;; information. It is invoked with the `:diminish' keyword, which is passed
-;; either the minor mode symbol, a cons of the symbol and a replacement string,
-;; or just a replacement string in which case the minor mode symbol is guessed
-;; to be the package name with "-mode" at the end:
-;; (use-package abbrev
-;; :diminish abbrev-mode
-;; :init
-;; (if (file-exists-p abbrev-file-name)
-;; (quietly-read-abbrev-file))
-;; :config
-;; (add-hook 'expand-load-hook
-;; (lambda ()
-;; (add-hook 'expand-expand-hook 'indent-according-to-mode)
-;; (add-hook 'expand-jump-hook 'indent-according-to-mode))))
-;; If you noticed that this declaration has neither a `:bind', `:commands' or
-;; `:defer' keyword: congratulations, you're an A student! What it means is
-;; that both the `:init' and `:config' forms will be executed when ".emacs" is
-;; loaded, with no delays until later. Is this useful? Not really. I just
-;; happen to like separating my configuration into things that must happen at
-;; startup time, and things that could potentioally wait until after the
-;; actual load. In this case, everything could be put inside `:init' and
-;; there would be no difference.
-;; * For package.el user
-;; You can use `use-package' to load packages from ELPA with package.el. This
-;; is particularly useful if you share your .emacs between several machines;
-;; the relevant packages will download automatically once placed in your
-;; .emacs. The `:ensure' key will install the package automatically if it is
-;; not already present.
-;; (use-package tex-site
-;; :ensure auctex)
+;; Please see README.md from the same repository for documentation.
;;; Code: