--- /dev/null
+;;; avy.el --- Jump to arbitrary positions in visible text and select text quickly. -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Oleh Krehel <ohwoeowho@gmail.com>
+;; URL: https://github.com/abo-abo/avy
+;; Version: 0.5.0
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.1") (cl-lib "0.5"))
+;; Keywords: point, location
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; For a full copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; With Avy, you can move point to any position in Emacs – even in a
+;; different window – using very few keystrokes. For this, you look at
+;; the position where you want point to be, invoke Avy, and then enter
+;; the sequence of characters displayed at that position.
+;; If the position you want to jump to can be determined after only
+;; issuing a single keystroke, point is moved to the desired position
+;; immediately after that keystroke. In case this isn't possible, the
+;; sequence of keystrokes you need to enter is comprised of more than
+;; one character. Avy uses a decision tree where each candidate position
+;; is a leaf and each edge is described by a character which is distinct
+;; per level of the tree. By entering those characters, you navigate the
+;; tree, quickly arriving at the desired candidate position, such that
+;; Avy can move point to it.
+;; Note that this only makes sense for positions you are able to see
+;; when invoking Avy. These kinds of positions are supported:
+;; * character positions
+;; * word or subword start positions
+;; * line beginning positions
+;; * link positions
+;; * window positions
+;; If you're familiar with the popular `ace-jump-mode' package, this
+;; package does all that and more, without the implementation
+;; headache.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(require 'ring)
+;;* Customization
+(defgroup avy nil
+ "Jump to things tree-style."
+ :group 'convenience
+ :prefix "avy-")
+(defcustom avy-keys '(?a ?s ?d ?f ?g ?h ?j ?k ?l)
+ "Default keys for jumping.
+Any key is either a character representing a self-inserting
+key (letters, digits, punctuation, etc.) or a symbol denoting a
+non-printing key like an arrow key (left, right, up, down). For
+non-printing keys, a corresponding entry in
+`avy-key-to-char-alist' must exist in order to visualize the key
+in the avy overlays.
+If `avy-style' is set to words, make sure there are at least three
+keys different than the following: a, e, i, o, u, y"
+ :type '(repeat :tag "Keys" (choice
+ (character :tag "char")
+ (symbol :tag "non-printing key"))))
+(defconst avy--key-type
+ '(choice :tag "Command"
+ (const avy-goto-char)
+ (const avy-goto-char-2)
+ (const avy-isearch)
+ (const avy-goto-line)
+ (const avy-goto-subword-0)
+ (const avy-goto-subword-1)
+ (const avy-goto-word-0)
+ (const avy-goto-word-1)
+ (const avy-copy-line)
+ (const avy-copy-region)
+ (const avy-move-line)
+ (const avy-move-region)
+ (const avy-kill-whole-line)
+ (const avy-kill-region)
+ (const avy-kill-ring-save-whole-line)
+ (const avy-kill-ring-save-region)
+ (function :tag "Other command")))
+(defcustom avy-keys-alist nil
+ "Alist of avy-jump commands to `avy-keys' overriding the default `avy-keys'."
+ :type `(alist
+ :key-type ,avy--key-type
+ :value-type (repeat :tag "Keys" character)))
+(defcustom avy-orders-alist '((avy-goto-char . avy-order-closest))
+ "Alist of candidate ordering functions.
+Usually, candidates appear in their point position order."
+ :type `(alist
+ :key-type ,avy--key-type
+ :value-type function))
+(defcustom avy-words
+ '("am" "by" "if" "is" "it" "my" "ox" "up"
+ "ace" "act" "add" "age" "ago" "aim" "air" "ale" "all" "and" "ant" "any"
+ "ape" "apt" "arc" "are" "arm" "art" "ash" "ate" "awe" "axe" "bad" "bag"
+ "ban" "bar" "bat" "bay" "bed" "bee" "beg" "bet" "bid" "big" "bit" "bob"
+ "bot" "bow" "box" "boy" "but" "cab" "can" "cap" "car" "cat" "cog" "cop"
+ "cow" "cry" "cup" "cut" "day" "dew" "did" "die" "dig" "dim" "dip" "dog"
+ "dot" "dry" "dub" "dug" "dye" "ear" "eat" "eel" "egg" "ego" "elf" "eve"
+ "eye" "fan" "far" "fat" "fax" "fee" "few" "fin" "fit" "fix" "flu" "fly"
+ "foe" "fog" "for" "fox" "fry" "fun" "fur" "gag" "gap" "gas" "gel" "gem"
+ "get" "gig" "gin" "gnu" "god" "got" "gum" "gun" "gut" "guy" "gym" "had"
+ "hag" "ham" "has" "hat" "her" "hid" "him" "hip" "his" "hit" "hop" "hot"
+ "how" "hub" "hue" "hug" "hut" "ice" "icy" "imp" "ink" "inn" "ion" "ire"
+ "ivy" "jab" "jam" "jar" "jaw" "jet" "job" "jog" "joy" "key" "kid" "kit"
+ "lag" "lap" "lay" "let" "lid" "lie" "lip" "lit" "lob" "log" "lot" "low"
+ "mad" "man" "map" "mat" "may" "men" "met" "mix" "mob" "mop" "mud" "mug"
+ "nag" "nap" "new" "nil" "nod" "nor" "not" "now" "nun" "oak" "odd" "off"
+ "oil" "old" "one" "orb" "ore" "ork" "our" "out" "owl" "own" "pad" "pan"
+ "par" "pat" "paw" "pay" "pea" "pen" "pet" "pig" "pin" "pit" "pod" "pot"
+ "pry" "pub" "pun" "put" "rag" "ram" "ran" "rat" "raw" "ray" "red" "rib"
+ "rim" "rip" "rob" "rod" "rot" "row" "rub" "rug" "rum" "run" "sad" "sat"
+ "saw" "say" "sea" "see" "sew" "she" "shy" "sin" "sip" "sit" "six" "ski"
+ "sky" "sly" "sob" "son" "soy" "spy" "sum" "sun" "tab" "tad" "tag" "tan"
+ "tap" "tar" "tax" "tea" "the" "tie" "tin" "tip" "toe" "ton" "too" "top"
+ "toy" "try" "tub" "two" "urn" "use" "van" "war" "was" "wax" "way" "web"
+ "wed" "wet" "who" "why" "wig" "win" "wit" "woe" "won" "wry" "you" "zap"
+ "zip" "zoo")
+ "Words to use in case `avy-style' is set to `words'.
+Every word should contain at least one vowel i.e. one of the following
+characters: a, e, i, o, u, y
+They do not have to be sorted but no word should be a prefix of another one."
+ :type '(repeat string))
+(defcustom avy-style 'at-full
+ "The default method of displaying the overlays.
+Use `avy-styles-alist' to customize this per-command."
+ :type '(choice
+ (const :tag "Pre" pre)
+ (const :tag "At" at)
+ (const :tag "At Full" at-full)
+ (const :tag "Post" post)
+ (const :tag "De Bruijn" de-bruijn)
+ (const :tag "Words" words)))
+(defcustom avy-styles-alist nil
+ "Alist of avy-jump commands to the style for each command.
+If the commands isn't on the list, `avy-style' is used."
+ :type '(alist
+ :key-type (choice :tag "Command"
+ (const avy-goto-char)
+ (const avy-goto-char-2)
+ (const avy-isearch)
+ (const avy-goto-line)
+ (const avy-goto-subword-0)
+ (const avy-goto-subword-1)
+ (const avy-goto-word-0)
+ (const avy-goto-word-1)
+ (const avy-copy-line)
+ (const avy-copy-region)
+ (const avy-move-line)
+ (const avy-move-region)
+ (const avy-kill-whole-line)
+ (const avy-kill-region)
+ (const avy-kill-ring-save-whole-line)
+ (const avy-kill-ring-save-region)
+ (function :tag "Other command"))
+ :value-type (choice
+ (const :tag "Pre" pre)
+ (const :tag "At" at)
+ (const :tag "At Full" at-full)
+ (const :tag "Post" post)
+ (const :tag "De Bruijn" de-bruijn)
+ (const :tag "Words" words))))
+(defcustom avy-dispatch-alist
+ '((?x . avy-action-kill-move)
+ (?X . avy-action-kill-stay)
+ (?t . avy-action-teleport)
+ (?m . avy-action-mark)
+ (?n . avy-action-copy)
+ (?y . avy-action-yank)
+ (?Y . avy-action-yank-line)
+ (?i . avy-action-ispell)
+ (?z . avy-action-zap-to-char))
+ "List of actions for `avy-handler-default'.
+Each item is (KEY . ACTION). When KEY not on `avy-keys' is
+pressed during the dispatch, ACTION is set to replace the default
+`avy-action-goto' once a candidate is finally selected."
+ :type
+ '(alist
+ :key-type (choice (character :tag "Char"))
+ :value-type (choice
+ (const :tag "Mark" avy-action-mark)
+ (const :tag "Copy" avy-action-copy)
+ (const :tag "Kill and move point" avy-action-kill-move)
+ (const :tag "Kill" avy-action-kill-stay))))
+(defcustom avy-background nil
+ "When non-nil, a gray background will be added during the selection."
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom avy-all-windows t
+ "Determine the list of windows to consider in search of candidates."
+ :type
+ '(choice
+ (const :tag "All Frames" all-frames)
+ (const :tag "This Frame" t)
+ (const :tag "This Window" nil)))
+(defcustom avy-case-fold-search t
+ "Non-nil if searches should ignore case."
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom avy-word-punc-regexp "[!-/:-@[-`{-~]"
+ "Regexp of punctuation chars that count as word starts for `avy-goto-word-1.
+When nil, punctuation chars will not be matched.
+\"[!-/:-@[-`{-~]\" will match all printable punctuation chars."
+ :type 'regexp)
+(defcustom avy-goto-word-0-regexp "\\b\\sw"
+ "Regexp that determines positions for `avy-goto-word-0'."
