(should (= (comp-tests-conditionals-2-f t) 1340))
(should (eq (comp-tests-conditionals-2-f nil) nil)))
-;; (ert-deftest comp-tests-fixnum ()
-;; "Testing some fixnum inline operation."
-;; (defun comp-tests-fixnum-1-minus-f (x)
-;; ;; Bsub1
-;; (1- x))
-;; (defun comp-tests-fixnum-1-plus-f (x)
-;; ;; Badd1
-;; (1+ x))
-;; (defun comp-tests-fixnum-minus-f (x)
-;; ;; Bnegate
-;; (- x))
-;; (native-compile #'comp-tests-fixnum-1-minus-f)
-;; (native-compile #'comp-tests-fixnum-1-plus-f)
-;; (native-compile #'comp-tests-fixnum-minus-f)
-;; (should (= (comp-tests-fixnum-1-minus-f 10) 9))
-;; (should (= (comp-tests-fixnum-1-minus-f most-negative-fixnum)
-;; (1- most-negative-fixnum)))
-;; (should (equal (condition-case err
-;; (comp-tests-fixnum-1-minus-f 'a)
-;; (error err))
-;; '(wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p a)))
-;; (should (= (comp-tests-fixnum-1-plus-f 10) 11))
-;; (should (= (comp-tests-fixnum-1-plus-f most-positive-fixnum)
-;; (1+ most-positive-fixnum)))
-;; (should (equal (condition-case err
-;; (comp-tests-fixnum-1-plus-f 'a)
-;; (error err))
-;; '(wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p a)))
-;; (should (= (comp-tests-fixnum-minus-f 10) -10))
-;; (should (= (comp-tests-fixnum-minus-f most-negative-fixnum)
-;; (- most-negative-fixnum)))
-;; (should (equal (condition-case err
-;; (comp-tests-fixnum-minus-f 'a)
-;; (error err))
-;; '(wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p a))))
-;; (ert-deftest comp-tests-arith-comp ()
-;; "Testing arithmetic comparisons."
-;; (defun comp-tests-eqlsign-f (x y)
-;; ;; Beqlsign
-;; (= x y))
-;; (defun comp-tests-gtr-f (x y)
-;; ;; Bgtr
-;; (> x y))
-;; (defun comp-tests-lss-f (x y)
-;; ;; Blss
-;; (< x y))
-;; (defun comp-tests-les-f (x y)
-;; ;; Bleq
-;; (<= x y))
-;; (defun comp-tests-geq-f (x y)
-;; ;; Bgeq
-;; (>= x y))
-;; (native-compile #'comp-tests-eqlsign-f)
-;; (native-compile #'comp-tests-gtr-f)
-;; (native-compile #'comp-tests-lss-f)
-;; (native-compile #'comp-tests-les-f)
-;; (native-compile #'comp-tests-geq-f)
-;; (should (eq (comp-tests-eqlsign-f 4 3) nil))
-;; (should (eq (comp-tests-eqlsign-f 3 3) t))
-;; (should (eq (comp-tests-eqlsign-f 2 3) nil))
-;; (should (eq (comp-tests-gtr-f 4 3) t))
-;; (should (eq (comp-tests-gtr-f 3 3) nil))
-;; (should (eq (comp-tests-gtr-f 2 3) nil))
-;; (should (eq (comp-tests-lss-f 4 3) nil))
-;; (should (eq (comp-tests-lss-f 3 3) nil))
-;; (should (eq (comp-tests-lss-f 2 3) t))
-;; (should (eq (comp-tests-les-f 4 3) nil))
-;; (should (eq (comp-tests-les-f 3 3) t))
-;; (should (eq (comp-tests-les-f 2 3) t))
-;; (should (eq (comp-tests-geq-f 4 3) t))
-;; (should (eq (comp-tests-geq-f 3 3) t))
-;; (should (eq (comp-tests-geq-f 2 3) nil)))
-;; (ert-deftest comp-tests-setcarcdr ()
-;; "Testing setcar setcdr."
-;; (defun comp-tests-setcar-f (x y)
-;; (setcar x y)
-;; x)
-;; (defun comp-tests-setcdr-f (x y)
-;; (setcdr x y)
-;; x)
-;; (native-compile #'comp-tests-setcar-f)
-;; (native-compile #'comp-tests-setcdr-f)
-;; (should (equal (comp-tests-setcar-f '(10 . 10) 3) '(3 . 10)))
-;; (should (equal (comp-tests-setcdr-f '(10 . 10) 3) '(10 . 3)))
-;; (should (equal (condition-case
-;; err
-;; (comp-tests-setcar-f 3 10)
-;; (error err))
-;; '(wrong-type-argument consp 3)))
-;; (should (equal (condition-case
-;; err
-;; (comp-tests-setcdr-f 3 10)
-;; (error err))
-;; '(wrong-type-argument consp 3))))
+(ert-deftest comp-tests-fixnum ()
+ "Testing some fixnum inline operation."
