;; Throw the regular signal.
-(cl-defmethod clone ((obj eieio-instance-inheritor) &rest _params)
+(cl-defmethod clone ((obj eieio-instance-inheritor) &rest params)
"Clone OBJ, initializing `:parent' to OBJ.
All slots are unbound, except those initialized with PARAMS."
- (let ((nobj (cl-call-next-method)))
+ ;; call next method without params as we makeunbound slots anyhow
+ (let ((nobj (if (stringp (car params))
+ (cl-call-next-method obj (pop params))
+ (cl-call-next-method obj))))
+ (dolist (descriptor (eieio-class-slots (class-of nobj)))
+ (let ((slot (eieio-slot-descriptor-name descriptor)))
+ (slot-makeunbound nobj slot)))
+ (when params
+ (shared-initialize nobj params))
(oset nobj parent-instance obj)
(setq eitest-II3 (clone eitest-II2 "eitest-II3 Test."))
(oset eitest-II3 slot3 'penguin)
+ ;; Test that slots are non-initialized slots are unbounded
+ (oref eitest-II2 slot1)
+ (should (slot-boundp eitest-II2 'slot1))
+ (should-not (slot-boundp eitest-II2 'slot2))
+ (should-not (slot-boundp eitest-II2 'slot3))
+ (should-not (slot-boundp eitest-II3 'slot2))
+ (should-not (slot-boundp eitest-II3 'slot1))
+ (should-not (slot-boundp eitest-II3 'slot2))
+ (should (eieio-instance-inheritor-slot-boundp eitest-II3 'slot2))
+ (should (slot-boundp eitest-II3 'slot3))
;; Test level 1 inheritance
(should (eq (oref eitest-II3 slot1) 'moose))
;; Test level 2 inheritance
(should (string= "aa-1" (oref D object-name)))
(should (string= "aa-2" (oref E object-name)))))
+(defclass TII (eieio-instance-inheritor)
+ ((a :initform 1 :initarg :a)
+ (b :initarg :b)
+ (c :initarg :c))
+ "Instance Inheritor test class.")
+(ert-deftest eieio-test-39-clone-instance-inheritor-with-args ()
+ (let* ((A (TII))
+ (B (clone A :b "bb"))
+ (C (clone B :a "aa")))
+ (should (string= "aa" (oref C :a)))
+ (should (string= "bb" (oref C :b)))
+ (should (slot-boundp A :a))
+ (should-not (slot-boundp A :b))
+ (should-not (slot-boundp A :c))
+ (should-not (slot-boundp B :a))
+ (should (slot-boundp B :b))
+ (should-not (slot-boundp A :c))
+ (should (slot-boundp C :a))
+ (should-not (slot-boundp C :b))
+ (should-not (slot-boundp C :c))
+ (should (eieio-instance-inheritor-slot-boundp C :a))
+ (should (eieio-instance-inheritor-slot-boundp C :b))
+ (should-not (eieio-instance-inheritor-slot-boundp C :c))))
(provide 'eieio-tests)