(defun flymake-find-possible-master-files (file-name master-file-dirs masks)
"Find (by name and location) all possible master files.
-Master files are .cpp and .c for and .h. Files are searched for
+Master files are .cpp and .c for and .h. Files are searched for
starting from the .h directory and max max-level parent dirs.
File contents are not checked."
(let* ((dirs master-file-dirs)
(defun flymake-master-file-compare (file-one file-two)
- "Compare two files speccified by FILE-ONE and FILE-TWO.
+ "Compare two files specified by FILE-ONE and FILE-TWO.
This function is used in sort to move most possible file names
-to the beginning of the list (File.h -> File.cpp moved to top."
+to the beginning of the list (File.h -> File.cpp moved to top)."
(and (equal (file-name-sans-extension flymake-included-file-name)
(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory file-one)))
(not (equal file-one file-two))))
(defun flymake-get-line-err-count (line-err-info-list type)
"Return number of errors of specified TYPE.
-Value of TYPE is eigher e or w."
+Value of TYPE is either \"e\" or \"w\"."
(let* ((idx 0)
(count (length line-err-info-list))
(err-count 0))
(defun flymake-highlight-line (line-no line-err-info-list)
"Highlight line LINE-NO in current buffer.
-Perhaps use text from LINE-ERR-INFO-ILST to enhance highlighting."
+Perhaps use text from LINE-ERR-INFO-LIST to enhance highlighting."
(goto-line line-no)
(let* ((line-beg (flymake-line-beginning-position))
(line-end (flymake-line-end-position))
(defun flymake-parse-line (line)
- "Parse LINE to see if it is an error of warning.
-Return its components if so, nil if no."
+ "Parse LINE to see if it is an error or warning.
+Return its components if so, nil otherwise."
(let ((raw-file-name nil)
(line-no 0)
(err-type "e")
(defcustom flymake-get-project-include-dirs-function 'flymake-get-project-include-dirs-imp
- "Function used to get project inc dirs, one paramater: basedir name."
+ "Function used to get project include dirs, one parameter: basedir name."
:group 'flymake
:type 'function)
(defun flymake-find-file (rel-file-name include-dirs)
- "Iterate through include-dirs to find file REL-FILE-NAME.
+ "Iterate through INCLUDE-DIRS to find file REL-FILE-NAME.
Return first 'INCLUDE-DIRS/REL-FILE-NAME' that exists, or just REL-FILE-NAME if not."
(let* ((count (length include-dirs))
(idx 0)
(flymake-log 1 "no errors for line %d" line-no))))
(defun flymake-make-err-menu-data (line-no line-err-info-list)
- "Make a (menu-title (item-title item-action)*) list with errors/warnings from line-err-info."
+ "Make a (menu-title (item-title item-action)*) list with errors/warnings from LINE-ERR-INFO-LIST."
(let* ((menu-items nil))
(when line-err-info-list
(let* ((count (length line-err-info-list))
(message-box warning))
(defcustom flymake-gui-warnings-enabled t
- "Enables/disables gui warnings."
+ "Enables/disables GUI warnings."
:group 'flymake
:type 'boolean)
(flymake-er-get-line (nth idx err-info-list))))))
(defun flymake-get-prev-err-line-no (err-info-list line-no)
- "Return prev line with error."
+ "Return previous line with error."
(when err-info-list
(let* ((count (length err-info-list)))
(while (and (> count 0) (<= line-no (flymake-er-get-line (nth (1- count) err-info-list))))
(flymake-log 1 "no errors in current buffer"))))
(defun flymake-goto-prev-error ()
- "Go to prev error in err ring."
+ "Go to previous error in err ring."
(let ((line-no (flymake-get-prev-err-line-no flymake-err-info (flymake-current-line-no))))
(when (not line-no)