+ (defun comp-tests-fixnum-1-minus-f (x)
+ ;; Bsub1
+ (1- x))
+ (defun comp-tests-fixnum-1-plus-f (x)
+ ;; Badd1
+ (1+ x))
+ (defun comp-tests-fixnum-minus-f (x)
+ ;; Bnegate
+ (- x))
+ (native-compile #'comp-tests-fixnum-1-minus-f)
+ (native-compile #'comp-tests-fixnum-1-plus-f)
+ (native-compile #'comp-tests-fixnum-minus-f)
+ (should (= (comp-tests-fixnum-1-minus-f 10) 9))
+ (should (= (comp-tests-fixnum-1-minus-f most-negative-fixnum)
+ (1- most-negative-fixnum)))
+ (should (equal (condition-case err
+ (comp-tests-fixnum-1-minus-f 'a)
+ (error err))
+ '(wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p a)))
+ (should (= (comp-tests-fixnum-1-plus-f 10) 11))
+ (should (= (comp-tests-fixnum-1-plus-f most-positive-fixnum)
+ (1+ most-positive-fixnum)))
+ (should (equal (condition-case err
+ (comp-tests-fixnum-1-plus-f 'a)
+ (error err))
+ '(wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p a)))
+ (should (= (comp-tests-fixnum-minus-f 10) -10))
+ (should (= (comp-tests-fixnum-minus-f most-negative-fixnum)
+ (- most-negative-fixnum)))
+ (should (equal (condition-case err
+ (comp-tests-fixnum-minus-f 'a)
+ (error err))
+ '(wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p a))))
+(ert-deftest comp-tests-arith-comp ()
+ "Testing arithmetic comparisons."
+ (defun comp-tests-eqlsign-f (x y)
+ ;; Beqlsign
+ (= x y))
+ (defun comp-tests-gtr-f (x y)
+ ;; Bgtr
+ (> x y))
+ (defun comp-tests-lss-f (x y)
+ ;; Blss
+ (< x y))
+ (defun comp-tests-les-f (x y)
+ ;; Bleq
+ (<= x y))
+ (defun comp-tests-geq-f (x y)
+ ;; Bgeq
+ (>= x y))
+ (native-compile #'comp-tests-eqlsign-f)
+ (native-compile #'comp-tests-gtr-f)
+ (native-compile #'comp-tests-lss-f)
+ (native-compile #'comp-tests-les-f)
+ (native-compile #'comp-tests-geq-f)
+ (should (eq (comp-tests-eqlsign-f 4 3) nil))
+ (should (eq (comp-tests-eqlsign-f 3 3) t))
+ (should (eq (comp-tests-eqlsign-f 2 3) nil))
+ (should (eq (comp-tests-gtr-f 4 3) t))
+ (should (eq (comp-tests-gtr-f 3 3) nil))
+ (should (eq (comp-tests-gtr-f 2 3) nil))
+ (should (eq (comp-tests-lss-f 4 3) nil))
+ (should (eq (comp-tests-lss-f 3 3) nil))
+ (should (eq (comp-tests-lss-f 2 3) t))
+ (should (eq (comp-tests-les-f 4 3) nil))
+ (should (eq (comp-tests-les-f 3 3) t))
+ (should (eq (comp-tests-les-f 2 3) t))
+ (should (eq (comp-tests-geq-f 4 3) t))
+ (should (eq (comp-tests-geq-f 3 3) t))
+ (should (eq (comp-tests-geq-f 2 3) nil)))
+(ert-deftest comp-tests-setcarcdr ()
+ "Testing setcar setcdr."
+ (defun comp-tests-setcar-f (x y)
+ (setcar x y)
+ x)
+ (defun comp-tests-setcdr-f (x y)
+ (setcdr x y)
+ x)
+ (native-compile #'comp-tests-setcar-f)
+ (native-compile #'comp-tests-setcdr-f)
+ (should (equal (comp-tests-setcar-f '(10 . 10) 3) '(3 . 10)))
+ (should (equal (comp-tests-setcdr-f '(10 . 10) 3) '(10 . 3)))
+ (should (equal (condition-case
+ err
+ (comp-tests-setcar-f 3 10)
+ (error err))
+ '(wrong-type-argument consp 3)))
+ (should (equal (condition-case
+ err
+ (comp-tests-setcdr-f 3 10)
+ (error err))
+ '(wrong-type-argument consp 3))))
;; (ert-deftest comp-tests-bubble-sort ()
;; "Run bubble sort."
