## Some manuals have their source in .org format.
## This is discouraged because the .texi files it generates
## are not as well formatted as handwritten ones.
-ORG_SRC = org modus-themes
+ORG_SETUP = $(wildcard ${srcdir}/*-setup.org)
+ORG_SRC = $(filter-out ${ORG_SETUP},$(wildcard ${srcdir}/*.org))
# There are some naming differences between the info targets and the other
# targets, so let's resolve them here.
# Work in srcdir (and use abs_top_builddir) so that +setupfile and
# things like org-setup's "version" macro work. Sigh.
define org_template
- $${srcdir}/$(1).texi: $${srcdir}/$(1).org
+ $(1:.org=.texi): $(1)
@rm -f $$@
$${AM_V_GEN}cd "$${srcdir}" && $${emacs} -l ox-texinfo \
-f org-texinfo-export-to-texinfo-batch $$< $$@
$(foreach orgfile,${ORG_SRC},$(eval $(call org_template,$(orgfile))))
-${srcdir}/org.texi: ${srcdir}/org-setup.org
+## foo.org depends on foo-setup.org, if the latter exists.
+define org_setup_template
+ $(1:-setup.org=.texi): $(1)
+$(foreach orgfile,${ORG_SETUP},$(eval $(call org_setup_template,$(orgfile))))
.PHONY: mostlyclean clean distclean bootstrap-clean maintainer-clean