(- (point) length (- hend))
'sweeprolog-hole t
- 'font-lock-face (list (sweeprolog-hole-face))
+ 'font-lock-face (list 'sweeprolog-hole)
'rear-nonsticky '(sweeprolog-hole
:package-version '((sweeprolog . "0.3.2"))
:group 'sweeprolog-faces)
- (defmacro sweeprolog-defface (name def light dark doc)
- "Define sweeprolog face FACE with doc DOC."
- (declare
- (indent defun)
- (doc-string 5))
- (let* ((sn (symbol-name name))
- (func (intern (concat "sweeprolog-" sn "-face")))
- (facd (intern (concat "sweeprolog-" sn "-dark")))
- (facl (intern (concat "sweeprolog-" sn "-light")))
- (face (intern (concat "sweeprolog-" sn))))
- `(progn
- (defface ,facl
- '((default . ,light))
- ,(concat "Light face used to highlight " (downcase doc))
- :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
- (defface ,facd
- '((default . ,dark))
- ,(concat "Dark face used to highlight " (downcase doc))
- :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
- (defface ,face
- '((default . ,def))
- ,(concat "Face used to highlight " (downcase doc))
- :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
- (defun ,func ()
- ,(concat "Return the face used to highlight " (downcase doc))
- (pcase sweeprolog-faces-style
- ('light ',facl)
- ('dark ',facd)
- (_ ',face)))))))
- function
- (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face)
- (:foreground "blue")
- (:foreground "cyan")
- "Arithmetic functions.")
- no-function
- (:inherit font-lock-warning-face)
- (:foreground "red")
- (:foreground "red")
- "Unknown arithmetic functions.")
- functor
- (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face)
- (:foreground "navyblue")
- (:foreground "darkcyan")
- "Functors.")
- arity
- (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face)
- (:foreground "navyblue")
- (:foreground "darkcyan")
- "Arities.")
- predicate-indicator
- (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face)
- (:foreground "navyblue")
- (:foreground "darkcyan")
- "Predicate indicators.")
- built-in
- (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)
- (:foreground "blue")
- (:foreground "cyan")
- "Built in predicate calls.")
- neck
- (:inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face)
- (:weight bold)
- (:weight bold)
- "Necks.")
- goal
- (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face)
- (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face)
- (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face)
- "Unspecified predicate goals.")
- string
- (:inherit font-lock-string-face)
- (:foreground "navyblue")
- (:foreground "palegreen")
- "Strings.")
- comment
- (:inherit font-lock-comment-face)
- (:foreground "darkgreen")
- (:foreground "green")
- "Comments.")
- head-built-in
- (:background "orange" :weight bold)
- (:background "orange" :weight bold)
- (:background "orange" :weight bold)
- "Built-in predicate definitons.")
- method
- (:weight bold)
- (:weight bold)
- (:weight bold)
- "PCE classes.")
- class
- (:underline t)
- (:underline t)
- (:underline t)
- "PCE classes.")
- no-file
- (:foreground "red")
- (:foreground "red")
- (:foreground "red")
- "Non-existsing file specifications.")
- head-local
- (:inherit font-lock-builtin-face)
- (:weight bold)
- (:weight bold)
- "Local predicate definitions.")
- head-meta
- (:inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face)
- nil nil
- "Meta predicate definitions.")
- head-dynamic
- (:inherit font-lock-constant-face)
- (:foreground "magenta" :weight bold)
- (:foreground "magenta" :weight bold)
- "Dynamic predicate definitions.")
- head-multifile
- (:inherit font-lock-type-face)
- (:foreground "navyblue" :weight bold)
- (:foreground "palegreen" :weight bold)
- "Multifile predicate definitions.")
- head-extern
- (:inherit font-lock-type-face)
- (:foreground "blue" :weight bold)
- (:foreground "cyan" :weight bold)
- "External predicate definitions.")
