'module-file-suffix' now has the value ".dylib" on macOS, but the
".so" suffix is supported as well.
+** On macOS, Emacs now supports native tabs (in macOS 10.12 and later).
+Native tabbing behavior is specified system-wide via System
+Preferences, under under General > 'Prefer tabs when opening
+documents'. In macOS versions 10.15 and earlier, this option is
+located under Dock instead. Note that this feature is unrelated to the
+Emacs 'tab-bar-mode'.
** On MS-Windows, Emacs can now toggle the IME.
A new function 'w32-set-ime-open-status' can now be used to disable
selector:@selector (viewDidResize:)
name:NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification object:nil];
- /* macOS Sierra automatically enables tabbed windows. We can't
- allow this to be enabled until it's available on a Free system.
- Currently it only happens by accident and is buggy anyway. */
- if ([win respondsToSelector: @selector(setTabbingMode:)])
- [win setTabbingMode: NSWindowTabbingModeDisallowed];
return self;