;;; Parser API supplement
+;; The primary parser will be access frequently (after each re-parse,
+;; before redisplay, etc, see
+;; `treesit--font-lock-mark-ranges-to-fontify'), so we don't want to
+;; allow it to be a callback function which returns the primary parser
+;; (it might be slow). It's not something that needs to be dynamic
+;; anyway.
+(defvar-local treesit-primary-parser nil
+ "The primary parser for this buffer.
+The primary parser should be a parser that parses the entire buffer, as
+opposed to embedded parsers which parses only part of the buffer.")
(defvar-local treesit-language-at-point-function nil
"A function that returns the language at point.
This is used by `treesit-language-at', which is used by various
collect (cons (+ (treesit-node-start node) offset-left)
(+ (treesit-node-end node) offset-right)))))
+(defun treesit-query-range-by-language
+ (node query language-fn &optional beg end offset)
+ "Like `treesit-query-range', but return multiple ranges by language.
+Return an alist of the form ((LANGUAGE . RANGES) ...), containing
+separate ranges for each language detected in the query.
+Query NODE with QUERY, the captured nodes generates ranges. Nodes
+captured by the `@language' capture name are converted to language
+symbols with LANGUAGE-FN.
+BEG, END, OFFSET are the same as in `treesit-query-range'."
+ (let ((offset-left (or (car offset) 0))
+ (offset-right (or (cdr offset) 0))
+ (ranges-by-language nil))
+ (dolist (match-group (treesit-query-capture node query beg end nil t))
+ (let* ((lang-node (alist-get 'language match-group))
+ (lang (funcall language-fn lang-node)))
+ (dolist (capture match-group)
+ (let ((name (car capture))
+ (node (cdr capture)))
+ (when (and (not (equal (symbol-name name) "language"))
+ (not (string-prefix-p "_" (symbol-name name))))
+ (push (cons (+ (treesit-node-start node) offset-left)
+ (+ (treesit-node-end node) offset-right))
+ (alist-get lang ranges-by-language)))))))
+ (mapcar (lambda (entry)
+ (cons (car entry)
+ (nreverse (cdr entry))))
+ ranges-by-language)))
(defun treesit-query-valid-p (language query)
"Return non-nil if QUERY is valid in LANGUAGE, nil otherwise."
Each QUERY is a tree-sitter query in either the string,
s-expression or compiled form.
-Capture names generally don't matter, but names that starts with
-an underscore are ignored.
+Capture names generally don't matter, but names that starts with an
+underscore are ignored. And `@language' is reserved.
For each QUERY, :KEYWORD and VALUE pairs add meta information to
it. For example,
:embed \\='javascript
:host \\='html
:offset \\='(1 . -1)
- \\='((script_element (raw_text) @cap)))
+ \\='((script_element (raw_text) @javascript)))
The `:embed' keyword specifies the embedded language, and the
`:host' keyword specifies the host language. They are used in
computes the ranges spanned by the captured nodes, and applies
these ranges to parsers for the embedded language.
+If the embed language is dynamic, then a function in place of the embed
+language symbol. This function will by passed a node and should return
+the language symbol for the embedded code block. The node is the one
+captured from QUERY with capture name `@language'. Also make sure the
+code block and language capture are in the same match group.
If there's a `:local' keyword with value t, the range computed by
this QUERY is given a dedicated local parser. Otherwise, the
range shares the same parser with other ranges.
(signal 'treesit-error (list "Value of :host option should be a symbol" host-lang)))
(setq host host-lang)))
(:embed (let ((embed-lang (pop query-specs)))
- (unless (symbolp embed-lang)
- (signal 'treesit-error (list "Value of :embed option should be a symbol" embed-lang)))
+ (unless (or (symbolp embed-lang) (functionp embed-lang))
+ (signal 'treesit-error (list "Value of :embed option should be a symbol or a function" embed-lang)))
(setq embed embed-lang)))
(:offset (let ((range-offset (pop query-specs)))
(unless (and (consp range-offset)
(nreverse res)))
(defun treesit-local-parsers-on (&optional beg end language with-host)
- "Return all the local parsers between BEG END.
+ "Return all the local parsers between BEG and END.
-BEG and END default to the beginning and end of the buffer's
-accessible portion.