+ :type '(choice
+ (const :tag "Default" "\\b\\sw")
+ (const :tag "Symbol" "\\_<\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)")
+ (const :tag "Not whitespace" "[^ \r\n\t]+")
+ (regexp :tag "Regex")))
+(defcustom avy-ignored-modes '(image-mode doc-view-mode pdf-view-mode)
+ "List of modes to ignore when searching for candidates.
+Typically, these modes don't use the text representation."
+ :type 'list)
+(defcustom avy-single-candidate-jump t
+ "In case there is only one candidate jumps directly to it."
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom avy-del-last-char-by '(?\b ?\d)
+ "List of event types, i.e. key presses, that delete the last
+character read. The default represents `C-h' and `DEL'. See
+ :type 'list)
+(defcustom avy-escape-chars '(?\e ?\C-g)
+ "List of characters that quit avy during `read-char'."
+ :type 'list)
+(defvar avy-ring (make-ring 20)
+ "Hold the window and point history.")
+(defvar avy-translate-char-function #'identity
+ "Function to translate user input key into another key.
+For example, to make SPC do the same as ?a, use
+\(lambda (c) (if (= c 32) ?a c)).")
+(defface avy-lead-face-0
+ '((t (:foreground "white" :background "#4f57f9")))
+ "Face used for first non-terminating leading chars.")
+(defface avy-lead-face-1
+ '((t (:foreground "white" :background "gray")))
+ "Face used for matched leading chars.")
+(defface avy-lead-face-2
+ '((t (:foreground "white" :background "#f86bf3")))
+ "Face used for leading chars.")
+(defface avy-lead-face
+ '((t (:foreground "white" :background "#e52b50")))
+ "Face used for the leading chars.")
+(defface avy-background-face
+ '((t (:foreground "gray40")))
+ "Face for whole window background during selection.")
+(defface avy-goto-char-timer-face
+ '((t (:inherit highlight)))
+ "Face for matches during reading chars using `avy-goto-char-timer'.")
+(defconst avy-lead-faces '(avy-lead-face
+ avy-lead-face-0
+ avy-lead-face-2
+ avy-lead-face
+ avy-lead-face-0
+ avy-lead-face-2)
+ "Face sequence for `avy--overlay-at-full'.")
+(defvar avy-key-to-char-alist '((left . ?◀)
+ (right . ?▶)
+ (up . ?▲)
+ (down . ?▼)
+ (prior . ?△)
+ (next . ?▽))
+ "An alist from non-character keys to printable chars used in avy overlays.
+This alist must contain all keys used in `avy-keys' which are not
+self-inserting keys and thus aren't read as characters.")
+;;* Internals
+;;** Tree
+(defmacro avy-multipop (lst n)
+ "Remove LST's first N elements and return them."
+ `(if (<= (length ,lst) ,n)
+ (prog1 ,lst
+ (setq ,lst nil))
+ (prog1 ,lst
+ (setcdr
+ (nthcdr (1- ,n) (prog1 ,lst (setq ,lst (nthcdr ,n ,lst))))
+ nil))))
+(defun avy--de-bruijn (keys n)
+ "De Bruijn sequence for alphabet KEYS and subsequences of length N."
+ (let* ((k (length keys))
+ (a (make-list (* n k) 0))
+ sequence)
+ (cl-labels ((db (T p)
+ (if (> T n)
+ (if (eq (% n p) 0)
+ (setq sequence
+ (append sequence
+ (cl-subseq a 1 (1+ p)))))
+ (setf (nth T a) (nth (- T p) a))
+ (db (1+ T) p)
+ (cl-loop for j from (1+ (nth (- T p) a)) to (1- k) do
+ (setf (nth T a) j)
+ (db (1+ T) T)))))
+ (db 1 1)
+ (mapcar (lambda (n)
+ (nth n keys))
+ sequence))))
+(defun avy--path-alist-1 (lst seq-len keys)
+ "Build a De Bruin sequence from LST.
+SEQ-LEN is how many elements of KEYS it takes to identify a match."
+ (let ((db-seq (avy--de-bruijn keys seq-len))
+ prev-pos prev-seq prev-win path-alist)
+ ;; The De Bruijn seq is cyclic, so append the seq-len - 1 first chars to
+ ;; the end.
+ (setq db-seq (nconc db-seq (cl-subseq db-seq 0 (1- seq-len))))
+ (cl-labels ((subseq-and-pop ()
+ (when (nth (1- seq-len) db-seq)
+ (prog1 (cl-subseq db-seq 0 seq-len)
+ (pop db-seq)))))
+ (while lst
+ (let* ((cur (car lst))
+ (pos (cond
+ ;; ace-window has matches of the form (pos . wnd)
+ ((integerp (car cur)) (car cur))
+ ;; avy-jump have form ((start . end) . wnd)
+ ((consp (car cur)) (caar cur))
+ (t (error "Unexpected match representation: %s" cur))))
+ (win (cdr cur))
+ (path (if prev-pos
+ (let ((diff (if (eq win prev-win)
+ (- pos prev-pos)
+ 0)))
+ (when (and (> diff 0) (< diff seq-len))
+ (while (and (nth (1- seq-len) db-seq)
+ (not
+ (eq 0
+ (cl-search
+ (cl-subseq prev-seq diff)
+ (cl-subseq db-seq 0 seq-len)))))
+ (pop db-seq)))
+ (subseq-and-pop))
+ (subseq-and-pop))))
+ (if (not path)
+ (setq lst nil
+ path-alist nil)
+ (push (cons path (car lst)) path-alist)
+ (setq prev-pos pos
+ prev-seq path
+ prev-win win
+ lst (cdr lst))))))
+ (nreverse path-alist)))
+(defun avy-order-closest (x)
+ (abs (- (if (numberp (car x))
+ (car x)
+ (caar x))
+ (point))))
+(defvar avy-command nil
+ "Store the current command symbol.
+E.g. `avy-goto-line' or `avy-goto-char'.")
+(defun avy-tree (lst keys)
+ "Coerce LST into a balanced tree.
+The degree of the tree is the length of KEYS.
+KEYS are placed appropriately on internal nodes."
+ (let* ((len (length keys))
+ (order-fn (cdr (assq avy-command avy-orders-alist)))
+ (lst (if order-fn
+ (cl-sort lst #'< :key order-fn)
+ lst)))
+ (cl-labels
+ ((rd (ls)
+ (let ((ln (length ls)))
+ (if (< ln len)
+ (cl-pairlis keys
+ (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons 'leaf x)) ls))
+ (let ((ks (copy-sequence keys))
+ res)
+ (dolist (s (avy-subdiv ln len))
+ (push (cons (pop ks)
+ (if (eq s 1)
+ (cons 'leaf (pop ls))
+ (rd (avy-multipop ls s))))
+ res))
+ (nreverse res))))))
+ (rd lst))))
+(defun avy-subdiv (n b)
+ "Distribute N in B terms in a balanced way."
+ (let* ((p (1- (floor (+ (log n b) 1e-6))))
+ (x1 (expt b p))
+ (x2 (* b x1))
+ (delta (- n x2))
+ (n2 (/ delta (- x2 x1)))
+ (n1 (- b n2 1)))
+ (append
+ (make-list n1 x1)
+ (list
+ (- n (* n1 x1) (* n2 x2)))
+ (make-list n2 x2))))
+(defun avy-traverse (tree walker &optional recur-key)
+ "Traverse TREE generated by `avy-tree'.
+WALKER is a function that takes KEYS and LEAF.
+RECUR-KEY is used in recursion.
+LEAF is a member of LST argument of `avy-tree'.
+KEYS is the path from the root of `avy-tree' to LEAF."
+ (dolist (br tree)
+ (let ((key (cons (car br) recur-key)))
+ (if (eq (cadr br) 'leaf)
+ (funcall walker key (cddr br))
+ (avy-traverse (cdr br) walker key)))))
+(defvar avy-action nil
+ "Function to call at the end of select.")
+(defvar avy-action-oneshot nil
+ "Function to call once at the end of select.")
+(defun avy-handler-default (char)
+ "The default handler for a bad CHAR."
+ (let (dispatch)
+ (cond ((setq dispatch (assoc char avy-dispatch-alist))
+ (unless (eq avy-style 'words)
+ (setq avy-action (cdr dispatch)))
+ (throw 'done 'restart))
+ ((memq char avy-escape-chars)
+ ;; exit silently
+ (throw 'done 'abort))
+ ((eq char ??)
+ (avy-show-dispatch-help)
+ (throw 'done 'restart))
+ ((mouse-event-p char)
+ (signal 'user-error (list "Mouse event not handled" char)))
+ (t
+ (message "No such candidate: %s, hit `C-g' to quit."
+ (if (characterp char) (string char) char))))))
+(defun avy-show-dispatch-help ()
+ "Display action shortucts in echo area."
+ (let ((len (length "avy-action-")))
+ (message "%s" (mapconcat
+ (lambda (x)
+ (format "%s: %s"
+ (propertize
+ (char-to-string (car x))
+ 'face 'aw-key-face)
+ (substring (symbol-name (cdr x)) len)))
+ avy-dispatch-alist
+ " "))))
+(defvar avy-handler-function 'avy-handler-default
+ "A function to call for a bad `read-key' in `avy-read'.")
+(defvar avy-current-path ""
+ "Store the current incomplete path during `avy-read'.")
+(defun avy-mouse-event-window (char)
+ "Return the window of mouse event CHAR if any or the selected window.
+Return nil if CHAR is not a mouse event."
+ (when (mouse-event-p char)
+ (cond ((windowp (posn-window (event-start char)))
+ (posn-window (event-start char)))
+ ((framep (posn-window (event-start char)))
+ (frame-selected-window (posn-window (event-start char))))
+ (t (selected-window)))))
+(defun avy-read (tree display-fn cleanup-fn)
+ "Select a leaf from TREE using consecutive `read-key'.
