# the same distribution terms as the rest of that program.
# Generated by gnulib-tool.
-# Reproduce by: gnulib-tool --import --dir=. --lib=libgnu --source-base=lib --m4-base=m4 --doc-base=doc --tests-base=tests --aux-dir=build-aux --avoid=close --avoid=dup --avoid=fchdir --avoid=fstat --avoid=malloc-posix --avoid=msvc-inval --avoid=msvc-nothrow --avoid=open --avoid=openat-die --avoid=opendir --avoid=raise --avoid=save-cwd --avoid=select --avoid=sigprocmask --avoid=sys_types --avoid=threadlib --makefile-name=gnulib.mk --conditional-dependencies --no-libtool --macro-prefix=gl --no-vc-files alloca-opt byteswap c-ctype c-strcase careadlinkat close-stream count-one-bits count-trailing-zeros crypto/md5 crypto/sha1 crypto/sha256 crypto/sha512 dtoastr dtotimespec dup2 environ execinfo faccessat fcntl fcntl-h fdatasync fdopendir filemode fstatat fsync getloadavg getopt-gnu gettime gettimeofday intprops largefile lstat manywarnings memrchr mkostemp mktime pipe2 pselect pthread_sigmask putenv qacl readlink readlinkat sig2str socklen stat-time stdalign stdarg stdbool stdio strftime strtoimax strtoumax symlink sys_stat sys_time time timer-time timespec-add timespec-sub unsetenv utimens warnings
+# Reproduce by: gnulib-tool --import --dir=. --lib=libgnu --source-base=lib --m4-base=m4 --doc-base=doc --tests-base=tests --aux-dir=build-aux --avoid=close --avoid=dup --avoid=fchdir --avoid=fstat --avoid=malloc-posix --avoid=msvc-inval --avoid=msvc-nothrow --avoid=open --avoid=openat-die --avoid=opendir --avoid=raise --avoid=save-cwd --avoid=select --avoid=sigprocmask --avoid=stdarg --avoid=stdbool --avoid=threadlib --makefile-name=gnulib.mk --conditional-dependencies --no-libtool --macro-prefix=gl --no-vc-files alloca-opt binary-io byteswap c-ctype c-strcase careadlinkat close-stream count-one-bits count-trailing-zeros crypto/md5 crypto/sha1 crypto/sha256 crypto/sha512 dtoastr dtotimespec dup2 environ execinfo faccessat fcntl fcntl-h fdatasync fdopendir filemode fstatat fsync getloadavg getopt-gnu gettime gettimeofday intprops largefile lstat manywarnings memrchr mkostemp mktime pipe2 pselect pthread_sigmask putenv qacl readlink readlinkat sig2str socklen stat-time stdalign stdio strftime strtoimax strtoumax symlink sys_stat sys_time time timer-time timespec-add timespec-sub unsetenv update-copyright utimens vla warnings
MOSTLYCLEANFILES += core *.stackdump
EXTRA_libgnu_a_SOURCES =
+## begin gnulib module absolute-header
+# Use this preprocessor expression to decide whether #include_next works.
+# Do not rely on a 'configure'-time test for this, since the expression
+# might appear in an installed header, which is used by some other compiler.
+HAVE_INCLUDE_NEXT = (__GNUC__ || 60000000 <= __DECC_VER)
+## end gnulib module absolute-header
## begin gnulib module alloca-opt
## end gnulib module alloca-opt
+## begin gnulib module binary-io
+libgnu_a_SOURCES += binary-io.h binary-io.c
+## end gnulib module binary-io
## begin gnulib module byteswap
libgnu_a_SOURCES += md5.c
-EXTRA_DIST += md5.h
+EXTRA_DIST += gl_openssl.h md5.h
## end gnulib module crypto/md5
libgnu_a_SOURCES += sha1.c
-EXTRA_DIST += sha1.h
+EXTRA_DIST += gl_openssl.h sha1.h
## end gnulib module crypto/sha1
libgnu_a_SOURCES += sha256.c
-EXTRA_DIST += sha256.h
+EXTRA_DIST += gl_openssl.h sha256.h
## end gnulib module crypto/sha256
libgnu_a_SOURCES += sha512.c
-EXTRA_DIST += sha512.h
+EXTRA_DIST += gl_openssl.h sha512.h
## end gnulib module crypto/sha512
## end gnulib module fsync
+## begin gnulib module getdtablesize
+if gl_GNULIB_ENABLED_getdtablesize
+EXTRA_DIST += getdtablesize.c
+EXTRA_libgnu_a_SOURCES += getdtablesize.c
+## end gnulib module getdtablesize
## begin gnulib module getgroups
if gl_GNULIB_ENABLED_getgroups
## end gnulib module group-member
-## begin gnulib module ignore-value
-EXTRA_DIST += ignore-value.h
-## end gnulib module ignore-value
## begin gnulib module intprops
## end gnulib module unsetenv
+## begin gnulib module update-copyright
+EXTRA_DIST += $(top_srcdir)/build-aux/update-copyright
+## end gnulib module update-copyright
## begin gnulib module utimens
libgnu_a_SOURCES += utimens.c
## end gnulib module verify
+## begin gnulib module vla
+EXTRA_DIST += vla.h
+## end gnulib module vla
## begin gnulib module xalloc-oversized
if gl_GNULIB_ENABLED_682e609604ccaac6be382e4ee3a4eaec