-Local parsers are those which have an `embedded' tag, and only parse
-a limited region marked by an overlay with a non-nil `treesit-parser'
+BEG and END default to the beginning and end of the buffer's accessible
+Local parsers are those that have an `embedded' tag, and only parse a
+limited region marked by an overlay with a non-nil `treesit-parser'
property. If LANGUAGE is non-nil, only return parsers for LANGUAGE.
If WITH-HOST is non-nil, return a list of (PARSER . HOST-PARSER)
(treesit-parser-delete local-parser))
(delete-overlay ov)))))
+(defsubst treesit--parser-at-level (parsers level &optional include-null)
+ "Filter for parsers in PARSERS that has embed level equal to LEVEL.
+If INCLUDE-NULL is non-nil, also include parsers that has a nil embed
+ (seq-filter (lambda (parser)
+ (or (eq (treesit-parser-embed-level parser) level)
+ (and include-null
+ (null (treesit-parser-embed-level parser)))))
+ parsers))
+(defun treesit--update-ranges-non-local
+ ( host-parser query embed-lang embed-level
+ &optional beg end offset)
+ "Update range for non-local parsers between BEG and END under HOST-PARSER.
+OFFSET is a cons (OFFSET-START . OFFSET-END), the start and end will be
+added to each captured range as range offset.
+Use QUERY to get the ranges, and set ranges for embedded parsers to
+those ranges. HOST-PARSER and QUERY must match.
+EMBED-LANG is either a language symbol or a function that takes a node
+and return a language symbol.
+EMBED-LEVEL is the embed level for the local parsers being created or
+updated. When looking for existing local parsers, only look for parsers
+of this level; when creating new local parsers, set their level to this
+Return updated parsers."
+ (let ((ranges-by-lang
+ (if (functionp embed-lang)
+ (treesit-query-range-by-language
+ host-parser query embed-lang beg end offset)
+ (list (cons embed-lang
+ (treesit-query-range
+ host-parser query beg end offset)))))
+ (touched-parsers nil))
+ (dolist (lang-and-ranges ranges-by-lang)
+ (let* ((resolved-embed-lang (car lang-and-ranges))
+ (new-ranges (cdr lang-and-ranges))
+ (embed-parser
+ (car (treesit--parser-at-level
+ (treesit-parser-list nil resolved-embed-lang)
+ embed-level 'include-null))))
+ (when embed-parser
+ (let* ((old-ranges (treesit-parser-included-ranges
+ embed-parser))
+ (set-ranges (treesit--clip-ranges
+ (treesit--merge-ranges
+ old-ranges new-ranges beg end)
+ (point-min) (point-max))))
+ (treesit-parser-set-embed-level
+ embed-parser embed-level)
+ (treesit-parser-set-included-ranges
+ embed-parser (or set-ranges
+ ;; When there's no range for the
+ ;; embedded language, set it's
+ ;; range to a dummy (1 . 1),
+ ;; otherwise it would be set to
+ ;; the whole buffer, which is
+ ;; not what we want.
+ `((,(point-min) . ,(point-min)))))
+ (push embed-parser touched-parsers)))))
+ touched-parsers))
(defun treesit--update-ranges-local
- (query embedded-lang modified-tick &optional beg end)
- "Update range for local parsers between BEG and END.
+ ( host-parser query embedded-lang modified-tick embed-level
+ &optional beg end)
+ "Update range for local parsers between BEG and END under HOST-PARSER.
Use QUERY to get the ranges, and make sure each range has a local
-parser for EMBEDDED-LANG.
+parser for EMBEDDED-LANG. HOST-PARSER and QUERY must match.
The local parser is stored in an overlay, in the `treesit-parser'
property, the host parser is stored in the `treesit-host-parser'
When this function touches an overlay, it sets the
-`treesit-parser-ov-timestamp' property of the overlay to
-MODIFIED-TICK. This will help Emacs garbage-collect overlays that
-aren't in use anymore."
+`treesit-parser-ov-timestamp' property of the overlay to MODIFIED-TICK.
+This will help Emacs garbage-collect overlays that aren't in use
+EMBED-LEVEL is the embed level for the local parsers being created or
+updated. When looking for existing local parsers, only look for parsers
+of this level; when creating new local parsers, set their level to this
+Return the created local parsers in a list."