+DISPLAY-FN should take CHAR and LEAF and signify that LEAFs
+associated with CHAR will be selected if CHAR is pressed. This is
+commonly done by adding a CHAR overlay at LEAF position.
+CLEANUP-FN should take no arguments and remove the effects of
+multiple DISPLAY-FN invocations."
+ (catch 'done
+ (setq avy-current-path "")
+ (while tree
+ (let ((avy--leafs nil))
+ (avy-traverse tree
+ (lambda (path leaf)
+ (push (cons path leaf) avy--leafs)))
+ (dolist (x avy--leafs)
+ (funcall display-fn (car x) (cdr x))))
+ (let ((char (funcall avy-translate-char-function (read-key)))
+ window
+ branch)
+ (funcall cleanup-fn)
+ (if (setq window (avy-mouse-event-window char))
+ (throw 'done (cons char window))
+ (if (setq branch (assoc char tree))
+ (progn
+ ;; Ensure avy-current-path stores the full path prior to
+ ;; exit so other packages can utilize its value.
+ (setq avy-current-path
+ (concat avy-current-path (string (avy--key-to-char char))))
+ (if (eq (car (setq tree (cdr branch))) 'leaf)
+ (throw 'done (cdr tree))))
+ (funcall avy-handler-function char)))))))
+(defun avy-read-de-bruijn (lst keys)
+ "Select from LST dispatching on KEYS."
+ ;; In theory, the De Bruijn sequence B(k,n) has k^n subsequences of length n
+ ;; (the path length) usable as paths, thus that's the lower bound. Due to
+ ;; partially overlapping matches, not all subsequences may be usable, so it's
+ ;; possible that the path-len must be incremented, e.g., if we're matching
+ ;; for x and a buffer contains xaxbxcx only every second subsequence is
+ ;; usable for the four matches.
+ (catch 'done
+ (let* ((path-len (ceiling (log (length lst) (length keys))))
+ (alist (avy--path-alist-1 lst path-len keys)))
+ (while (not alist)
+ (cl-incf path-len)
+ (setq alist (avy--path-alist-1 lst path-len keys)))
+ (let* ((len (length (caar alist)))
+ (i 0))
+ (setq avy-current-path "")
+ (while (< i len)
+ (dolist (x (reverse alist))
+ (avy--overlay-at-full (reverse (car x)) (cdr x)))
+ (let ((char (funcall avy-translate-char-function (read-key))))
+ (avy--remove-leading-chars)
+ (setq alist
+ (delq nil
+ (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (when (eq (caar x) char)
+ (cons (cdr (car x)) (cdr x))))
+ alist)))
+ (setq avy-current-path
+ (concat avy-current-path (string (avy--key-to-char char))))
+ (cl-incf i)
+ (unless alist
+ (funcall avy-handler-function char))))
+ (cdar alist)))))
+(defun avy-read-words (lst words)
+ "Select from LST using WORDS."
+ (catch 'done
+ (let ((num-words (length words))
+ (num-entries (length lst))
+ alist)
+ ;; If there are not enough words to cover all the candidates,
+ ;; we use a De Bruijn sequence to generate the remaining ones.
+ (when (< num-words num-entries)
+ (let ((keys avy-keys)
+ (bad-keys '(?a ?e ?i ?o ?u ?y))
+ (path-len 1)
+ (num-remaining (- num-entries num-words))
+ tmp-alist)
+ ;; Delete all keys which could lead to duplicates.
+ ;; We want at least three keys left to work with.
+ (dolist (x bad-keys)
+ (when (memq x keys)
+ (setq keys (delq ?a keys))))
+ (when (< (length keys) 3)
+ (signal 'user-error
+ '("Please add more keys to the variable `avy-keys'.")))
+ ;; Generate the sequence and add the keys to the existing words.
+ (while (not tmp-alist)
+ (cl-incf path-len)
+ (setq tmp-alist (avy--path-alist-1 lst path-len keys)))
+ (while (>= (cl-decf num-remaining) 0)
+ (push (mapconcat 'string (caar tmp-alist) nil) (cdr (last words)))
+ (setq tmp-alist (cdr tmp-alist)))))
+ (dolist (x lst)
+ (push (cons (string-to-list (pop words)) x) alist))
+ (setq avy-current-path "")
+ (while (or (> (length alist) 1)
+ (caar alist))
+ (dolist (x (reverse alist))
+ (avy--overlay-at-full (reverse (car x)) (cdr x)))
+ (let ((char (funcall avy-translate-char-function (read-key))))
+ (avy--remove-leading-chars)
+ (setq alist
+ (delq nil
+ (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (when (eq (caar x) char)
+ (cons (cdr (car x)) (cdr x))))
+ alist)))
+ (setq avy-current-path
+ (concat avy-current-path (string (avy--key-to-char char))))
+ (unless alist
+ (funcall avy-handler-function char))))
+ (cdar alist))))
+;;** Rest
+(defun avy-window-list ()
+ "Return a list of windows depending on `avy-all-windows'."
+ (cond ((eq avy-all-windows 'all-frames)
+ (cl-mapcan #'window-list (frame-list)))
+ ((eq avy-all-windows t)
+ (window-list))
+ ((null avy-all-windows)
+ (list (selected-window)))
+ (t
+ (error "Unrecognized option: %S" avy-all-windows))))
+(defcustom avy-all-windows-alt nil
+ "The alternative `avy-all-windows' for use with \\[universal-argument]."
+ :type '(choice
+ (const :tag "Current window" nil)
+ (const :tag "All windows on the current frame" t)
+ (const :tag "All windows on all frames" all-frames)))
+(defmacro avy-dowindows (flip &rest body)
+ "Depending on FLIP and `avy-all-windows' run BODY in each or selected window."
+ (declare (indent 1)
+ (debug (form body)))
+ `(let ((avy-all-windows (if ,flip
+ avy-all-windows-alt
+ avy-all-windows)))
+ (dolist (wnd (avy-window-list))
+ (with-selected-window wnd
+ (unless (memq major-mode avy-ignored-modes)
+ ,@body)))))
+(defun avy-resume ()
+ "Stub to hold last avy command.
+Commands using `avy-with' macro can be resumed."
+ (interactive))
+(defmacro avy-with (command &rest body)
+ "Set `avy-keys' according to COMMAND and execute BODY.
+Set `avy-style' according to COMMAND as well."
+ (declare (indent 1)
+ (debug (form body)))
+ `(let ((avy-keys (or (cdr (assq ',command avy-keys-alist))
+ avy-keys))
+ (avy-style (or (cdr (assq ',command avy-styles-alist))
+ avy-style))
+ (avy-command ',command))
+ (setq avy-action nil)
+ (setf (symbol-function 'avy-resume)
+ (lambda ()
+ (interactive)
+ ,@(if (eq command 'avy-goto-char-timer)
+ (cdr body)
+ body)))
+ ,@body))
+(defun avy-action-goto (pt)
+ "Goto PT."
+ (let ((frame (window-frame (selected-window))))
+ (unless (equal frame (selected-frame))
+ (select-frame-set-input-focus frame)
+ (raise-frame frame))
+ (goto-char pt)))
+(defun avy-forward-item ()
+ (if (eq avy-command 'avy-goto-line)
+ (end-of-line)
+ (forward-sexp))
+ (point))
+(defun avy-action-mark (pt)
+ "Mark sexp at PT."
+ (goto-char pt)
+ (set-mark (point))
+ (avy-forward-item))
+(defun avy-action-copy (pt)
+ "Copy sexp starting on PT."
+ (save-excursion
+ (let (str)
+ (goto-char pt)
+ (avy-forward-item)
+ (setq str (buffer-substring pt (point)))
+ (kill-new str)
+ (message "Copied: %s" str)))
+ (let ((dat (ring-ref avy-ring 0)))
+ (select-frame-set-input-focus
+ (window-frame (cdr dat)))
+ (select-window (cdr dat))
+ (goto-char (car dat))))
+(defun avy-action-yank (pt)
+ "Yank sexp starting at PT at the current point."
+ (avy-action-copy pt)
+ (yank)
+ t)
+(defun avy-action-yank-line (pt)
+ "Yank sexp starting at PT at the current point."
+ (let ((avy-command 'avy-goto-line))
+ (avy-action-yank pt)))
+(defun avy-action-kill-move (pt)
+ "Kill sexp at PT and move there."
+ (goto-char pt)
+ (avy-forward-item)
+ (kill-region pt (point))
+ (message "Killed: %s" (current-kill 0))
+ (point))
+(defun avy-action-kill-stay (pt)
+ "Kill sexp at PT."
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char pt)
+ (avy-forward-item)
+ (kill-region pt (point))
+ (just-one-space))
+ (message "Killed: %s" (current-kill 0))
+ (select-window
+ (cdr
+ (ring-ref avy-ring 0)))
+ t)
+(defun avy-action-zap-to-char (pt)
+ "Kill from point up to PT."
+ (if (> pt (point))
+ (kill-region (point) pt)
+ (kill-region pt (point))))
+(defun avy-action-teleport (pt)
+ "Kill sexp starting on PT and yank into the current location."
+ (avy-action-kill-stay pt)
+ (select-window
+ (cdr
+ (ring-ref avy-ring 0)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (yank))
+ t)
+(declare-function flyspell-correct-word-before-point "flyspell")
+(defcustom avy-flyspell-correct-function #'flyspell-correct-word-before-point
+ "Function called to correct word by `avy-action-ispell' when
+`flyspell-mode' is enabled."
+ :type 'function)
+(defun avy-action-ispell (pt)
+ "Auto correct word at PT."
