(setcar dash-l ?.)) ; Reduce --x to .-x
(setq items (nconc items '((?- . ?-))))))
- ;; Deal with leading ^ and range ^-x.
- (when (and (consp (car items))
- (eq (caar items) ?^)
- (cdr items))
- ;; Move ^ and ^-x to second place.
- (setq items (cons (cadr items)
- (cons (car items) (cddr items)))))
+ ;; Deal with leading ^ and range ^-x in non-negated set.
+ (when (and (eq (car-safe (car items)) ?^)
+ (not negated))
+ (if (eq (cdar items) ?^)
+ ;; single leading ^
+ (when (cdr items)
+ ;; Move the ^ to second place.
+ (setq items (cons (cadr items)
+ (cons (car items) (cddr items)))))
+ ;; Split ^-x to _-x^
+ (setq items (cons (cons ?_ (cdar items))
+ (cons '(?^ . ?^)
+ (cdr items))))))
;; Empty set: if negated, any char, otherwise match-nothing.
(should (equal (rx (any "]" "^") (any "]" "-") (any "-" "^")
(not (any "]" "^")) (not (any "]" "-"))
(not (any "-" "^")))
- "[]^][]-][-^][^]^][^]-][^-^]"))
+ "[]^][]-][-^][^]^][^]-][^^-]"))
(should (equal (rx (any "]" "^" "-") (not (any "]" "^" "-")))
+ (should (equal (rx (any "^-f") (any "^-f" "-")
+ (any "^-f" "z") (any "^-f" "z" "-"))
+ "[_-f^][_-f^-][_-f^z][_-f^z-]"))
+ (should (equal (rx (not (any "^-f")) (not (any "^-f" "-"))
+ (not (any "^-f" "z")) (not (any "^-f" "z" "-")))
+ "[^^-f][^^-f-][^^-fz][^^-fz-]"))
+ (should (equal (rx (any "^-f" word) (any "^-f" "-" word))
+ "[_-f^[:word:]][_-f^[:word:]-]"))
+ (should (equal (rx (not (any "^-f" word)) (not (any "^-f" "-" word)))
+ "[^^-f[:word:]][^^-f[:word:]-]"))
(should (equal (rx (any "-" ascii) (any "^" ascii) (any "]" ascii))
(should (equal (rx (not (any "-" ascii)) (not (any "^" ascii))
(not (any "]" ascii)))
- "[^[:ascii:]-][^[:ascii:]^][^][:ascii:]]"))
+ "[^[:ascii:]-][^^[:ascii:]][^][:ascii:]]"))
(should (equal (rx (any "-]" ascii) (any "^]" ascii) (any "-^" ascii))
(should (equal (rx (not (any "-]" ascii)) (not (any "^]" ascii))
(not (any "-^" ascii)))
- "[^][:ascii:]-][^]^[:ascii:]][^[:ascii:]^-]"))
+ "[^][:ascii:]-][^]^[:ascii:]][^^[:ascii:]-]"))
(should (equal (rx (any "-]^" ascii) (not (any "-]^" ascii)))
(should (equal (rx (any "^" lower upper) (not (any "^" lower upper)))
- "[[:lower:]^[:upper:]][^[:lower:]^[:upper:]]"))
+ "[[:lower:]^[:upper:]][^^[:lower:][:upper:]]"))
(should (equal (rx (any "-" lower upper) (not (any "-" lower upper)))
(should (equal (rx (any "]" lower upper) (not (any "]" lower upper)))
(should (equal (rx (any "--]") (not (any "--]"))
(any "-" "^-a") (not (any "-" "^-a")))
- "[].-\\-][^].-\\-][-^-a][^-^-a]"))
+ "[].-\\-][^].-\\-][_-a^-][^^-a-]"))
(should (equal (rx (not (any "!a" "0-8" digit nonascii)))
(should (equal (rx (any) (not (any)))