- head-test
- (:inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face)
- (:foreground "#01bdbd" :weight bold)
- (:foreground "#01bdbd" :weight bold)
- "Unreferenced predicate definitions.")
- head-unreferenced
- (:inherit font-lock-warning-face)
- (:foreground "red" :weight bold)
- (:foreground "red" :weight bold)
- "Unreferenced predicate definitions.")
- head-exported
- (:inherit font-lock-builtin-face)
- (:foreground "blue" :weight bold)
- (:foreground "cyan" :weight bold)
- "Exported predicate definitions.")
- head-hook
- (:inherit font-lock-type-face)
- (:foreground "blue" :underline t)
- (:foreground "cyan" :underline t)
- "Hook definitions.")
- head-iso
- (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)
- (:background "orange" :weight bold)
- (:background "orange" :weight bold)
- "ISO specified predicate definitions.")
- head-def-iso
- (:inherit font-lock-builtin-face)
- (:foreground "blue" :weight bold)
- (:foreground "cyan" :weight bold)
- "Built-in ISO specified predicate definitions.")
- head-def-swi
- (:inherit font-lock-builtin-face)
- (:foreground "blue" :weight bold)
- (:foreground "cyan" :weight bold)
- "Built-in SWI-Prolog predicate definitions.")
- head-imported
- (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face)
- (:foreground "darkgoldenrod4" :weight bold)
- (:foreground "darkgoldenrod4" :weight bold)
- "Imported head terms.")
- head-undefined
- (:inherit font-lock-warning-face)
- (:weight bold)
- (:weight bold)
- "Undefined head terms.")
- head-public
- (:inherit font-lock-builtin-face)
- (:foreground "#016300" :weight bold)
- (:foreground "#016300" :weight bold)
- "Public definitions.")
- head-constraint
- (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face)
- (:foreground "navyblue")
- (:foreground "palegreen")
- "Constraint definitions.")
- meta-spec
- (:inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face)
- (:inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face)
- (:inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face)
- "Meta argument specifiers.")
- recursion
- (:inherit font-lock-builtin-face)
- (:underline t)
- (:underline t)
- "Recursive calls.")
- local
- (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face)
- (:foreground "navyblue")
- (:foreground "darkcyan")
- "Local predicate calls.")
- expanded
- (:inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face)
- (:foreground "blue" :underline t)
- (:foreground "cyan" :underline t)
- "Expanded predicate calls.")
- autoload
- (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face)
- (:foreground "navyblue")
- (:foreground "darkcyan")
- "Autoloaded predicate calls.")
- imported
- (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face)
- (:foreground "blue")
- (:foreground "cyan")
- "Imported predicate calls.")
- extern
- (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face)
- (:foreground "blue" :underline t)
- (:foreground "cyan" :underline t)
- "External predicate calls.")
- foreign
- (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)
- (:foreground "darkturquoise")
- (:foreground "darkturquoise")
- "Foreign predicate calls.")
- meta
- (:inherit font-lock-type-face)
- (:foreground "red4")
- (:foreground "red4")
- "Meta predicate calls.")
- undefined
- (:inherit font-lock-warning-face)
- (:foreground "red")
- (:foreground "orange")
- "Undefined predicate calls.")
- thread-local
- (:inherit font-lock-constant-face)
- (:foreground "magenta" :underline t)
- (:foreground "magenta" :underline t)
- "Thread local predicate calls.")
- not-callable
- (:inherit font-lock-warning-face)
- (:background "orange")
- (:background "orange")
- "Terms that are not callable.")
- constraint
- (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face)
- (:foreground "navyblue")
- (:foreground "palegreen")
- "Constraint calls.")
- global
- (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)
- (:foreground "magenta")
- (:foreground "darkcyan")
- "Global predicate calls.")
- multifile
- (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face)
- (:foreground "navyblue")
- (:foreground "palegreen")
- "Multifile predicate calls.")