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char pt)
+ (cond
+ ((eq avy-command 'avy-goto-line)
+ (ispell-region
+ (line-beginning-position)
+ (line-end-position)))
+ ((bound-and-true-p flyspell-mode)
+ (funcall avy-flyspell-correct-function))
+ ((looking-at-p "\\b")
+ (ispell-word))
+ (t
+ (progn
+ (backward-word)
+ (when (looking-at-p "\\b")
+ (ispell-word)))))))
+(defvar avy-pre-action #'avy-pre-action-default
+ "Function to call before `avy-action' is called.")
+(defun avy-pre-action-default (res)
+ (avy-push-mark)
+ (when (and (consp res)
+ (windowp (cdr res)))
+ (let* ((window (cdr res))
+ (frame (window-frame window)))
+ (unless (equal frame (selected-frame))
+ (select-frame-set-input-focus frame))
+ (select-window window))))
+(defun avy--process-1 (candidates overlay-fn &optional cleanup-fn)
+ (let ((len (length candidates)))
+ (cond ((= len 0)
+ nil)
+ ((and (= len 1) avy-single-candidate-jump)
+ (car candidates))
+ (t
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (avy--make-backgrounds
+ (avy-window-list))
+ (cond ((eq avy-style 'de-bruijn)
+ (avy-read-de-bruijn
+ candidates avy-keys))
+ ((eq avy-style 'words)
+ (avy-read-words
+ candidates avy-words))
+ (t
+ (avy-read (avy-tree candidates avy-keys)
+ overlay-fn
+ (or cleanup-fn #'avy--remove-leading-chars)))))
+ (avy--done))))))
+(defvar avy-last-candidates nil
+ "Store the last candidate list.")
+(defun avy--last-candidates-cycle (advancer)
+ (let* ((avy-last-candidates
+ (cl-remove-if-not
+ (lambda (x) (equal (cdr x) (selected-window)))
+ avy-last-candidates))
+ (min-dist
+ (apply #'min
+ (mapcar (lambda (x) (abs (- (if (listp (car x)) (caar x) (car x)) (point)))) avy-last-candidates)))
+ (pos
+ (cl-position-if
+ (lambda (x)
+ (= (- (if (listp (car x)) (caar x) (car x)) (point)) min-dist))
+ avy-last-candidates)))
+ (funcall advancer pos avy-last-candidates)))
+(defun avy-prev ()
+ "Go to the previous candidate of the last `avy-read'."
+ (interactive)
+ (avy--last-candidates-cycle
+ (lambda (pos lst)
+ (when (> pos 0)
+ (let ((candidate (nth (1- pos) lst)))
+ (goto-char (if (listp (car candidate)) (caar candidate) (car candidate))))))))
+(defun avy-next ()
+ "Go to the next candidate of the last `avy-read'."
+ (interactive)
+ (avy--last-candidates-cycle
+ (lambda (pos lst)
+ (when (< pos (1- (length lst)))
+ (let ((candidate (nth (1+ pos) lst)))
+ (goto-char (if (listp (car candidate)) (caar candidate) (car candidate))))))))
+(defun avy-process (candidates &optional overlay-fn cleanup-fn)
+ "Select one of CANDIDATES using `avy-read'.
+Use OVERLAY-FN to visualize the decision overlay.
+CLEANUP-FN should take no arguments and remove the effects of
+multiple OVERLAY-FN invocations."
+ (setq overlay-fn (or overlay-fn (avy--style-fn avy-style)))
+ (setq cleanup-fn (or cleanup-fn #'avy--remove-leading-chars))
+ (unless (and (consp (car candidates))
+ (windowp (cdar candidates)))
+ (setq candidates
+ (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons x (selected-window)))
+ candidates)))
+ (setq avy-last-candidates (copy-sequence candidates))
+ (let ((original-cands (copy-sequence candidates))
+ (res (avy--process-1 candidates overlay-fn cleanup-fn)))
+ (cond
+ ((null res)
+ (if (and (eq avy-style 'words) candidates)
+ (avy-process original-cands overlay-fn cleanup-fn)
+ (message "zero candidates")
+ t))
+ ((eq res 'restart)
+ (avy-process original-cands overlay-fn cleanup-fn))
+ ;; ignore exit from `avy-handler-function'
+ ((eq res 'exit))
+ ((eq res 'abort)
+ nil)
+ (t
+ (funcall avy-pre-action res)
+ (setq res (car res))
+ (let ((action (or avy-action avy-action-oneshot 'avy-action-goto)))
+ (funcall action
+ (if (consp res)
+ (car res)
+ res)))
+ res))))
+(defvar avy--overlays-back nil
+ "Hold overlays for when `avy-background' is t.")
+(defun avy--make-backgrounds (wnd-list)
+ "Create a dim background overlay for each window on WND-LIST."
+ (when avy-background
+ (setq avy--overlays-back
+ (mapcar (lambda (w)
+ (let ((ol (make-overlay
+ (window-start w)
+ (window-end w)
+ (window-buffer w))))
+ (overlay-put ol 'face 'avy-background-face)
+ (overlay-put ol 'window w)
+ ol))
+ wnd-list))))
+(defun avy--done ()
+ "Clean up overlays."
+ (mapc #'delete-overlay avy--overlays-back)
+ (setq avy--overlays-back nil)
+ (avy--remove-leading-chars))
+(defun avy--visible-p (s)
+ (let ((invisible (get-char-property s 'invisible)))
+ (or (null invisible)
+ (eq t buffer-invisibility-spec)
+ (null (assoc invisible buffer-invisibility-spec)))))
+(defun avy--next-visible-point ()
+ "Return the next closest point without `invisible' property."
+ (let ((s (point)))
+ (while (and (not (= (point-max) (setq s (next-char-property-change s))))
+ (not (avy--visible-p s))))
+ s))
+(defun avy--next-invisible-point ()
+ "Return the next closest point with `invisible' property."
+ (let ((s (point)))
+ (while (and (not (= (point-max) (setq s (next-char-property-change s))))
+ (avy--visible-p s)))
+ s))
+(defun avy--find-visible-regions (rbeg rend)
+ "Return a list of all visible regions between RBEG and REND."
+ (setq rbeg (max rbeg (point-min)))
+ (setq rend (min rend (point-max)))
+ (when (< rbeg rend)
+ (let (visibles beg)
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ (narrow-to-region rbeg rend)
+ (setq beg (goto-char (point-min)))
+ (while (not (= (point) (point-max)))
+ (goto-char (avy--next-invisible-point))
+ (push (cons beg (point)) visibles)
+ (setq beg (goto-char (avy--next-visible-point))))
+ (nreverse visibles))))))
+(defun avy--regex-candidates (regex &optional beg end pred group)
+ "Return all elements that match REGEX.
+Each element of the list is ((BEG . END) . WND)
+When PRED is non-nil, it's a filter for matching point positions.
+When GROUP is non-nil, (BEG . END) should delimit that regex group."
+ (setq group (or group 0))
+ (let ((case-fold-search (or avy-case-fold-search
+ (string= regex (downcase regex))))
+ candidates)
+ (avy-dowindows current-prefix-arg
+ (dolist (pair (avy--find-visible-regions
+ (or beg (window-start))
+ (or end (window-end (selected-window) t))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (car pair))
+ (while (re-search-forward regex (cdr pair) t)
+ (when (avy--visible-p (1- (point)))
+ (when (or (null pred)
+ (funcall pred))
+ (push (cons
+ (if (numberp group)
+ (cons (match-beginning group)
+ (match-end group))
+ (funcall group))
+ wnd) candidates)))))))
+ (nreverse candidates)))
+(defvar avy--overlay-offset 0
+ "The offset to apply in `avy--overlay'.")
+(defvar avy--overlays-lead nil
+ "Hold overlays for leading chars.")
+(defun avy--remove-leading-chars ()
+ "Remove leading char overlays."
+ (mapc #'delete-overlay avy--overlays-lead)
+ (setq avy--overlays-lead nil))
+(defun avy--old-str (pt wnd)
+ "Return a one-char string at PT in WND."
+ (let ((old-str (with-selected-window wnd
+ (buffer-substring pt (1+ pt)))))
+ (if avy-background
+ (propertize old-str 'face 'avy-background-face)
+ old-str)))
+(defun avy--overlay (str beg end wnd &optional compose-fn)
+ "Create an overlay with STR from BEG to END in WND.
+COMPOSE-FN is a lambda that concatenates the old string at BEG with STR."
+ (let ((eob (with-selected-window wnd (point-max))))
+ (when (<= beg eob)
+ (let* ((beg (+ beg avy--overlay-offset))
+ (ol (make-overlay beg (or end (1+ beg)) (window-buffer wnd)))
+ (old-str (if (eq beg eob) "" (avy--old-str beg wnd)))
+ (os-line-prefix (get-text-property 0 'line-prefix old-str))
+ (os-wrap-prefix (get-text-property 0 'wrap-prefix old-str))
+ other-ol)
+ (unless (= (length str) 0)
+ (when os-line-prefix
+ (add-text-properties 0 1 `(line-prefix ,os-line-prefix) str))
+ (when os-wrap-prefix
+ (add-text-properties 0 1 `(wrap-prefix ,os-wrap-prefix) str)))
+ (when (setq other-ol (cl-find-if
+ (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'goto-address))
+ (overlays-at beg)))
+ (add-text-properties
+ 0 (length old-str)
+ `(face ,(overlay-get other-ol 'face)) old-str))
+ (overlay-put ol 'window wnd)
+ (overlay-put ol 'category 'avy)
+ (overlay-put ol (if (eq beg eob)
+ 'after-string
+ 'display)
+ (funcall
+ (or compose-fn #'concat)
+ str old-str))
+ (push ol avy--overlays-lead)))))
+(defcustom avy-highlight-first nil
+ "When non-nil highlight the first decision char with `avy-lead-face-0'.
+Do this even when the char is terminating."
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defun avy--key-to-char (c)
+ "If C is no character, translate it using `avy-key-to-char-alist'."