;; Update range.
- (let* ((host-lang (treesit-query-language query))
- (host-parser (car (treesit-parser-list nil host-lang)))
- (ranges (treesit-query-range host-parser query beg end)))
- (pcase-dolist (`(,beg . ,end) ranges)
- (let ((has-parser nil))
- (setq
- has-parser
- (catch 'done
- (dolist (ov (overlays-in beg end) nil)
- ;; Update range of local parser.
- (when-let* ((embedded-parser (overlay-get ov 'treesit-parser))
- (parser-lang (treesit-parser-language
- embedded-parser)))
- (when (eq parser-lang embedded-lang)
- (treesit-parser-set-included-ranges
- embedded-parser `((,beg . ,end)))
- (move-overlay ov beg end)
- (overlay-put ov 'treesit-parser-ov-timestamp
- modified-tick)
- (throw 'done t))))))
- ;; Create overlay and local parser.
- (when (not has-parser)
- (let ((embedded-parser (treesit-parser-create
- embedded-lang nil t 'embedded))
- (ov (make-overlay beg end nil nil t)))
- (overlay-put ov 'treesit-parser embedded-parser)
- (overlay-put ov 'treesit-host-parser host-parser)
- (overlay-put ov 'treesit-parser-ov-timestamp
- modified-tick)
- (treesit-parser-set-included-ranges
- embedded-parser `((,beg . ,end)))))))))
+ (let ((ranges-by-lang
+ (if (functionp embedded-lang)
+ (treesit-query-range-by-language
+ host-parser query embedded-lang beg end)
+ (list (cons embedded-lang
+ (treesit-query-range host-parser query beg end)))))
+ (touched-parsers nil))
+ (dolist (lang-and-range ranges-by-lang)
+ (let ((embedded-lang (car lang-and-range))
+ (ranges (cdr lang-and-range)))
+ (pcase-dolist (`(,beg . ,end) ranges)
+ (let ((existing-local-parser
+ (catch 'done
+ (dolist (ov (overlays-in beg end) nil)
+ ;; Update range of local parser.
+ (when-let* ((embedded-parser
+ (overlay-get ov 'treesit-parser))
+ (parser-lang (treesit-parser-language
+ embedded-parser))
+ (parser-level (treesit-parser-embed-level
+ embedded-parser)))
+ (when (and (eq parser-lang embedded-lang)
+ (eq embed-level parser-level))
+ (treesit-parser-set-included-ranges
+ embedded-parser `((,beg . ,end)))
+ (move-overlay ov beg end)
+ (overlay-put ov 'treesit-parser-ov-timestamp
+ modified-tick)
+ (throw 'done embedded-parser)))))))
+ (if existing-local-parser
+ (push existing-local-parser touched-parsers)
+ ;; Create overlay and local parser.
+ (let ((embedded-parser (treesit-parser-create
+ embedded-lang nil t 'embedded))
+ (ov (make-overlay beg end nil nil t)))
+ (treesit-parser-set-embed-level embedded-parser embed-level)
+ (overlay-put ov 'treesit-parser embedded-parser)
+ (overlay-put ov 'treesit-host-parser host-parser)
+ (overlay-put ov 'treesit-parser-ov-timestamp
+ modified-tick)
+ (treesit-parser-set-included-ranges
+ embedded-parser `((,beg . ,end)))
+ (push embedded-parser touched-parsers)))))))
+ touched-parsers))
+(defun treesit--update-range-1 (beg end host-parser settings embed-level)
+ "Given a HOST-PARSER, update ranges between BEG and END.
+Go over each settings in SETTINGS, try to create or update the embedded
+language in that setting. Return the created or updated embedded
+language parsers in a list.
+EMBED-LEVEL is the embed level for the embedded parser being created or
+updated. When looking for existing embedded parsers, only look for
+parsers of this level; when creating new parsers, set their level to
+this level."