- dynamic
- (:inherit font-lock-constant-face)
- (:foreground "magenta")
- (:foreground "magenta")
- "Dynamic predicate calls.")
- undefined-import
- (:inherit font-lock-warning-face)
- (:foreground "red")
- (:foreground "red")
- "Undefined imports.")
- html-attribute
- (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face)
- (:foreground "magenta4")
- (:foreground "magenta4")
- "HTML attributes.")
- html-call
- (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)
- (:foreground "magenta4" :weight bold)
- (:foreground "magenta4" :weight bold)
- "HTML calls.")
- option-name
- (:inherit font-lock-constant-face)
- (:foreground "#3434ba")
- (:foreground "#3434ba")
- "Option names.")
- no-option-name
- (:inherit font-lock-warning-face)
- (:foreground "red")
- (:foreground "orange")
- "Non-existent option names.")
- flag-name
- (:inherit font-lock-constant-face)
- (:foreground "blue")
- (:foreground "cyan")
- "Flag names.")
- no-flag-name
- (:inherit font-lock-warning-face)
- (:foreground "red")
- (:foreground "red")
- "Non-existent flag names.")
- qq-type
- (:inherit font-lock-type-face)
- (:weight bold)
- (:weight bold)
- "Quasi-quotation types.")
- qq-sep
- (:inherit font-lock-type-face)
- (:weight bold)
- (:weight bold)
- "Quasi-quotation separators.")
- qq-open
- (:inherit font-lock-type-face)
- (:weight bold)
- (:weight bold)
- "Quasi-quotation open sequences.")
- qq-content
- nil
- (:foreground "red4")
- (:foreground "red4")
- "Quasi-quotation content.")
- qq-close
- (:inherit font-lock-type-face)
- (:weight bold)
- (:weight bold)
- "Quasi-quotation close sequences.")
- op-type
- (:inherit font-lock-type-face)
- (:foreground "blue")
- (:foreground "cyan")
- "Operator types.")
- dict-tag
- (:inherit font-lock-constant-face)
- (:weight bold)
- (:weight bold)
- "Dict tags.")
- dict-key
- (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)
- (:weight bold)
- (:weight bold)
- "Dict keys.")
- dict-sep
- (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)
- (:weight bold)
- (:weight bold)
- "Dict separators.")
- dict-return-op
- (:inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face)
- (:foreground "blue")
- (:foreground "cyan")
- "Dict return operators.")
- dict-function
- (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face)
- (:foreground "navyblue")
- (:foreground "darkcyan")
- "Dict functions.")
- func-dot
- (:inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face)
- (:weight bold)
- (:weight bold)
- "Dict function dots.")
- file
- (:inherit button)
- (:foreground "blue" :underline t)
- (:foreground "cyan" :underline t)
- "File specifiers.")
- file-no-depend
- (:inherit font-lock-warning-face)
- (:foreground "blue" :underline t :background "pink")
- (:foreground "cyan" :underline t :background "pink")
- "Unused file specifiers.")
- unused-import
- (:inherit font-lock-warning-face)
- (:foreground "blue" :background "pink")
- (:foreground "cyan" :background "pink")
- "Unused imports.")
- identifier
- (:inherit font-lock-type-face)
- (:weight bold)
- (:weight bold)
- "Identifiers.")
- hook
- (:inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face)
- (:foreground "blue" :underline t)
- (:foreground "cyan" :underline t)
- "Hooks.")
- module
- (:inherit font-lock-type-face)
- (:foreground "darkslateblue")
- (:foreground "lightslateblue")
- "Module names.")
- singleton
- (:inherit font-lock-warning-face)
- (:foreground "red4" :weight bold)
- (:foreground "orangered1" :weight bold)
- "Singletons.")
- fullstop
- (:inherit font-lock-negation-char-face)
- (:inherit font-lock-negation-char-face)
- (:inherit font-lock-negation-char-face)
- "Fullstops.")
