-include ${top_builddir}/src/verbose.mk
-# Load any GNU ELPA dependencies that are present, for optional tests.
-GNU_ELPA_DIRECTORY ?= $(srcdir)/../../elpa
-# Keep elpa_dependencies dependency-ordered.
-elpa_dependencies = \
- url-http-ntlm/url-http-ntlm.el \
- web-server/web-server.el
-elpa_els = $(addprefix $(GNU_ELPA_DIRECTORY)/packages/,$(elpa_dependencies))
-elpa_opts = $(foreach el,$(elpa_els),$(and $(wildcard $(el)),-L $(dir $(el)) -l $(el)))
# We never change directory before running Emacs, so a relative file
# name is fine, and makes life easier. If we need to change
# directory, we can use emacs --chdir.
# Command line flags for Emacs.
# Apparently MSYS bash would convert "-L :" to "-L ;" anyway,
# but we might as well be explicit.
-EMACSOPT = --no-init-file --no-site-file --no-site-lisp -L "$(SEPCHAR)$(srcdir)" $(elpa_opts) $(EMACS_EXTRAOPT)
+EMACSOPT = --no-init-file --no-site-file --no-site-lisp -L "$(SEPCHAR)$(srcdir)" $(EMACS_EXTRAOPT)
# Prevent any settings in the user environment causing problems.
$(if $(findstring $(MAKECMDGOALS), all check check-maybe),no,yes)
# Additional settings for ert.
-ert_opts += $(elpa_opts)
+ert_opts =
# Maximum length of lines in ert backtraces; nil for no limit.
# (if empty, use the default ert-batch-backtrace-right-margin).
env REMOTE_TEMPORARY_FILE_DIRECTORY=/ssh:host:/tmp make ...
-Some optional tests require packages from GNU ELPA. By default
-../../elpa will be checked for these packages. If GNU ELPA is checked
-out somewhere else, use
- make GNU_ELPA_DIRECTORY=/path/to/elpa ...
There are also continuous integration tests on
<https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/gnu/emacs-trunk> (see
(declare-function ws-start nil)
(declare-function ws-stop-all nil)
-(require 'web-server nil t)
-(require 'url-http-ntlm nil t)
+ (push (expand-file-name "../elpa/packages/web-server/" source-directory)
+ load-path)
+ (require 'web-server nil t)
+ (push (expand-file-name "../elpa/packages/url-http-ntlm/" source-directory)
+ load-path)
+ (require 'url-http-ntlm nil t))
(defun ntlm-server-do-token (request _process)
"Process an NTLM client's REQUEST.