** The German prefix and postfix input methods now support Capital sharp S.
+** New input methods hawaiian-postfix and hawaiian-prefix.
** New function 'exec-path'.
This function by default returns the value of the corresponding
("z~~" ["z~"])
+;;; Hawaiian postfix input method. It's a small subset of Latin-4
+;;; with the addition of an ʻokina mapping. Hopefully the ʻokina shows
+;;; correctly on most displays.
+;;; This reference is an authoritative guide to Hawaiian orthography:
+;;; http://www2.hawaii.edu/~strauch/tips/HawaiianOrthography.html
+;;; Initial coding 2018-09-08 Bob Newell, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi
+;;; Comments to bobnewell@bobnewell.net
+ "hawaiian-postfix" "Hawaiian Postfix" "H<" t
+ "Hawaiian characters input method with postfix modifiers
+ | postfix | examples
+ ------------+---------+----------
+ ʻokina | \\=` | \\=` -> ʻ
+ kahakō | - | a- -> ā
+Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix. a-- -> a-
+" nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t)
+ ("A-" ?Ā)
+ ("E-" ?Ē)
+ ("I~" ?Ĩ)
+ ("O-" ?Ō)
+ ("U-" ?Ū)
+ ("a-" ?ā)
+ ("e-" ?ē)
+ ("i-" ?ī)
+ ("o-" ?ō)
+ ("u-" ?ū)
+ ("`" ?ʻ)
+ ("A--" ["A-"])
+ ("E--" ["E-"])
+ ("I--" ["I-"])
+ ("O--" ["O-"])
+ ("U--" ["U-"])
+ ("a--" ["a-"])
+ ("e--" ["e-"])
+ ("i--" ["i-"])
+ ("o--" ["o-"])
+ ("u--" ["u-"])
+ ("``" ["`"])
+ )
"latin-5-postfix" "Latin-5" "5<" t
"Latin-5 characters input method with postfix modifiers
("~~" ?¸)
+;;; Hawaiian prefix input method. It's a small subset of Latin-4
+;;; with the addition of an ʻokina mapping. Hopefully the ʻokina shows
+;;; correctly on most displays.
+;;; This reference is an authoritative guide to Hawaiian orthography:
+;;; http://www2.hawaii.edu/~strauch/tips/HawaiianOrthography.html
+;;; Initial coding 2018-09-08 Bob Newell, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi
+;;; Comments to bobnewell@bobnewell.net
+ "hawaiian-prefix" "Hawaiian Prefix" "H>" t
+ "Hawaiian characters input method with postfix modifiers
+ | prefix | examples
+ ------------+---------+----------
+ ʻokina | \\=` | \\=` -> ʻ
+ kahakō | - | -a -> ā
+Doubling the prefix separates the letter and prefix. --a -> -a
+" nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t)
+ ("-A" ?Ā)
+ ("-E" ?Ē)
+ ("~I" ?Ĩ)
+ ("-O" ?Ō)
+ ("-U" ?Ū)
+ ("-a" ?ā)
+ ("-e" ?ē)
+ ("-i" ?ī)
+ ("-o" ?ō)
+ ("-u" ?ū)
+ ("`" ?ʻ)
+ ("--A" ["-A"])
+ ("--E" ["-E"])
+ ("--I" ["-I"])
+ ("--O" ["-O"])
+ ("--U" ["-U"])
+ ("--a" ["-a"])
+ ("--e" ["-e"])
+ ("--i" ["-i"])
+ ("--o" ["-o"])
+ ("--u" ["-u"])
+ ("``" ["`"])
+ )
;;; latin-pre.el ends here