$(AM_V_ELC)$(emacs) -f batch-byte-compile $<
## Save logs, and show logs for failed tests.
-WRITE_LOG = > $@ 2>&1 || { STAT=$$?; cat $@; exit $$STAT; }
+WRITE_LOG = $(if $(and ${NIX_STORE}, $(findstring tramp, $@)), |& tee $@, > $@ 2>&1) \
+ || { STAT=$$?; cat $@; exit $$STAT; }
ifeq ($(TEST_LOAD_EL), yes)
testloadfile = $*.el
%.log: %.elc
$(AM_V_at)${MKDIR_P} $(dir $@)
$(AM_V_GEN)HOME=/nonexistent $(emacs) -l ert -l $(testloadfile) \
- --eval "(ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit ${SELECTOR_ACTUAL})" \
- $(if $(and ${NIX_STORE}, $(findstring tramp, $(testloadfile))), , ${WRITE_LOG})
+ --eval "(ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit ${SELECTOR_ACTUAL})" ${WRITE_LOG}
ifeq (@HAVE_MODULES@, yes)
maybe_exclude_module_tests :=
(should-not (file-attributes file))
(should (file-attributes file)))
;; Send string to process.
+ (tramp--test-message
+ "Trace 1 action %d %s %s" count buf (current-time-string))
(process-send-string proc (format "%s\n" (buffer-name buf)))
+ (tramp--test-message
+ "Trace 2 action %d %s %s" count buf (current-time-string))
(accept-process-output proc 0.1 nil 0)
;; Regular operation.
+ (tramp--test-message
+ "Trace 3 action %d %s %s" count buf (current-time-string))
(if (= count 2)
(should-not (file-attributes file))
(should (file-attributes file)))