;; (should (equal (comp-bubble-sort-f list1)
;; (sort list2 #'<)))))
-;; (ert-deftest comp-tests-list-inline ()
-;; "Test some inlined list functions."
-;; (defun comp-tests-consp-f (x)
-;; ;; Bconsp
-;; (consp x))
-;; (defun comp-tests-car-f (x)
-;; ;; Bsetcar
-;; (setcar x 3))
-;; (native-compile #'comp-tests-consp-f)
-;; (native-compile #'comp-tests-car-f)
-;; (should (eq (comp-tests-consp-f '(1)) t))
-;; (should (eq (comp-tests-consp-f 1) nil))
-;; (let ((x (cons 1 2)))
-;; (should (= (comp-tests-car-f x) 3))
-;; (should (equal x '(3 . 2)))))
-;; (ert-deftest comp-tests-num-inline ()
-;; "Test some inlined number functions."
-;; (defun comp-tests-integerp-f (x)
-;; ;; Bintegerp
-;; (integerp x))
-;; (defun comp-tests-numberp-f (x)
-;; ;; Bnumberp
-;; (numberp x))
-;; (native-compile #'comp-tests-integerp-f)
-;; (native-compile #'comp-tests-numberp-f)
-;; (should (eq (comp-tests-integerp-f 1) t))
-;; (should (eq (comp-tests-integerp-f '(1)) nil))
-;; (should (eq (comp-tests-integerp-f 3.5) nil))
-;; (should (eq (comp-tests-integerp-f (1+ most-negative-fixnum)) t))
-;; (should (eq (comp-tests-numberp-f 1) t))
-;; (should (eq (comp-tests-numberp-f 'a) nil))
-;; (should (eq (comp-tests-numberp-f 3.5) t)))
+(ert-deftest comp-tests-list-inline ()
+ "Test some inlined list functions."
+ (defun comp-tests-consp-f (x)
+ ;; Bconsp
+ (consp x))
+ (defun comp-tests-car-f (x)
+ ;; Bsetcar
+ (setcar x 3))
+ (native-compile #'comp-tests-consp-f)
+ (native-compile #'comp-tests-car-f)
+ (should (eq (comp-tests-consp-f '(1)) t))
+ (should (eq (comp-tests-consp-f 1) nil))
+ (let ((x (cons 1 2)))
+ (should (= (comp-tests-car-f x) 3))
+ (should (equal x '(3 . 2)))))
+(ert-deftest comp-tests-num-inline ()
+ "Test some inlined number functions."
+ (defun comp-tests-integerp-f (x)
+ ;; Bintegerp
+ (integerp x))
+ (defun comp-tests-numberp-f (x)
+ ;; Bnumberp
+ (numberp x))
+ (native-compile #'comp-tests-integerp-f)
+ (native-compile #'comp-tests-numberp-f)
+ (should (eq (comp-tests-integerp-f 1) t))
+ (should (eq (comp-tests-integerp-f '(1)) nil))
+ (should (eq (comp-tests-integerp-f 3.5) nil))
+ (should (eq (comp-tests-integerp-f (1+ most-negative-fixnum)) t))
+ (should (eq (comp-tests-numberp-f 1) t))
+ (should (eq (comp-tests-numberp-f 'a) nil))
+ (should (eq (comp-tests-numberp-f 3.5) t)))
;; (ert-deftest comp-tests-stack ()
;; "Test some stack operation."
;; (should (= (catch 'foo
;; (comp-tests-throw-f 3)))))
-;; (ert-deftest comp-tests-gc ()
-;; "Try to do some longer computation to let the gc kick in."
-;; (dotimes (_ 100000)
-;; (comp-tests-cons-cdr-f 3))
+(ert-deftest comp-tests-gc ()
+ "Try to do some longer computation to let the gc kick in."
+ (dotimes (_ 100000)
+ (comp-tests-cons-cdr-f 3))
-;; (should (= (comp-tests-cons-cdr-f 3) 3)))
+ (should (= (comp-tests-cons-cdr-f 3) 3)))
;;; comp-tests.el ends here