Emacs, be careful to check the implications of the GPL. For instance,
if you put the emacs-22.1-bin-i386.tar.gz file from this directory on
an Internet site, you must arrange to distribute the source files of
- the SAME version (i.e. emacs-22.1-src.tar.gz).
+ the SAME version (i.e. ../emacs-22.1.tar.gz).
Making a link to our copy of the source is NOT sufficient, since we
might upgrade to a new version while you are still distributing the
- NB. If you just want to run Emacs, get the distribution above.
+ NB. If you just want to run Emacs, get one of the distributions above.
+ Bare executables, useful if you want to get the complete source
release, but can't compile Emacs yourself:
+ The complete official source for Emacs:
- ../emacs-22.1-src.tar.gz
+ ../emacs-22.1.tar.gz
* Distributions for non-x86 platforms