features (diminish, delight, ensure) may be maintained separately from the
core functionality.
+- When using the `:after` keyword, now even autoloadeds keybinding are
+ deferred until after that other package has loaded, in order to allow
+ convenient `:bind` to maps only present in that other package. Consider the
+ following:
+ ``` elisp
+ (use-package helm-descbinds
+ :load-path "site-lisp/helm-descbinds"
+ :after helm
+ :bind ("C-h b" . helm-descbinds)
+ :init
+ (fset 'describe-bindings 'helm-descbinds))
+ ```
+ The binding of `C-h b` here will not occur until helm is loaded; and after
+ it is loaded, `helm-descbinds` itself is not loaded until the user presses
+ `C-h b`.
### Bug fixes
- Repeating a bind no longer causes duplicates in personal-keybindings.