(setenv "LC_MESSAGES" "C")
-(cl-defmethod search-indexed-search-command ((engine gnus-search-namazu)
- (qstring string)
- query &optional _groups)
+(cl-defmethod gnus-search-indexed-search-command ((engine gnus-search-namazu)
+ (qstring string)
+ query &optional _groups)
(let ((max (alist-get 'limit query)))
(with-slots (switches index-dir) engine
- `("-q" ; don't be verbose
- "-a" ; show all matches
- "-s" ; use short format
- ,(if max (format "--max=%d" max) "")
- ,@switches
- ,qstring ; the query, in namazu format
- ,index-dir ; index directory
- ))))
+ (nconc
+ (list "-q" ; don't be verbose
+ "-a" ; show all matches
+ "-s") ; use short format
+ (when max (list (format "--max=%d" max)))
+ switches
+ (list qstring index-dir)))))
(cl-defmethod gnus-search-indexed-extract ((engine gnus-search-namazu))
"Extract a single message result for Namazu.