+ (let ((touched-parsers nil)
+ (modified-tick (buffer-chars-modified-tick)))
+ (dolist (setting settings)
+ (let* ((query (nth 0 setting))
+ (query-lang (treesit-query-language query))
+ (embed-lang (nth 1 setting))
+ (local (nth 2 setting))
+ (offset (nth 3 setting)))
+ (when (eq query-lang (treesit-parser-language host-parser))
+ (cond
+ ((functionp query) (funcall query beg end))
+ (local
+ (setq touched-parsers
+ (append touched-parsers
+ (treesit--update-ranges-local
+ host-parser query embed-lang modified-tick
+ embed-level beg end))))
+ ;; When updating ranges, we want to avoid querying the whole
+ ;; buffer which could be slow in very large buffers.
+ ;; Instead, we only query for nodes that intersect with the
+ ;; region between BEG and END. Also, we only update the
+ ;; ranges intersecting BEG and END; outside of that region we
+ ;; inherit old ranges.
+ (t (setq touched-parsers
+ (append touched-parsers
+ (treesit--update-ranges-non-local
+ host-parser query embed-lang embed-level
+ beg end offset))))))))
+ touched-parsers))
(defun treesit-update-ranges (&optional beg end)
"Update the ranges for each language in the current buffer.
(let ((modified-tick (buffer-chars-modified-tick))
(beg (or beg (point-min)))
- (end (or end (point-max))))
- ;; When updating ranges, we want to avoid querying the whole buffer
- ;; which could be slow in very large buffers. Instead, we only
- ;; query for nodes that intersect with the region between BEG and
- ;; END. Also, we only update the ranges intersecting BEG and END;
- ;; outside of that region we inherit old ranges.
- (dolist (setting treesit-range-settings)
- (let ((query (nth 0 setting))
- (language (nth 1 setting))
- (local (nth 2 setting))
- (offset (nth 3 setting)))
- (cond
- ((functionp query) (funcall query beg end))
- (local
- (treesit--update-ranges-local
- query language modified-tick beg end))
- (t
- (let* ((host-lang (treesit-query-language query))
- (parser (car (treesit-parser-list nil language)))
- (old-ranges (treesit-parser-included-ranges parser))
- (new-ranges (treesit-query-range
- host-lang query beg end offset))
- (set-ranges (treesit--clip-ranges
- (treesit--merge-ranges
- old-ranges new-ranges beg end)
- (point-min) (point-max))))
- (dolist (parser (treesit-parser-list nil language))
- (treesit-parser-set-included-ranges
- parser (or set-ranges
- ;; When there's no range for the embedded
- ;; language, set it's range to a dummy (1
- ;; . 1), otherwise it would be set to the
- ;; whole buffer, which is not what we want.
- `((,(point-min) . ,(point-min)))))))))))
+ (end (or end (point-max)))
+ (host-parsers (list treesit-primary-parser))
+ (embed-level 0))
+ (while (and host-parsers (< embed-level 4))
+ (cl-incf embed-level)
+ (let ((next-round-of-host-parsers nil))
+ (dolist (host-parser host-parsers)
+ (setq next-round-of-host-parsers
+ (append next-round-of-host-parsers
+ (treesit--update-range-1
+ beg end host-parser
+ treesit-range-settings embed-level))))
+ (setq host-parsers next-round-of-host-parsers)))
(treesit--cleanup-local-range-overlays modified-tick beg end)))
(defun treesit-parser-range-on (parser beg &optional end)
"Generic tree-sitter font-lock error"
-;; The primary parser will be access frequently (after each re-parse,
-;; before redisplay, etc, see
-;; `treesit--font-lock-mark-ranges-to-fontify'), so we don't want to
-;; allow it to be a callback function which returns the primary parser
-;; (it might be slow). It's not something that needs to be dynamic
-;; anyway.
-(defvar-local treesit-primary-parser nil
- "The primary parser for this buffer.
-The primary parser should be a parser that parses the entire buffer, as
-opposed to embedded parsers which parses only part of the buffer.")
(defvar-local treesit-font-lock-settings nil
"A list of SETTINGs for treesit-based fontification.
do (setq start (overlay-start ov))
if (treesit-node-eq end-node (overlay-get ov 'treesit-node))
do (setq end (overlay-end ov)))
+ ;; FIXME: Fix highlighting for a node that spans across multiple
+ ;; ranges: the buffer region in-between ranges shouldn't be
+ ;; highlighted.
(when (and start end)
(setq-local treesit--explorer-highlight-overlay
(make-overlay start end))