- nil
- (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)
- (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)
- (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)
- "The empty list.")
- variable-at-point
- (:underline t)
- (:underline t)
- (:underline t)
- "Variables.")
- variable
- (:inherit font-lock-variable-name-face)
- (:foreground "red4")
- (:foreground "orangered1")
- "Variables.")
- ext-quant
- (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)
- (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)
- (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)
- "Existential quantifiers.")
- keyword
- (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)
- (:foreground "blue")
- (:foreground "cyan")
- "Control constructs.")
- control
- (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)
- (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)
- (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)
- "Control constructs.")
- atom
- (:inherit font-lock-constant-face)
- (:inherit font-lock-constant-face)
- (:inherit font-lock-constant-face)
- "Atoms.")
- int
- (:inherit font-lock-constant-face)
- (:inherit font-lock-constant-face)
- (:inherit font-lock-constant-face)
- "Integers.")
- float
- (:inherit font-lock-constant-face)
- (:inherit font-lock-constant-face)
- (:inherit font-lock-constant-face)
- "Floats.")
- rational
- (:inherit font-lock-constant-face)
- (:foreground "steelblue")
- (:foreground "steelblue")
- "Rationals.")
- chars
- (:inherit font-lock-constant-face)
- (:foreground "navyblue")
- (:foreground "palegreen")
- "Chars.")
- codes
- (:inherit font-lock-constant-face)
- (:foreground "navyblue")
- (:foreground "palegreen")
- "Codes.")
- error
- (:inherit font-lock-warning-face)
- (:background "orange")
- (:background "orange")
- "Unspecified errors.")
- type-error
- (:inherit font-lock-warning-face)
- (:background "orange")
- (:background "orange")
- "Type errors.")
- instantiation-error
- (:inherit font-lock-warning-face)
- (:background "orange")
- (:background "orange")
- "Instantiation errors.")
- syntax-error
- (:inherit error)
- (:background "orange")
- (:background "orange")
- "Syntax errors.")
-(sweeprolog-defface around-syntax-error nil nil nil
- "Text around a syntax error.")
-(sweeprolog-defface clause nil nil nil
- "Predicate clauses.")
-(sweeprolog-defface grammar-rule nil nil nil
- "DCG grammar rules.")
-(sweeprolog-defface term nil nil nil
- "Top terms.")
-(sweeprolog-defface body nil nil nil
- "Clause and query bodies.")
-(sweeprolog-defface directive nil nil nil
- "Directives.")
- string-comment
- (:inherit font-lock-doc-face)
- (:inherit font-lock-doc-face :foreground "darkgreen")
- (:inherit font-lock-doc-face :foreground "green")
- "String comments.")
- structured-comment
- (:inherit font-lock-doc-face)
- (:inherit font-lock-doc-face :foreground "darkgreen")
- (:inherit font-lock-doc-face :foreground "green")
- "Structured comments.")
- hole
- (:box t)
- (:box t)
- (:box t)
- "Holes.")
- macro
- (:inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face)
- (:foreground "blue" :underline t)
- (:foreground "cyan" :underline t)
- "Macros.")
- declaration-option
- (:weight bold)
- (:weight bold)
- (:weight bold)
- "Declaration options.")
- dcg-string
- (:inherit font-lock-string-face)
- (:foreground "navyblue")
- (:foreground "palegreen")
- "DCG terminal strings.")
+ 'sweeprolog-faces-style
+ (concat
+ "This option is deprecated and will be removed "
+ "in a future version of Sweep. "
+ "To emulate the color scheme of PceEmacs, use the "
+ "`sweeprolog-pce' custom theme instead.")
