% card version 1.9, by Stephen Gildea.
% This file can be printed with 1, 2, or 3 columns per page (see below).
-% Specify how many you want here. Nothing else needs to be changed.
+% Specify how many you want here.
+% PDF output layout. 0 for A4, 1 for letter (US), a `l' is added for
+% a landscape layout.
+\input pdflayout.sty
+% Nothing else needs to be changed.
% Typical command to format: tex calccard.tex
% Typical command to print (3 cols): dvips -t landscape calccard.dvi
% Local variables:
-% compile-command: "tex calccard"
+% compile-command: "pdftex calccard"
% End:
% arch-tag: a2764f34-ec23-4083-bd5c-53f9e70a5da9