In addition to verifying the format of the prompt for 'y-or-n-p',
checkdoc will now check the format of 'yes-or-no-p'.
+*** New command 'checkdoc-dired'.
+This can be used to run checkdoc on files from a Dired buffer.
*** No longer checks for "A-" modifiers.
Checkdoc recommends usage of command substitutions ("\\[foo-command]")
(if (called-interactively-p 'interactive)
(message "Checkdoc: done."))))))
+(defconst checkdoc--dired-skip-lines-re
+ (rx (or (seq bol
+ (or ";; Generated from Unicode data files by unidat"
+ ";; This file is automatically generated from"
+ ";; Generated by the command "))
+ ".el --- automatically extracted autoloads -*- lexical-binding: t -*-"
+ ";;; lisp/trampver.el. Generated from by configure."))
+ "Regexp that when it matches tells `checkdoc-dired' to skip a file.")
+(defun checkdoc-dired (files)
+ "In Dired, run `checkdoc' on marked files.
+Skip anything that doesn't have the Emacs Lisp library file
+extension (\".el\").
+When called from Lisp, FILES is a list of filenames."
+ (interactive
+ (list
+ (delq nil
+ (mapcar
+ ;; skip anything that doesn't look like an Emacs Lisp library
+ (lambda (f) (if (equal (file-name-extension f) "el") f nil))
+ (nreverse (dired-map-over-marks (dired-get-filename) nil)))))
+ dired-mode)
+ (if (null files)
+ (error "No files to run checkdoc on")
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (dolist (fil files)
+ (find-file fil)
+ (unless (and
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (re-search-forward checkdoc--dired-skip-lines-re nil t))
+ (checkdoc)))))
+ (message "checkdoc-dired: Successfully checked %d files" (length files)))
;;; Ispell interface for forcing a spell check