+ "Sweep version 0.21.0")
+(defface sweeprolog-function
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-function-name-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog arithmetic functions."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-no-function
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-warning-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog unknown arithmetic functions."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-functor
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-function-name-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog functors."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-arity
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-function-name-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog arities."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-predicate-indicator
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-function-name-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog predicate indicators."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-built-in
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog built in predicate calls."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-neck
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog necks."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-goal
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-function-name-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog unspecified predicate goals."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-string
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-string-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog strings."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-comment
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-comment-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog comments."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-head-built-in
+ '((t :background "orange" :weight bold))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog built-in predicate definitons."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-method
+ '((t :weight bold))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog pce classes."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-class
+ '((t :underline t))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog pce classes."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-no-file
+ '((t :foreground "red"))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog non-existsing file specifications."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-head-local
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-builtin-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog local predicate definitions."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-head-meta
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog meta predicate definitions."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-head-dynamic
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-constant-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog dynamic predicate definitions."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-head-multifile
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-type-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog multifile predicate definitions."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-head-extern
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-type-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog external predicate definitions."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-head-test
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog unreferenced predicate definitions."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-head-unreferenced
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-warning-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog unreferenced predicate definitions."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-head-exported
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-builtin-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog exported predicate definitions."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-head-hook
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-type-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog hook definitions."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-head-iso
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog iso specified predicate definitions."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-head-def-iso
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-builtin-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog built-in ISO specified predicate definitions."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-head-def-swi
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-builtin-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog built-in SWI-Prolog predicate definitions."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-head-imported
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-function-name-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog imported head terms."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-head-undefined
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-warning-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog undefined head terms."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-head-public
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-builtin-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog public definitions."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-head-constraint
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-function-name-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog constraint definitions."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-meta-spec
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog meta argument specifiers."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-recursion
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-builtin-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog recursive calls."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-local
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-function-name-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog local predicate calls."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-expanded
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog expanded predicate calls."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-autoload
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-function-name-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog autoloaded predicate calls."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-imported
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-function-name-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog imported predicate calls."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-extern
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-function-name-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog external predicate calls."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-foreign
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog foreign predicate calls."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-meta
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-type-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog meta predicate calls."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-undefined
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-warning-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog undefined predicate calls."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-thread-local
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-constant-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog thread local predicate calls."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-not-callable
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-warning-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog terms that are not callable."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-constraint
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-function-name-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog constraint calls."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-global
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog global predicate calls."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-multifile
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-function-name-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog multifile predicate calls."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-dynamic
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-constant-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog dynamic predicate calls."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-undefined-import
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-warning-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog undefined imports."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-html-attribute
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-function-name-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog html attributes."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-html-call
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog html calls."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-option-name
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-constant-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog option names."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-no-option-name
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-warning-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog non-existent option names."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-flag-name
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-constant-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog flag names."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-no-flag-name
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-warning-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog non-existent flag names."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-qq-type
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-type-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog quasi-quotation types."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-qq-sep
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-type-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog quasi-quotation separators."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-qq-open
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-type-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog quasi-quotation open sequences."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-qq-content
+ '((t))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog quasi-quotation content."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-qq-close
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-type-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog quasi-quotation close sequences."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-op-type
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-type-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog operator types."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-dict-tag
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-constant-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog dict tags."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-dict-key
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog dict keys."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-dict-sep
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog dict separators."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-dict-return-op
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog dict return operators."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-dict-function
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-function-name-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog dict functions."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-func-dot
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog dict function dots."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-file
+ '((t :inherit button))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog file specifiers."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-file-no-depend
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-warning-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog unused file specifiers."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-unused-import
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-warning-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog unused imports."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-identifier
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-type-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog identifiers."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-hook
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog hooks."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-module
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-type-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog module names."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-singleton
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-warning-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog singletons."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-fullstop
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-negation-char-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog fullstops."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-nil
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog the empty list."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-variable-at-point
+ '((t :underline t))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog variables."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-variable
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-variable-name-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog variables."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-ext-quant
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog existential quantifiers."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-keyword
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog control constructs."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-control
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog control constructs."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-atom
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-constant-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog atoms."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-int
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-constant-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog integers."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-float
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-constant-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog floats."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-rational
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-constant-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog rationals."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-chars
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-constant-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog chars."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-codes
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-constant-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog character codes."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-error
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-warning-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog unspecified errors."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-type-error
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-warning-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog type errors."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-instantiation-error
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-warning-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog instantiation errors."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-syntax-error
+ '((t :inherit error))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog syntax errors."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-around-syntax-error
+ '((t))
+ "Face used to highlight text around a syntax error."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-clause
+ '((t))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog predicate clauses."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-grammar-rule
+ '((t))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog DCG grammar rules."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-term
+ '((t))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog top terms."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-body
+ '((t))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog clause and query bodies."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-directive
+ '((t))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog directives."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-string-comment
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-doc-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog string comments."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-structured-comment
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-doc-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog structured comments."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-hole
+ '((t :box t))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog holes."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-macro
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog macros."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-declaration-option
+ '((t :weight bold))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog declaration options."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
+(defface sweeprolog-dcg-string
+ '((t :inherit font-lock-string-face))
+ "Face used to highlight Prolog DCG terminal strings."