+ (cond ((characterp c) c)
+ ((cdr (assoc c avy-key-to-char-alist)))
+ ((mouse-event-p c) c)
+ (t
+ (error "Unknown key %s" c))))
+(defun avy-candidate-beg (leaf)
+ "Return the start position for LEAF."
+ (cond ((numberp leaf)
+ leaf)
+ ((consp (car leaf))
+ (caar leaf))
+ (t
+ (car leaf))))
+(defun avy-candidate-end (leaf)
+ "Return the end position for LEAF."
+ (cond ((numberp leaf)
+ leaf)
+ ((consp (car leaf))
+ (cdar leaf))
+ (t
+ (car leaf))))
+(defun avy-candidate-wnd (leaf)
+ "Return the window for LEAF."
+ (if (consp leaf)
+ (cdr leaf)
+ (selected-window)))
+(defun avy--overlay-pre (path leaf)
+ "Create an overlay with PATH at LEAF.
+PATH is a list of keys from tree root to LEAF.
+LEAF is normally ((BEG . END) . WND)."
+ (if (with-selected-window (cdr leaf)
+ (bound-and-true-p visual-line-mode))
+ (avy--overlay-at-full path leaf)
+ (let* ((path (mapcar #'avy--key-to-char path))
+ (str (propertize (apply #'string (reverse path))
+ 'face 'avy-lead-face)))
+ (when (or avy-highlight-first (> (length str) 1))
+ (set-text-properties 0 1 '(face avy-lead-face-0) str))
+ (setq str (concat
+ (propertize avy-current-path
+ 'face 'avy-lead-face-1)
+ str))
+ (avy--overlay
+ str
+ (avy-candidate-beg leaf) nil
+ (avy-candidate-wnd leaf)))))
+(defun avy--overlay-at (path leaf)
+ "Create an overlay with PATH at LEAF.
+PATH is a list of keys from tree root to LEAF.
+LEAF is normally ((BEG . END) . WND)."
+ (let* ((path (mapcar #'avy--key-to-char path))
+ (str (propertize
+ (string (car (last path)))
+ 'face 'avy-lead-face)))
+ (avy--overlay
+ str
+ (avy-candidate-beg leaf) nil
+ (avy-candidate-wnd leaf)
+ (lambda (str old-str)
+ (cond ((string= old-str "\n")
+ (concat str "\n"))
+ ;; add padding for wide-width character
+ ((eq (string-width old-str) 2)
+ (concat str " "))
+ (t
+ str))))))
+(defun avy--overlay-at-full (path leaf)
+ "Create an overlay with PATH at LEAF.
+PATH is a list of keys from tree root to LEAF.
+LEAF is normally ((BEG . END) . WND)."
+ (let* ((path (mapcar #'avy--key-to-char path))
+ (str (propertize
+ (apply #'string (reverse path))
+ 'face 'avy-lead-face))
+ (len (length path))
+ (beg (avy-candidate-beg leaf))
+ (wnd (cdr leaf))
+ end)
+ (dotimes (i len)
+ (set-text-properties i (1+ i)
+ `(face ,(nth i avy-lead-faces))
+ str))
+ (when (eq avy-style 'de-bruijn)
+ (setq str (concat
+ (propertize avy-current-path
+ 'face 'avy-lead-face-1)
+ str))
+ (setq len (length str)))
+ (with-selected-window wnd
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char beg)
+ (let* ((lep (if (bound-and-true-p visual-line-mode)
+ (save-excursion
+ (end-of-visual-line)
+ (point))
+ (line-end-position)))
+ ;; `end-of-visual-line' is bugged sometimes
+ (lep (if (< lep beg)
+ (line-end-position)
+ lep))
+ (len-and-str (avy--update-offset-and-str len str lep)))
+ (setq len (car len-and-str))
+ (setq str (cdr len-and-str))
+ (setq end (if (= beg lep)
+ (1+ beg)
+ (min (+ beg
+ (if (eq (char-after) ?\t)
+ 1
+ len))
+ lep)))
+ (when (and (bound-and-true-p visual-line-mode)
+ (> len (- end beg))
+ (not (eq lep beg)))
+ (setq len (- end beg))
+ (let ((old-str (apply #'string (reverse path))))
+ (setq str
+ (substring
+ (propertize
+ old-str
+ 'face
+ (if (= (length old-str) 1)
+ 'avy-lead-face
+ 'avy-lead-face-0))
+ 0 len)))))))
+ (avy--overlay
+ str beg end wnd
+ (lambda (str old-str)
+ (cond ((string= old-str "\n")
+ (concat str "\n"))
+ ((string= old-str "\t")
+ (concat str (make-string (max (- tab-width len) 0) ?\ )))
+ (t
+ ;; add padding for wide-width character
+ (if (eq (string-width old-str) 2)
+ (concat str " ")
+ str)))))))
+(defun avy--overlay-post (path leaf)
+ "Create an overlay with PATH at LEAF.
+PATH is a list of keys from tree root to LEAF.
+LEAF is normally ((BEG . END) . WND)."
+ (let* ((path (mapcar #'avy--key-to-char path))
+ (str (propertize (apply #'string (reverse path))
+ 'face 'avy-lead-face)))
+ (when (or avy-highlight-first (> (length str) 1))
+ (set-text-properties 0 1 '(face avy-lead-face-0) str))
+ (setq str (concat
+ (propertize avy-current-path
+ 'face 'avy-lead-face-1)
+ str))
+ (avy--overlay
+ str
+ (avy-candidate-end leaf) nil
+ (avy-candidate-wnd leaf))))
+(defun avy--update-offset-and-str (offset str lep)
+ "Recalculate the length of the new overlay at point.
+OFFSET is the previous overlay length.
+STR is the overlay string that we wish to add.
+LEP is the line end position.
+We want to add an overlay between point and END=point+OFFSET.
+When other overlays already exist between point and END, set
+OFFSET to be the difference between the start of the first
+overlay and point. This is equivalent to truncating our new
+overlay, so that it doesn't intersect with overlays that already
+ (let* ((wnd (selected-window))
+ (beg (point))
+ (oov (delq nil
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (o)
+ (and (eq (overlay-get o 'category) 'avy)
+ (eq (overlay-get o 'window) wnd)
+ (overlay-start o)))
+ (overlays-in beg (min (+ beg offset) lep))))))
+ (when oov
+ (setq offset (- (apply #'min oov) beg))
+ (setq str (substring str 0 offset)))
+ (let ((other-ov (cl-find-if
+ (lambda (o)
+ (and (eq (overlay-get o 'category) 'avy)
+ (eq (overlay-start o) beg)
+ (not (eq (overlay-get o 'window) wnd))))
+ (overlays-in (point) (min (+ (point) offset) lep)))))
+ (when (and other-ov
+ (> (overlay-end other-ov)
+ (+ beg offset)))
+ (setq str (concat str (buffer-substring
+ (+ beg offset)
+ (overlay-end other-ov))))
+ (setq offset (- (overlay-end other-ov)
+ beg))))
+ (cons offset str)))
+(defun avy--style-fn (style)
+ "Transform STYLE symbol to a style function."
+ (cl-case style
+ (pre #'avy--overlay-pre)
+ (at #'avy--overlay-at)
+ (at-full 'avy--overlay-at-full)
+ (post #'avy--overlay-post)
+ (de-bruijn #'avy--overlay-at-full)
+ (words #'avy--overlay-at-full)
+ (ignore #'ignore)
+ (t (error "Unexpected style %S" style))))
+(cl-defun avy-jump (regex &key window-flip beg end action pred group)
+ "Jump to REGEX.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows'.
+When WINDOW-FLIP is non-nil, do the opposite of `avy-all-windows'.
+BEG and END narrow the scope where candidates are searched.
+ACTION is a function that takes point position as an argument.
+When PRED is non-nil, it's a filter for matching point positions.
+When GROUP is non-nil, it's either a match group in REGEX, or a function
+that returns a cons of match beginning and end."
+ (setq avy-action (or action avy-action))
+ (let ((avy-all-windows
+ (if window-flip
+ (not avy-all-windows)
+ avy-all-windows)))
+ (avy-process
+ (avy--regex-candidates regex beg end pred group))))
+(defun avy--generic-jump (regex window-flip &optional beg end)
+ "Jump to REGEX.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows'.
+When WINDOW-FLIP is non-nil, do the opposite of `avy-all-windows'.
+BEG and END narrow the scope where candidates are searched."
+ (declare (obsolete avy-jump "0.4.0"))
+ (let ((avy-all-windows
+ (if window-flip
+ (not avy-all-windows)
+ avy-all-windows)))
+ (avy-process
+ (avy--regex-candidates regex beg end))))
+;;* Commands
+(defun avy-goto-char (char &optional arg)
+ "Jump to the currently visible CHAR.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows' (ARG negates it)."
+ (interactive (list (read-char "char: " t)
+ current-prefix-arg))
+ (avy-with avy-goto-char
+ (avy-jump
+ (if (= 13 char)
+ "\n"
+ (regexp-quote (string char)))
+ :window-flip arg)))
+(defun avy-goto-char-in-line (char)
+ "Jump to the currently visible CHAR in the current line."
+ (interactive (list (read-char "char: " t)))
+ (avy-with avy-goto-char
+ (avy-jump
+ (regexp-quote (string char))
+ :beg (line-beginning-position)
+ :end (line-end-position))))
+(defun avy-goto-char-2 (char1 char2 &optional arg beg end)
+ "Jump to the currently visible CHAR1 followed by CHAR2.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows'.
+When ARG is non-nil, do the opposite of `avy-all-windows'.
+BEG and END narrow the scope where candidates are searched."
