Previously, assigning a new template to an already defined tag had no
** map.el
*** Pcase 'map' pattern added keyword symbols abbreviation.
These new navigation commands are bound to 'n' and 'p' in
+** cc-mode
+*** Added support for Doxygen documentation style.
+‘doxygen’ is now valid ‘c-doc-comment-style’ which recognises all
+comment styles supported by Doxygen (namely ‘///’, ‘//!’, ‘/** … */’
+and ‘/*! … */’. ‘gtkdoc’ remains the default for C and C++ modes; to
+use ‘doxygen’ by default one might evaluate:
+ (setq-default c-doc-comment-style
+ '((java-mode . javadoc)
+ (pike-mode . autodoc)
+ (c-mode . doxygen)
+ (c++-mode . doxygen)))
+or use it in a custom ‘c-style’.
* New Modes and Packages in Emacs 28.1
(c-font-lock-doc-comments "/[*/]!" limit
+;; Doxygen
+(defconst doxygen-font-lock-doc-comments
+ ;; TODO: Handle @code, @verbatim, @dot, @f etc. better by not highlighting
+ ;; text inside of those commands. Something smarter than just regexes may be
+ ;; needed to do that efficiently.
+ `((,(concat
+ ;; Make sure that the special character has not been escaped. E.g. in
+ ;; ‘\@foo’ only ‘\@’ is a command (similarly for other characters like
+ ;; ‘\\foo’, ‘\<foo’ and ‘\&foo’). The downside now is that we don’t
+ ;; match command started just after an escaped character, e.g. in
+ ;; ‘\@\foo’ we should match ‘\@’ as well as ‘\foo’ but only the former
+ ;; is matched.
+ "\\(?:^\\|[^\\@]\\)\\("
+ ;; Doxygen commands start with backslash or an at sign. Note that for
+ ;; brevity in the comments only ‘\’ will be mentioned.
+ "[\\@]\\(?:"
+ ;; Doxygen commands except those starting with ‘f’
+ "[a-eg-z][a-z]*"
+ ;; Doxygen command starting with ‘f’:
+ "\\|f\\(?:"
+ "[][$}]" ; \f$ \f} \f[ \f]
+ "\\|{\\(?:[a-zA-Z]+\\*?}{?\\)?" ; \f{ \f{env} \f{env}{
+ "\\|[a-z]+" ; \foo
+ "\\)"
+ "\\|~[a-zA-Z]*" ; \~ \~language
+ "\\|[$@&~<=>#%\".|\\\\]" ; single-character escapes
+ "\\|::\\|---?" ; \:: \-- \---
+ "\\)"
+ ;; HTML tags and entities:
+ "\\|</?\\sw\\(?:\\sw\\|\\s \\|[=\n\r*.:]\\|\"[^\"]*\"\\|'[^']*'\\)*>"
+ "\\|&\\(?:\\sw+\\|#[0-9]+\\|#x[0-9a-fA-F]+\\);"
+ "\\)")
+ 1 ,c-doc-markup-face-name prepend nil)
+ ;; Commands inside of strings are not commands so override highlighting with
+ ;; string face. This also affects HTML attribute values if they are
+ ;; surrounded with double quotes which may or may not be considered a good
+ ;; thing.
+ ("\\(?:^\\|[^\\@]\\)\\(\"[^\"[:cntrl:]]+\"\\)"
+ 1 font-lock-string-face prepend nil)
+ ;; HTML comments inside of the Doxygen comments.
+ ("\\(?:^\\|[^\\@]\\)\\(<!--.*?-->\\)"
+ 1 font-lock-comment-face prepend nil)
+ ;; Autolinking. Doxygen auto-links anything that is a class name but we have
+ ;; no hope of matching those. We are, however, able to match functions and
+ ;; members using explicit scoped syntax. For functions, we can also find
+ ;; them by noticing argument-list. Note that Doxygen accepts ‘::’ as well
+ ;; as ‘#’ as scope operators.
+ (,(let* ((ref "[\\@]ref\\s-+")
+ (ref-opt (concat "\\(?:" ref "\\)?"))
+ (id "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*")
+ (args "\\(?:()\\|([^()]*)\\)")
+ (scope "\\(?:#\\|::\\)"))
+ (concat
+ "\\(?:^\\|[^\\@/%:]\\)\\(?:"
+ ref-opt "\\(?1:" scope "?" "\\(?:" id scope "\\)+" "~?" id "\\)"
+ "\\|" ref-opt "\\(?1:" scope "~?" id "\\)"
+ "\\|" ref-opt "\\(?1:" scope "?" "~?" id "\\)" args
+ "\\|" ref "\\(?1:" "~?" id "\\)"
+ "\\|" ref-opt "\\(?1:~[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)"
+ "\\)"))
+ 1 font-lock-function-name-face prepend nil)
+ ;; Match URLs and emails. This has two purposes. First of all, Doxygen
+ ;; autolinks URLs. Second of all, ‘@bar’ in ‘foo@bar.baz’ has been matched
+ ;; above as a command; try and overwrite it.
+ (,(let* ((host "[A-Za-z0-9]\\(?:[A-Za-z0-9-]\\{0,61\\}[A-Za-z0-9]\\)")
+ (fqdn (concat "\\(?:" host "\\.\\)+" host))
+ (comp "[!-(*--/-=?-~]+")
+ (path (concat "/\\(?:" comp "[.]+" "\\)*" comp)))
+ (concat "\\(?:mailto:\\)?[a-zA-0_.]+@" fqdn
+ "\\|https?://" fqdn "\\(?:" path "\\)?"))
+ 0 font-lock-keyword-face prepend nil)))
+(defconst doxygen-font-lock-keywords
+ `((,(lambda (limit)
+ (c-font-lock-doc-comments "/\\(?:/[/!]\\|\\*[\\*!]\\)"
+ limit doxygen-font-lock-doc-comments)))))
;; 2006-07-10: awk-font-lock-keywords has been moved back to cc-awk.el.
(cc-provide 'cc-fonts)