(dolist (range-fn treesit-range-functions)
(funcall range-fn (or start (point-min)) (or end (point-max)))))
+(defun treesit-parser-range-on (parser beg &optional end)
+ "Check if PARSER's range covers the portion between BEG and END.
+If it does, return the range covering that portion in the form
+of (RANGE-BEG . RANGE-END), if not, return nil. If nil or
+omitted, default END to BEG."
+ (let ((ranges (treesit-parser-included-ranges parser))
+ (end (or end beg)))
+ (if (null ranges)
+ (cons (point-min) (point-max))
+ (cl-loop for rng in ranges
+ if (<= (car rng) beg end (cdr rng))
+ return rng
+ finally return nil))))
;;; Font-lock
(define-error 'treesit-font-lock-error