+ (interactive (list (let ((c1 (read-char "char 1: " t)))
+ (if (memq c1 '(?\e ?\b))
+ (keyboard-quit)
+ c1))
+ (let ((c2 (read-char "char 2: " t)))
+ (cond ((eq c2 ?\e)
+ (keyboard-quit))
+ ((memq c2 avy-del-last-char-by)
+ (keyboard-escape-quit)
+ (call-interactively 'avy-goto-char-2))
+ (t
+ c2)))
+ current-prefix-arg
+ nil nil))
+ (when (eq char1 ?\r)
+ (setq char1 ?\n))
+ (when (eq char2 ?\r)
+ (setq char2 ?\n))
+ (avy-with avy-goto-char-2
+ (avy-jump
+ (regexp-quote (string char1 char2))
+ :window-flip arg
+ :beg beg
+ :end end)))
+(defun avy-goto-char-2-above (char1 char2 &optional arg)
+ "Jump to the currently visible CHAR1 followed by CHAR2.
+This is a scoped version of `avy-goto-char-2', where the scope is
+the visible part of the current buffer up to point.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows'.
+When ARG is non-nil, do the opposite of `avy-all-windows'."
+ (interactive (list (read-char "char 1: " t)
+ (read-char "char 2: " t)
+ current-prefix-arg))
+ (avy-with avy-goto-char-2-above
+ (avy-goto-char-2
+ char1 char2 arg
+ (window-start) (point))))
+(defun avy-goto-char-2-below (char1 char2 &optional arg)
+ "Jump to the currently visible CHAR1 followed by CHAR2.
+This is a scoped version of `avy-goto-char-2', where the scope is
+the visible part of the current buffer following point.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows'.
+When ARG is non-nil, do the opposite of `avy-all-windows'."
+ (interactive (list (read-char "char 1: " t)
+ (read-char "char 2: " t)
+ current-prefix-arg))
+ (avy-with avy-goto-char-2-below
+ (avy-goto-char-2
+ char1 char2 arg
+ (point) (window-end (selected-window) t))))
+(defun avy-isearch ()
+ "Jump to one of the current isearch candidates."
+ (interactive)
+ (avy-with avy-isearch
+ (let ((avy-background nil)
+ (avy-case-fold-search case-fold-search))
+ (prog1
+ (avy-process
+ (avy--regex-candidates (if isearch-regexp
+ isearch-string
+ (regexp-quote isearch-string))))
+ (isearch-done)))))
+(defun avy-goto-word-0 (arg &optional beg end)
+ "Jump to a word start.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows'.
+When ARG is non-nil, do the opposite of `avy-all-windows'.
+BEG and END narrow the scope where candidates are searched."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (avy-with avy-goto-word-0
+ (avy-jump avy-goto-word-0-regexp
+ :window-flip arg
+ :beg beg
+ :end end)))
+(defun avy-goto-whitespace-end (arg &optional beg end)
+ "Jump to the end of a whitespace sequence.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows'.
+When ARG is non-nil, do the opposite of `avy-all-windows'.
+BEG and END narrow the scope where candidates are searched."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (avy-with avy-goto-whitespace-end
+ (avy-jump "[ \t]+\\|\n[ \t]*"
+ :window-flip arg
+ :beg beg
+ :end end
+ :group (lambda () (cons (point) (1+ (point)))))))
+(defun avy-goto-word-0-above (arg)
+ "Jump to a word start between window start and point.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows'.
+When ARG is non-nil, do the opposite of `avy-all-windows'."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (avy-with avy-goto-word-0
+ (avy-goto-word-0 arg (window-start) (point))))
+(defun avy-goto-word-0-below (arg)
+ "Jump to a word start between point and window end.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows'.
+When ARG is non-nil, do the opposite of `avy-all-windows'."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (avy-with avy-goto-word-0
+ (avy-goto-word-0 arg (point) (window-end (selected-window) t))))
+(defun avy-goto-whitespace-end-above (arg)
+ "Jump to the end of a whitespace sequence between point and window end.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows'.
+When ARG is non-nil, do the opposite of `avy-all-windows'."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (avy-with avy-goto-whitespace-end
+ (avy-goto-whitespace-end arg (window-start) (point))))
+(defun avy-goto-whitespace-end-below (arg)
+ "Jump to the end of a whitespace sequence between window start and point.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows'.
+When ARG is non-nil, do the opposite of `avy-all-windows'."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (avy-with avy-goto-whitespace-end
+ (avy-goto-whitespace-end arg (point) (window-end (selected-window) t))))
+(defun avy-goto-word-1 (char &optional arg beg end symbol)
+ "Jump to the currently visible CHAR at a word start.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows'.
+When ARG is non-nil, do the opposite of `avy-all-windows'.
+BEG and END narrow the scope where candidates are searched.
+When SYMBOL is non-nil, jump to symbol start instead of word start."
+ (interactive (list (read-char "char: " t)
+ current-prefix-arg))
+ (avy-with avy-goto-word-1
+ (let* ((str (string char))
+ (regex (cond ((string= str ".")
+ "\\.")
+ ((and avy-word-punc-regexp
+ (string-match avy-word-punc-regexp str))
+ (regexp-quote str))
+ ((<= char 26)
+ str)
+ (t
+ (concat
+ (if symbol "\\_<" "\\b")
+ str)))))
+ (avy-jump regex
+ :window-flip arg
+ :beg beg
+ :end end))))
+(defun avy-goto-word-1-above (char &optional arg)
+ "Jump to the currently visible CHAR at a word start.
+This is a scoped version of `avy-goto-word-1', where the scope is
+the visible part of the current buffer up to point.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows'.
+When ARG is non-nil, do the opposite of `avy-all-windows'."
+ (interactive (list (read-char "char: " t)
+ current-prefix-arg))
+ (avy-with avy-goto-word-1
+ (avy-goto-word-1 char arg (window-start) (point))))
+(defun avy-goto-word-1-below (char &optional arg)
+ "Jump to the currently visible CHAR at a word start.
+This is a scoped version of `avy-goto-word-1', where the scope is
+the visible part of the current buffer following point.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows'.
+When ARG is non-nil, do the opposite of `avy-all-windows'."
+ (interactive (list (read-char "char: " t)
+ current-prefix-arg))
+ (avy-with avy-goto-word-1
+ (avy-goto-word-1 char arg (point) (window-end (selected-window) t))))
+(defun avy-goto-symbol-1 (char &optional arg)
+ "Jump to the currently visible CHAR at a symbol start.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows'.
+When ARG is non-nil, do the opposite of `avy-all-windows'."
+ (interactive (list (read-char "char: " t)
+ current-prefix-arg))
+ (avy-with avy-goto-symbol-1
+ (avy-goto-word-1 char arg nil nil t)))
+(defun avy-goto-symbol-1-above (char &optional arg)
+ "Jump to the currently visible CHAR at a symbol start.
+This is a scoped version of `avy-goto-symbol-1', where the scope is
+the visible part of the current buffer up to point.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows'.
+When ARG is non-nil, do the opposite of `avy-all-windows'."
+ (interactive (list (read-char "char: " t)
+ current-prefix-arg))
+ (avy-with avy-goto-symbol-1-above
+ (avy-goto-word-1 char arg (window-start) (point) t)))
+(defun avy-goto-symbol-1-below (char &optional arg)
+ "Jump to the currently visible CHAR at a symbol start.
+This is a scoped version of `avy-goto-symbol-1', where the scope is
+the visible part of the current buffer following point.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows'.
+When ARG is non-nil, do the opposite of `avy-all-windows'."
+ (interactive (list (read-char "char: " t)
+ current-prefix-arg))
+ (avy-with avy-goto-symbol-1-below
+ (avy-goto-word-1 char arg (point) (window-end (selected-window) t) t)))
+(declare-function subword-backward "subword")
+(defvar subword-backward-regexp)
+(defcustom avy-subword-extra-word-chars '(?{ ?= ?} ?* ?: ?> ?<)
+ "A list of characters that should temporarily match \"\\w\".
+This variable is used by `avy-goto-subword-0' and `avy-goto-subword-1'."
+ :type '(repeat character))
+(defun avy-goto-subword-0 (&optional arg predicate beg end)
+ "Jump to a word or subword start.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows' (ARG negates it).
+When PREDICATE is non-nil it's a function of zero parameters that
+should return true.
+BEG and END narrow the scope where candidates are searched."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (require 'subword)
+ (avy-with avy-goto-subword-0
+ (let ((case-fold-search nil)
+ (subword-backward-regexp
+ "\\(\\(\\W\\|[[:lower:][:digit:]]\\)\\([!-/:@`~[:upper:]]+\\W*\\)\\|\\W\\w+\\)")
+ candidates)
+ (avy-dowindows arg
+ (let ((syn-tbl (copy-syntax-table)))
+ (dolist (char avy-subword-extra-word-chars)
+ (modify-syntax-entry char "w" syn-tbl))
+ (with-syntax-table syn-tbl
+ (let ((ws (or beg (window-start)))
+ window-cands)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (or end (window-end (selected-window) t)))
+ (subword-backward)
+ (while (> (point) ws)
+ (when (or (null predicate)
+ (and predicate (funcall predicate)))
+ (unless (not (avy--visible-p (point)))
+ (push (cons (cons (point) (1+ (point)))
+ (selected-window)) window-cands)))
+ (subword-backward))
+ (and (= (point) ws)
+ (or (null predicate)
+ (and predicate (funcall predicate)))
+ (not (get-char-property (point) 'invisible))
+ (push (cons (cons (point) (1+ (point)))
+ (selected-window)) window-cands)))
+ (setq candidates (nconc candidates window-cands))))))
+ (avy-process candidates))))
+(defun avy-goto-subword-1 (char &optional arg)
+ "Jump to the currently visible CHAR at a subword start.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows' (ARG negates it).
+The case of CHAR is ignored."
+ (interactive (list (read-char "char: " t)
+ current-prefix-arg))
+ (avy-with avy-goto-subword-1
+ (let ((char (downcase char)))
+ (avy-goto-subword-0
+ arg (lambda ()
+ (and (char-after)
+ (eq (downcase (char-after)) char)))))))
+(defun avy-goto-word-or-subword-1 ()
+ "Forward to `avy-goto-subword-1' or `avy-goto-word-1'.