+ :group 'sweeprolog-faces)
;;;; Font-lock
(goto-char sweeprolog--analyze-point)
(sweeprolog-beginning-of-next-top-term) (point))
- (sweeprolog-syntax-error-face))
- (sweeprolog-around-syntax-error-face)))
+ 'sweeprolog-syntax-error)
+ 'sweeprolog-around-syntax-error))
(defun sweeprolog-analyze-fragment-to-faces (beg end arg)
(pcase arg
(`("comment" . "structured")
(list (list beg end nil)
- (list beg end (sweeprolog-structured-comment-face))))
+ (list beg end 'sweeprolog-structured-comment)))
(`("comment" . "string")
(list (list beg end nil)
- (list beg end (sweeprolog-string-comment-face))))
+ (list beg end 'sweeprolog-string-comment)))
(`("comment" . ,_)
(list (list beg end nil)
- (list beg end (sweeprolog-comment-face))))
+ (list beg end 'sweeprolog-comment)))
(`("head" "unreferenced" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-head-unreferenced-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-head-unreferenced)))
(`("head" "undefined" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-head-undefined-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-head-undefined)))
(`("head" "test" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-head-test-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-head-test)))
(`("head" "meta" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-head-meta-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-head-meta)))
(`("head" "def_iso" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-head-def-iso-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-head-def-iso)))
(`("head" "def_swi" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-head-def-swi-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-head-def-swi)))
(`("head" "iso" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-head-iso-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-head-iso)))
(`("head" "exported" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-head-exported-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-head-exported)))
(`("head" "hook" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-head-hook-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-head-hook)))
(`("head" "built_in" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-head-built-in-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-head-built-in)))
(`("head" ("imported" . ,_) . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-head-imported-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-head-imported)))
(`("head" ("extern" . ,_) . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-head-extern-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-head-extern)))
(`("head" "public" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-head-public-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-head-public)))
(`("head" "dynamic" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-head-dynamic-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-head-dynamic)))
(`("head" "multifile" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-head-multifile-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-head-multifile)))
(`("head" "local" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-head-local-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-head-local)))
(`("head" "constraint" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-head-constraint-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-head-constraint)))
(`("goal" ("autoload" . ,_) . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-autoload-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-autoload)))
(`("goal" "expanded" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-expanded-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-expanded)))
(`("goal" "recursion" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-recursion-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-recursion)))
(`("goal" "meta" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-meta-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-meta)))
(`("goal" "built_in" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-built-in-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-built-in)))
(`("goal" "undefined" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-undefined-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-undefined)))
(`("goal" "global" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-global-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-global)))
(`("goal" "not_callable" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-not-callable-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-not-callable)))
(`("goal" "dynamic" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-dynamic-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-dynamic)))
(`("goal" "foreign" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-foreign-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-foreign)))
(`("goal" "multifile" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-multifile-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-multifile)))
(`("goal" "thread_local" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-thread-local-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-thread-local)))
(`("goal" ("extern" . ,_) . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-extern-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-extern)))
(`("goal" ("imported" . ,_) . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-imported-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-imported)))
(`("goal" ("global" . ,_) . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-global-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-global)))
