;;;;;; cl-typecase cl-ecase cl-case cl-load-time-value cl-eval-when
;;;;;; cl-destructuring-bind cl-function cl-defmacro cl-defun cl-gentemp
;;;;;; cl-gensym cl--compiler-macro-cXXr cl--compiler-macro-list*)
-;;;;;; "cl-macs" "cl-macs.el" "a7228877484d2b39e1c2bee40b011734")
+;;;;;; "cl-macs" "cl-macs.el" "f254af8368e40df51f8b6440ec764a6a")
;;; Generated autoloads from cl-macs.el
(autoload 'cl--compiler-macro-list* "cl-macs" "\
(put 'cl-return-from 'lisp-indent-function '1)
(autoload 'cl-loop "cl-macs" "\
-The Common Lisp `cl-loop' macro.
+The Common Lisp `loop' macro.
Valid clauses are:
for VAR from/upfrom/downfrom NUM to/upto/downto/above/below NUM by NUM,
for VAR in LIST by FUNC, for VAR on LIST by FUNC, for VAR = INIT then EXPR,
\(fn CLAUSE...)" nil t)
(autoload 'cl-do "cl-macs" "\
-The Common Lisp `cl-do' loop.
+The Common Lisp `do' loop.
\(fn ((VAR INIT [STEP])...) (END-TEST [RESULT...]) BODY...)" nil t)
(put 'cl-do 'lisp-indent-function '2)
(autoload 'cl-do* "cl-macs" "\
-The Common Lisp `cl-do*' loop.
+The Common Lisp `do*' loop.
\(fn ((VAR INIT [STEP])...) (END-TEST [RESULT...]) BODY...)" nil t)
(put 'cl-progv 'lisp-indent-function '2)
(autoload 'cl-flet "cl-macs" "\
-Make temporary function definitions.
+Make local function definitions.
Like `cl-labels' but the definitions are not recursive.
\(fn ((FUNC ARGLIST BODY...) ...) FORM...)" nil t)
(put 'cl-flet 'lisp-indent-function '1)
(autoload 'cl-flet* "cl-macs" "\
-Make temporary function definitions.
+Make local function definitions.
Like `cl-flet' but the definitions can refer to previous ones.
\(fn ((FUNC ARGLIST BODY...) ...) FORM...)" nil t)