+Which one depends on variable `subword-mode'."
+ (interactive)
+ (if (bound-and-true-p subword-mode)
+ (call-interactively #'avy-goto-subword-1)
+ (call-interactively #'avy-goto-word-1)))
+(defvar visual-line-mode)
+(defcustom avy-indent-line-overlay nil
+ "When non-nil, display line overlay next to the first non-whitespace character.
+This affects `avy-goto-line'."
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defun avy--line-cands (&optional arg beg end bottom-up)
+ "Get candidates for selecting a line.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows'.
+When ARG is non-nil, do the opposite of `avy-all-windows'.
+BEG and END narrow the scope where candidates are searched.
+When BOTTOM-UP is non-nil, display avy candidates from top to bottom"
+ (let (candidates)
+ (avy-dowindows arg
+ (let ((ws (or beg (window-start))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ (narrow-to-region ws (or end (window-end (selected-window) t)))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (< (point) (point-max))
+ (when (member (get-char-property
+ (max (1- (point)) ws) 'invisible) '(nil org-link))
+ (push (cons
+ (if (eq avy-style 'post)
+ (line-end-position)
+ (save-excursion
+ (when avy-indent-line-overlay
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t"))
+ (point)))
+ (selected-window)) candidates))
+ (if visual-line-mode
+ (line-move-visual 1 t)
+ (forward-line 1)))))))
+ (if bottom-up
+ candidates
+ (nreverse candidates))))
+(defun avy--linum-strings ()
+ "Get strings for `avy-linum-mode'."
+ (let* ((lines (mapcar #'car (avy--line-cands)))
+ (line-tree (avy-tree lines avy-keys))
+ (line-list nil))
+ (avy-traverse
+ line-tree
+ (lambda (path _leaf)
+ (let ((str (propertize (apply #'string (reverse path))
+ 'face 'avy-lead-face)))
+ (when (> (length str) 1)
+ (set-text-properties 0 1 '(face avy-lead-face-0) str))
+ (push str line-list))))
+ (nreverse line-list)))
+(defvar linum-available)
+(defvar linum-overlays)
+(defvar linum-format)
+(declare-function linum--face-width "linum")
+(declare-function linum-mode "linum")
+(define-minor-mode avy-linum-mode
+ "Minor mode that uses avy hints for `linum-mode'."
+ :group 'avy
+ (if avy-linum-mode
+ (progn
+ (require 'linum)
+ (advice-add 'linum-update-window :around 'avy--linum-update-window)
+ (linum-mode 1))
+ (advice-remove 'linum-update-window 'avy--linum-update-window)
+ (linum-mode -1)))
+(defun avy--linum-update-window (_ win)
+ "Update line numbers for the portion visible in window WIN."
+ (goto-char (window-start win))
+ (let ((line (line-number-at-pos))
+ (limit (window-end win t))
+ (fmt (cond ((stringp linum-format) linum-format)
+ ((eq linum-format 'dynamic)
+ (let ((w (length (number-to-string
+ (count-lines (point-min) (point-max))))))
+ (concat "%" (number-to-string w) "d")))))
+ (width 0)
+ (avy-strs (when avy-linum-mode
+ (avy--linum-strings))))
+ (run-hooks 'linum-before-numbering-hook)
+ ;; Create an overlay (or reuse an existing one) for each
+ ;; line visible in this window, if necessary.
+ (while (and (not (eobp)) (< (point) limit))
+ (let* ((str
+ (cond (avy-linum-mode
+ (pop avy-strs))
+ (fmt
+ (propertize (format fmt line) 'face 'linum))
+ (t
+ (funcall linum-format line))))
+ (visited (catch 'visited
+ (dolist (o (overlays-in (point) (point)))
+ (when (equal-including-properties
+ (overlay-get o 'linum-str) str)
+ (unless (memq o linum-overlays)
+ (push o linum-overlays))
+ (setq linum-available (delq o linum-available))
+ (throw 'visited t))))))
+ (setq width (max width (length str)))
+ (unless visited
+ (let ((ov (if (null linum-available)
+ (make-overlay (point) (point))
+ (move-overlay (pop linum-available) (point) (point)))))
+ (push ov linum-overlays)
+ (overlay-put ov 'before-string
+ (propertize " " 'display `((margin left-margin) ,str)))
+ (overlay-put ov 'linum-str str))))
+ ;; Text may contain those nasty intangible properties, but that
+ ;; shouldn't prevent us from counting those lines.
+ (let ((inhibit-point-motion-hooks t))
+ (forward-line))
+ (setq line (1+ line)))
+ (when (display-graphic-p)
+ (setq width (ceiling
+ (/ (* width 1.0 (linum--face-width 'linum))
+ (frame-char-width)))))
+ (set-window-margins win width (cdr (window-margins win)))))
+(defun avy--line (&optional arg beg end bottom-up)
+ "Select a line.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows'.
+When ARG is non-nil, do the opposite of `avy-all-windows'.
+BEG and END narrow the scope where candidates are searched.
+When BOTTOM-UP is non-nil, display avy candidates from top to bottom"
+ (setq avy-action (or avy-action #'identity))
+ (let ((avy-style (if avy-linum-mode
+ (progn
+ (message "Goto line:")
+ 'ignore)
+ avy-style)))
+ (avy-process
+ (avy--line-cands arg beg end bottom-up))))
+(defun avy-goto-line (&optional arg)
+ "Jump to a line start in current buffer.
+When ARG is 1, jump to lines currently visible, with the option
+to cancel to `goto-line' by entering a number.
+When ARG is 4, negate the window scope determined by
+Otherwise, forward to `goto-line' with ARG."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (setq arg (or arg 1))
+ (if (not (memq arg '(1 4)))
+ (progn
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (forward-line (1- arg)))
+ (avy-with avy-goto-line
+ (let* ((avy-handler-old avy-handler-function)
+ (avy-handler-function
+ (lambda (char)
+ (if (or (< char ?0)
+ (> char ?9))
+ (funcall avy-handler-old char)
+ (let ((line (read-from-minibuffer
+ "Goto line: " (string char))))
+ (when line
+ (avy-push-mark)
+ (save-restriction
+ (widen)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (forward-line (1- (string-to-number line))))
+ (throw 'done 'exit))))))
+ (r (avy--line (eq arg 4))))
+ (when (and (not (memq r '(t nil))) (eq avy-action #'identity))
+ (avy-action-goto r))))))
+(defun avy-goto-line-above (&optional offset bottom-up)
+ "Goto visible line above the cursor.
+OFFSET changes the distance between the closest key to the cursor and
+the cursor
+When BOTTOM-UP is non-nil, display avy candidates from top to bottom"
+ (interactive)
+ (if offset
+ (setq offset (+ 2 (- offset))))
+ (let* ((avy-all-windows nil)
+ (r (avy--line nil (window-start)
+ (line-beginning-position (or offset 1))
+ bottom-up)))
+ (unless (eq r t)
+ (avy-action-goto r))))
+(defun avy-goto-line-below (&optional offset bottom-up)
+ "Goto visible line below the cursor.
+OFFSET changes the distance between the closest key to the cursor and
+the cursor
+When BOTTOM-UP is non-nil, display avy candidates from top to bottom"
+ (interactive)
+ (if offset
+ (setq offset (+ offset 1)))
+ (let* ((avy-all-windows nil)
+ (r (avy--line
+ nil (line-beginning-position (or offset 2))
+ (window-end (selected-window) t)
+ bottom-up)))
+ (unless (eq r t)
+ (avy-action-goto r))))
+(defcustom avy-line-insert-style 'above
+ "How to insert the newly copied/cut line."
+ :type '(choice
+ (const :tag "Above" above)
+ (const :tag "Below" below)))
+(defun avy-goto-end-of-line (&optional arg)
+ "Call `avy-goto-line' and move to the end of the line."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (avy-goto-line arg)
+ (end-of-line))
+(defun avy-copy-line (arg)
+ "Copy a selected line above the current line.
+ARG lines can be used."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let ((initial-window (selected-window)))
+ (avy-with avy-copy-line
+ (let* ((start (avy--line))
+ (str (buffer-substring-no-properties
+ start
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char start)
+ (move-end-of-line arg)
+ (point)))))
+ (select-window initial-window)
+ (cond ((eq avy-line-insert-style 'above)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (save-excursion
+ (insert str "\n")))
+ ((eq avy-line-insert-style 'below)
+ (end-of-line)
+ (insert "\n" str)
+ (beginning-of-line))
+ (t
+ (user-error "Unexpected `avy-line-insert-style'")))))))
+(defun avy-move-line (arg)
+ "Move a selected line above the current line.
+ARG lines can be used."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let ((initial-window (selected-window)))
+ (avy-with avy-move-line
+ (let ((start (avy--line)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char start)
+ (kill-whole-line arg))
+ (select-window initial-window)
+ (cond ((eq avy-line-insert-style 'above)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (save-excursion
+ (insert
+ (current-kill 0))))
+ ((eq avy-line-insert-style 'below)
+ (end-of-line)
+ (newline)
+ (save-excursion
+ (insert (substring (current-kill 0) 0 -1))))
+ (t
+ (user-error "Unexpected `avy-line-insert-style'")))))))
+(defun avy-copy-region (arg)
+ "Select two lines and copy the text between them to point.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows' or
+`avy-all-windows-alt' when ARG is non-nil."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((initial-window (selected-window)))
+ (avy-with avy-copy-region
+ (let* ((beg (save-selected-window
+ (avy--line arg)))
+ (end (avy--line arg))
+ (str (buffer-substring-no-properties
+ beg
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char end)
+ (line-end-position)))))
+ (select-window initial-window)
+ (cond ((eq avy-line-insert-style 'above)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (save-excursion
+ (insert str "\n")))
+ ((eq avy-line-insert-style 'below)
+ (end-of-line)
+ (newline)
+ (save-excursion
+ (insert str)))
+ (t
+ (user-error "Unexpected `avy-line-insert-style'")))))))
+(defun avy-move-region ()
+ "Select two lines and move the text between them above the current line."
