For further details, please consult the manual:
+* Version 0.26.2 on 2023-11-09
+** Fix issue with Emacs daemon deleting a pty top-level
+This is a maintenance release, addressing an issue that could cause
+the Emacs daemon to shutdown upon deleting a top-level that uses a
+pseudo-terminal for communication.
* Version 0.26.1 on 2023-10-29
** Fix issue with top-level not starting correctly on GNU/Linux
@c %**end of header
-This manual is for Sweep (version 0.26.1), an Emacs package providing
+This manual is for Sweep (version 0.26.2), an Emacs package providing
an embedded SWI-Prolog runtime inside of Emacs along with an advanced
SWI-Prolog development environment.
@node Top
@top Sweep: SWI-Prolog Embedded in Emacs
-This manual is for Sweep (version 0.26.1), an Emacs package providing
+This manual is for Sweep (version 0.26.2), an Emacs package providing
an embedded SWI-Prolog runtime inside of Emacs along with an advanced
SWI-Prolog development environment.
;; Maintainer: Eshel Yaron <~eshel/>
;; Keywords: prolog languages extensions
;; URL:
-;; Package-Version: 0.26.1
+;; Package-Version: 0.26.2
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.1") (compat ""))
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.