(`("goal" "local" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-local-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-local)))
(`("goal" "constraint" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-constraint-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-constraint)))
(`("macro" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-macro-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-macro)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-expanded-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-expanded)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-instantiation-error-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-instantiation-error)))
(`("type_error" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-type-error-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-type-error)))
(`("syntax_error" ,_ ,eb ,ee)
(let ((eb (min eb beg))
(ee (max ee end)))
(let ((face (sweeprolog-maybe-syntax-error-face end)))
(cons (list beg cur nil)
(append (list (list eb ee nil)
- (list eb ee (sweeprolog-around-syntax-error-face))
+ (list eb ee 'sweeprolog-around-syntax-error)
(list beg end face))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-unused-import-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-unused-import)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-undefined-import-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-undefined-import)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-error-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-error)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-keyword-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-keyword)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-html-attribute-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-html-attribute)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-html-call-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-html-call)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-dict-tag-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-dict-tag)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-dict-key-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-dict-key)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-dict-sep-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-dict-sep)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-dict-function-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-dict-function)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-dict-return-op-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-dict-return-op)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-func-dot-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-func-dot)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-meta-spec-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-meta-spec)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-flag-name-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-flag-name)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-flag-name-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-flag-name)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-ext-quant-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-ext-quant)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-atom-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-atom)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-float-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-float)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-rational-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-rational)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-int-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-int)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-singleton-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-singleton)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-option-name-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-option-name)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-no-option-name-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-no-option-name)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-control-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-control)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-variable-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-variable)))
(goto-char (min end (point-max)))
(skip-chars-forward " \t\n")
(push (list cur (point) nil) ws)
(cons (list beg end nil)
- (cons (list beg end (sweeprolog-fullstop-face))
+ (cons (list beg end 'sweeprolog-fullstop)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-functor-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-functor)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-arity-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-arity)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-predicate-indicator-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-predicate-indicator)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-chars-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-chars)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-codes-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-codes)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-string-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-string)))
(`("module" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-module-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-module)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-neck-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-neck)))
(`("hook" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-hook-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-hook)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-hook-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-hook)))