+ (interactive)
+ (avy-with avy-move-region
+ (let* ((initial-window (selected-window))
+ (beg (avy--line))
+ (end (avy--line))
+ text)
+ (when (> beg end)
+ (cl-rotatef beg end))
+ (setq end (save-excursion
+ (goto-char end)
+ (1+ (line-end-position))))
+ (setq text (buffer-substring beg end))
+ (move-beginning-of-line nil)
+ (delete-region beg end)
+ (select-window initial-window)
+ (insert text))))
+(defun avy-kill-region (arg)
+ "Select two lines and kill the region between them.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows' or
+`avy-all-windows-alt' when ARG is non-nil."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((initial-window (selected-window)))
+ (avy-with avy-kill-region
+ (let* ((beg (save-selected-window
+ (list (avy--line arg) (selected-window))))
+ (end (list (avy--line arg) (selected-window))))
+ (cond
+ ((not (numberp (car beg)))
+ (user-error "Fail to select the beginning of region"))
+ ((not (numberp (car end)))
+ (user-error "Fail to select the end of region"))
+ ;; Restrict operation to same window. It's better if it can be
+ ;; different windows but same buffer; however, then the cloned
+ ;; buffers with different narrowed regions might cause problem.
+ ((not (equal (cdr beg) (cdr end)))
+ (user-error "Selected points are not in the same window"))
+ ((< (car beg) (car end))
+ (save-excursion
+ (kill-region
+ (car beg)
+ (progn (goto-char (car end)) (forward-visible-line 1) (point)))))
+ (t
+ (save-excursion
+ (kill-region
+ (progn (goto-char (car beg)) (forward-visible-line 1) (point))
+ (car end)))))))
+ (select-window initial-window)))
+(defun avy-kill-ring-save-region (arg)
+ "Select two lines and save the region between them to the kill ring.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows'.
+When ARG is non-nil, do the opposite of `avy-all-windows'."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((initial-window (selected-window)))
+ (avy-with avy-kill-ring-save-region
+ (let* ((beg (save-selected-window
+ (list (avy--line arg) (selected-window))))
+ (end (list (avy--line arg) (selected-window))))
+ (cond
+ ((not (numberp (car beg)))
+ (user-error "Fail to select the beginning of region"))
+ ((not (numberp (car end)))
+ (user-error "Fail to select the end of region"))
+ ((not (equal (cdr beg) (cdr end)))
+ (user-error "Selected points are not in the same window"))
+ ((< (car beg) (car end))
+ (save-excursion
+ (kill-ring-save
+ (car beg)
+ (progn (goto-char (car end)) (forward-visible-line 1) (point)))))
+ (t
+ (save-excursion
+ (kill-ring-save
+ (progn (goto-char (car beg)) (forward-visible-line 1) (point))
+ (car end)))))))
+ (select-window initial-window)))
+(defun avy-kill-whole-line (arg)
+ "Select line and kill the whole selected line.
+With a numerical prefix ARG, kill ARG line(s) starting from the
+selected line. If ARG is negative, kill backward.
+If ARG is zero, kill the selected line but exclude the trailing
+\\[universal-argument] 3 \\[avy-kil-whole-line] kill three lines
+starting from the selected line. \\[universal-argument] -3
+\\[avy-kill-whole-line] kill three lines backward including the
+selected line."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((initial-window (selected-window)))
+ (avy-with avy-kill-whole-line
+ (let* ((start (avy--line)))
+ (if (not (numberp start))
+ (user-error "Fail to select the line to kill")
+ (save-excursion (goto-char start)
+ (kill-whole-line arg)))))
+ (select-window initial-window)))
+(defun avy-kill-ring-save-whole-line (arg)
+ "Select line and save the whole selected line as if killed, but don’t kill it.
+This command is similar to `avy-kill-whole-line', except that it
+saves the line(s) as if killed, but does not kill it(them).
+With a numerical prefix ARG, kill ARG line(s) starting from the
+selected line. If ARG is negative, kill backward.
+If ARG is zero, kill the selected line but exclude the trailing
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((initial-window (selected-window)))
+ (avy-with avy-kill-ring-save-whole-line
+ (let* ((start (avy--line)))
+ (if (not (numberp start))
+ (user-error "Fail to select the line to kill")
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((kill-read-only-ok t)
+ (buffer-read-only t))
+ (goto-char start)
+ (kill-whole-line arg))))))
+ (select-window initial-window)))
+(defcustom avy-timeout-seconds 0.5
+ "How many seconds to wait for the second char."
+ :type 'float)
+(defcustom avy-enter-times-out t
+ "Whether enter exits avy-goto-char-timer early. If nil it matches newline"
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defvar avy-text ""
+ "Store the input read by `avy--read-candidates'.")
+(defun avy--read-candidates (&optional re-builder)
+ "Read as many chars as possible and return their occurrences.
+At least one char must be read, and then repeatedly one next char
+may be read if it is entered before `avy-timeout-seconds'. DEL
+deletes the last char entered, and RET exits with the currently
+read string immediately instead of waiting for another char for
+The format of the result is the same as that of `avy--regex-candidates'.
+This function obeys `avy-all-windows' setting.
+RE-BUILDER is a function that takes a string and returns a regex.
+When nil, `regexp-quote' is used.
+If a group is captured, the first group is highlighted.
+Otherwise, the whole regex is highlighted."
+ (setq avy-text "")
+ (let ((re-builder (or re-builder #'regexp-quote))
+ char break overlays regex)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (avy--make-backgrounds
+ (avy-window-list))
+ (while (and (not break)
+ (setq char
+ (read-char (format "%d char%s: "
+ (length overlays)
+ (if (string= avy-text "")
+ avy-text
+ (format " (%s)" avy-text)))
+ t
+ (and (not (string= avy-text ""))
+ avy-timeout-seconds))))
+ ;; Unhighlight
+ (dolist (ov overlays)
+ (delete-overlay ov))
+ (setq overlays nil)
+ (cond
+ ;; Handle RET
+ ((= char 13)
+ (if avy-enter-times-out
+ (setq break t)
+ (setq avy-text (concat avy-text (list ?\n)))))
+ ;; Handle C-h, DEL
+ ((memq char avy-del-last-char-by)
+ (let ((l (length avy-text)))
+ (when (>= l 1)
+ (setq avy-text (substring avy-text 0 (1- l))))))
+ ;; Handle ESC
+ ((= char 27)
+ (keyboard-quit))
+ (t
+ (setq avy-text (concat avy-text (list char)))))
+ ;; Highlight
+ (when (>= (length avy-text) 1)
+ (let ((case-fold-search
+ (or avy-case-fold-search (string= avy-text (downcase avy-text))))
+ found)
+ (avy-dowindows current-prefix-arg
+ (dolist (pair (avy--find-visible-regions
+ (window-start)
+ (window-end (selected-window) t)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (car pair))
+ (setq regex (funcall re-builder avy-text))
+ (while (re-search-forward regex (cdr pair) t)
+ (unless (not (avy--visible-p (1- (point))))
+ (let* ((idx (if (= (length (match-data)) 4) 1 0))
+ (ov (make-overlay
+ (match-beginning idx) (match-end idx))))
+ (setq found t)
+ (push ov overlays)
+ (overlay-put
+ ov 'window (selected-window))
+ (overlay-put
+ ov 'face 'avy-goto-char-timer-face)))))))
+ ;; No matches at all, so there's surely a typo in the input.
+ (unless found (beep)))))
+ (nreverse (mapcar (lambda (ov)
+ (cons (cons (overlay-start ov)
+ (overlay-end ov))
+ (overlay-get ov 'window)))
+ overlays)))
+ (dolist (ov overlays)
+ (delete-overlay ov))
+ (avy--done))))
+(defvar avy--old-cands nil)
+(defun avy-goto-char-timer (&optional arg)
+ "Read one or many consecutive chars and jump to the first one.
+The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows' (ARG negates it)."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((avy-all-windows (if arg
+ (not avy-all-windows)
+ avy-all-windows)))
+ (avy-with avy-goto-char-timer
+ (setq avy--old-cands (avy--read-candidates))
+ (avy-process avy--old-cands))))
+(defun avy-push-mark ()
+ "Store the current point and window."
+ (let ((inhibit-message t))
+ (ring-insert avy-ring
+ (cons (point) (selected-window)))
+ (unless (region-active-p)
+ (push-mark))))
+(defun avy-pop-mark ()
+ "Jump back to the last location of `avy-push-mark'."
+ (interactive)
+ (let (res)
+ (condition-case nil
+ (progn
+ (while (not (window-live-p
+ (cdr (setq res (ring-remove avy-ring 0))))))
+ (let* ((window (cdr res))
+ (frame (window-frame window)))
+ (when (and (frame-live-p frame)
+ (not (eq frame (selected-frame))))
+ (select-frame-set-input-focus frame))
+ (select-window window)
+ (goto-char (car res))))
+ (error
+ (set-mark-command 4)))))
+(defun avy-transpose-lines-in-region ()
+ "Transpose lines in the active region."
+ (interactive)
+ (when (and (use-region-p) (> (count-lines (region-beginning) (region-end)) 1))
+ (let ((avy-all-windows nil)
+ (fst-line-point (avy--line nil (region-beginning) (region-end))))
+ (when fst-line-point
+ (let ((snd-line-point (avy--line nil (region-beginning) (region-end))))
+ (when snd-line-point
+ (save-mark-and-excursion
+ (push-mark fst-line-point)
+ (goto-char snd-line-point)
+ (transpose-lines 0))
+ (avy-transpose-lines-in-region)))))))
+(provide 'avy)
+;;; avy.el ends here