;; This is run from post-command-hook or some idle timer thing,
;; so we need to be careful that errors aren't ignored.
(with-demoted-errors "eldoc error: %s"
- (and (or (eldoc-display-message-p)
- ;; Erase the last message if we won't display a new one.
- (when eldoc-last-message
- (eldoc-message nil)
- nil))
- (eldoc-message (funcall eldoc-documentation-function)))))
+ (if (not (eldoc-display-message-p))
+ ;; Erase the last message if we won't display a new one.
+ (when eldoc-last-message
+ (eldoc-message nil))
+ (let ((non-essential t))
+ ;; Only keep looking for the info as long as the user hasn't
+ ;; requested our attention. This also locally disables inhibit-quit.
+ (while-no-input
+ (eldoc-message (funcall eldoc-documentation-function)))))))
;; If the entire line cannot fit in the echo area, the symbol name may be
;; truncated or eliminated entirely from the output to make room for the