(cond ((null sev) 'eglot-error)
((<= sev 1) 'eglot-error)
((= sev 2) 'eglot-warning)
- (t 'eglot-note))))
+ (t 'eglot-note)))
+ (mess (source code message)
+ (concat source (and code (concat " [" code "]")) ": " message)))
(if-let ((buffer (find-buffer-visiting (eglot--uri-to-path uri))))
(with-current-buffer buffer
for diag-spec across diagnostics
- collect (eglot--dbind ((Diagnostic) range message severity source tags)
+ collect (eglot--dbind ((Diagnostic) range code message severity source tags)
- (setq message (concat source ": " message))
+ (setq message (mess source code message))
((`(,beg . ,end) (eglot--range-region range)))
;; Fallback to `flymake-diag-region' if server
with path = (expand-file-name (eglot--uri-to-path uri))
for diag-spec across diagnostics
- collect (eglot--dbind ((Diagnostic) range message severity source) diag-spec
- (setq message (concat source ": " message))
+ collect (eglot--dbind ((Diagnostic) code range message severity source) diag-spec
+ (setq message (mess source code message))
(let* ((start (plist-get range :start))
(line (1+ (plist-get start :line)))
(char (1+ (plist-get start :character))))