SYMBOL matches anything and binds it to SYMBOL.
(or UPAT...) matches if any of the patterns matches.
(and UPAT...) matches if all the patterns match.
+ 'VAL matches if the object is `equal' to VAL
`QPAT matches if the QPattern QPAT matches.
(pred PRED) matches if PRED applied to the object returns non-nil.
(guard BOOLEXP) matches if BOOLEXP evaluates to non-nil.
(let UPAT EXP) matches if EXP matches UPAT.
+ (app FUN UPAT) matches if FUN applied to the object matches UPAT.
If a SYMBOL is used twice in the same pattern (i.e. the pattern is
\"non-linear\"), then the second occurrence is turned into an `eq'uality test.
+FUN can be either of the form (lambda ARGS BODY) or a symbol.
+It has to obey the rule that if (FUN X) returns V then calling it again will
+return the same V again (so that multiple (FUN X) can be consolidated).
QPatterns can take the following forms:
(QPAT1 . QPAT2) matches if QPAT1 matches the car and QPAT2 the cdr.
[QPAT1 QPAT2..QPATn] matches a vector of length n and QPAT1..QPATn match
PRED can take the form
FUNCTION in which case it gets called with one argument.
- (FUN ARG1 .. ARGN) in which case it gets called with an N+1'th argument
+ (F ARG1 .. ARGn) in which case F gets called with an n+1'th argument
which is the value being matched.
A PRED of the form FUNCTION is equivalent to one of the form (FUNCTION).
PRED patterns can refer to variables bound earlier in the pattern.
(let* ((x (make-symbol "x"))
(pcase--dontwarn-upats (cons x pcase--dontwarn-upats)))
+ ;; FIXME: Could we add the FILE:LINE data in the error message?
exp (append cases `((,x (error "No clause matching `%S'" ,x)))))))
(defun pcase--let* (bindings body)
(defun pcase--self-quoting-p (upat)
(or (keywordp upat) (numberp upat) (stringp upat)))
+(defun pcase--app-subst-match (match sym fun nsym)
+ (cond
+ ((eq (car match) 'match)
+ (if (and (eq sym (cadr match))
+ (eq 'app (car-safe (cddr match)))
+ (equal fun (nth 1 (cddr match))))
+ `(match ,nsym ,@(nth 2 (cddr match)))
+ match))
+ ((memq (car match) '(or and))
+ `(,(car match)
+ ,@(mapcar (lambda (match)
+ (pcase--app-subst-match match sym fun nsym))
+ (cdr match))))
+ (t (error "Uknown MATCH %s" match))))
+(defun pcase--app-subst-rest (rest sym fun nsym)
+ (mapcar (lambda (branch)
+ `(,(pcase--app-subst-match (car branch) sym fun nsym)
+ ,@(cdr branch)))
+ rest))
(defsubst pcase--mark-used (sym)
;; Exceptionally, `sym' may be a constant expression rather than a symbol.
(if (symbolp sym) (put sym 'pcase-used t)))
(if env (macroexp-let* env exp) exp))))
(pcase--u1 (cons `(match ,sym . ,(nth 1 upat)) matches)
code vars rest)))
+ ((eq (car-safe upat) 'app)
+ ;; A upat of the form (app FUN UPAT)
+ (pcase--mark-used sym)
+ (let* ((fun (nth 1 upat)))
+ (macroexp-let2
+ macroexp-copyable-p nsym
+ (if (symbolp fun)
+ `(,fun ,sym)
+ (let* ((vs (pcase--fgrep (mapcar #'car vars) fun))
+ (env (mapcar (lambda (v) (list v (cdr (assq v vars))))
+ vs))
+ (call `(funcall #',fun ,sym)))
+ (if env (macroexp-let* env call) call)))
+ ;; We don't change `matches' to reuse the newly computed value,
+ ;; because we assume there shouldn't be such redundancy in there.
+ (pcase--u1 (cons `(match ,nsym ,@(nth 2 upat)) matches)
+ code vars
+ (pcase--app-subst-rest rest sym fun nsym)))))
((eq (car-safe upat) '\`)
(pcase--mark-used sym)
(pcase--q1 sym (cadr upat) matches code vars rest))
+ ((eq (car-safe upat) 'quote)
+ (let* ((val (cadr upat))
+ (splitrest (pcase--split-rest
+ sym (lambda (pat) (pcase--split-equal val pat)) rest))
+ (then-rest (car splitrest))
+ (else-rest (cdr splitrest)))
+ (pcase--if (cond
+ ((null val) `(null ,sym))
+ ((or (integerp val) (symbolp val))
+ `(equal ,sym ,val))
+ (t `(equal ,sym ',val)))
+ (pcase--u1 matches code vars then-rest)
+ (pcase--u else-rest))))
((eq (car-safe upat) 'or)
(let ((all (> (length (cdr upat)) 1))
(memq-fine t))
--- /dev/null
+;;; pcase-tests.el --- Test suite for pcase macro.
+;; Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+(require 'ert)
+(ert-deftest pcase-tests-behavior ()
+ "Test pcase code."
+ (should (equal (pcase '(1 . 2) ((app car '2) 6) ((app car '1) 5)) 5)))
+;; Local Variables:
+;; no-byte-compile: t
+;; End:
+;;; pcase-tests.el ends here.