(`("qq_content" . ,type)
(let ((mode (cdr (assoc-string type sweeprolog-qq-mode-alist))))
(if (and mode (fboundp mode))
(setq pos next)))
(set-buffer-modified-p nil)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-qq-content-face))))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-qq-content)))))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-qq-type-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-qq-type)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-qq-sep-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-qq-sep)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-qq-open-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-qq-open)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-qq-close-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-qq-close)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-identifier-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-identifier)))
(`("file" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-file-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-file)))
(`("file_no_depend" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-file-no-depend-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-file-no-depend)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-function-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-function)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-no-function-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-no-function)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-no-file-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-no-file)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-op-type-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-op-type)))
- (list (list beg end nil) (list beg end (sweeprolog-directive-face))))
+ (list (list beg end nil) (list beg end 'sweeprolog-directive)))
- (list (list beg end nil) (list beg end (sweeprolog-body-face))))
+ (list (list beg end nil) (list beg end 'sweeprolog-body)))
- (list (list beg end nil) (list beg end (sweeprolog-clause-face))))
+ (list (list beg end nil) (list beg end 'sweeprolog-clause)))
- (list (list beg end nil) (list beg end (sweeprolog-term-face))))
+ (list (list beg end nil) (list beg end 'sweeprolog-term)))
- (list (list beg end nil) (list beg end (sweeprolog-grammar-rule-face))))
+ (list (list beg end nil) (list beg end 'sweeprolog-grammar-rule)))
- (list (list beg end nil) (list beg end (sweeprolog-method-face))))
+ (list (list beg end nil) (list beg end 'sweeprolog-method)))
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-class-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-class)))
(`("decl_option" . ,_)
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-declaration-option-face))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-declaration-option)))
(`("dcg" . "string")
- (list (list beg end (sweeprolog-dcg-string-face))))))
+ (list (list beg end 'sweeprolog-dcg-string)))))
(defun sweeprolog-analyze-fragment-font-lock (beg end arg)
(when-let ((face-fragments (sweeprolog-analyze-fragment-to-faces
(hend (cdr hole)))
(font-lock--add-text-property hbeg hend
- (sweeprolog-hole-face)
+ 'sweeprolog-hole
(goto-char hend)
(mapconcat (lambda (pi)
(propertize pi 'face
- (sweeprolog-predicate-indicator-face)))
+ 'sweeprolog-predicate-indicator))
preds ", ")))))
(defun sweeprolog--help-echo-for-unused-dependency (file)
(font-lock--add-text-property beg
- (sweeprolog-variable-at-point-face)
+ 'sweeprolog-variable-at-point
(current-buffer) nil))))))))))
(defun sweeprolog-cursor-sensor-functions (var)
(user-error "Flymake is not active in the current buffer")))
+(when load-file-name
+ (add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path
+ (file-name-as-directory
+ (file-name-directory load-file-name))))
;;;; Top-level
(lambda ()
(when (timerp sweeprolog-top-level-timer)
(cancel-timer sweeprolog-top-level-timer)))
- nil t))
+ nil t)
+ (when (and (member sweeprolog-faces-style '(light dark))
+ (not (custom-theme-enabled-p 'sweeprolog-pce)))
+ (load-theme 'sweeprolog-pce t)
+ (setq sweeprolog-faces-style nil)))
(defun sweeprolog-buffer-load-time (&optional buffer)
(setq buffer (or buffer (current-buffer)))
(- (point) length (- hend))
'sweeprolog-hole t
- 'font-lock-face (list (sweeprolog-hole-face))
+ 'font-lock-face (list 'sweeprolog-hole)
'rear-nonsticky '(sweeprolog-hole
(- (point) length (- hend))
'sweeprolog-hole t
- 'font-lock-face (list (sweeprolog-hole-face))
+ 'font-lock-face (list 'sweeprolog-hole)
'rear-nonsticky '(sweeprolog-hole
hbeg hend
'sweeprolog-hole t
- 'font-lock-face (list (sweeprolog-hole-face))
+ 'font-lock-face (list 'sweeprolog-hole)
'rear-nonsticky '(sweeprolog-hole
(add-hook 'context-menu-functions
#'sweeprolog-context-menu-function nil t))
(unless (member 'sweeprolog-hole yank-excluded-properties)
- (setq-local yank-excluded-properties
- (cons 'sweeprolog-hole yank-excluded-properties))))
+ (setq-local yank-excluded-properties
+ (cons 'sweeprolog-hole yank-excluded-properties)))
+ (when (and (member sweeprolog-faces-style '(light dark))
+ (not (custom-theme-enabled-p 'sweeprolog-pce)))
+ (load-theme 'sweeprolog-pce t)
+ (setq sweeprolog-faces-style nil)))
;;;; Skeletons and auto-insert
(cons vars var-at-point)))
(defun sweeprolog--format-variable (var)
- (propertize var 'face (sweeprolog-variable-face)))
+ (propertize var 'face 'sweeprolog-variable))
(defvar sweeprolog-read-new-variable--existing-vars nil)
(defvar-local sweeprolog-read-new-variable--warned nil)
(if line (number-to-string line) "")
(propertize pred
- (sweeprolog-predicate-indicator-face))
+ 'sweeprolog-predicate-indicator)
(number-to-string clause)
(or cond "")))))