(defvar ede-archive-linker
- "ede-archive-linker"
:name "ar"
:variables '(("AR" . "ar")
("AR_CMD" . "$(AR) cr"))
"This target consists of aux files such as READMEs and COPYING.")
(defvar ede-aux-source
- (ede-sourcecode "ede-aux-source-txt"
- :name "Auxiliary Text"
+ (ede-sourcecode :name "Auxiliary Text"
:sourcepattern "^[A-Z]+$\\|\\.txt$")
"Miscellaneous fields definition.")
(ede-proj-makefile-sourcevar this)))
(defvar ede-source-emacs
- (ede-sourcecode "ede-emacs-source"
- :name "Emacs Lisp"
+ (ede-sourcecode :name "Emacs Lisp"
:sourcepattern "\\.el$"
:garbagepattern '("*.elc"))
"Emacs Lisp source code definition.")
(defvar ede-emacs-compiler
- "ede-emacs-compiler"
:name "emacs"
:variables '(("EMACS" . "emacs")
("EMACSFLAGS" . "-batch --no-site-file --eval '(setq debug-on-error t)'")
("require" . "$(foreach r,$(1),(require (quote $(r))))"))
:rules (list (ede-makefile-rule
- "elisp-inference-rule"
:target "%.elc"
:dependencies "%.el"
:rules '("$(EMACS) $(EMACSFLAGS) $(addprefix -L ,$(LOADPATH)) \
"Compile Emacs Lisp programs.")
(defvar ede-xemacs-compiler
- (clone ede-emacs-compiler "ede-xemacs-compiler"
+ (clone ede-emacs-compiler
:name "xemacs"
:variables '(("EMACS" . "xemacs")))
"Compile Emacs Lisp programs with XEmacs.")
;; Compilers
(defvar ede-emacs-cedet-autogen-compiler
- "ede-emacs-autogen-compiler"
:name "emacs"
:variables '(("EMACS" . "emacs")
("EMACSFLAGS" . "-batch --no-site-file --eval '(setq debug-on-error t)'")
'("$(EMACS) $(EMACSFLAGS) $(addprefix -L ,$(LOADPATH)) \
--eval '(setq generated-autoload-file \"$(abspath $(LOADDEFS))\")' \
-f batch-update-autoloads $(abspath $(LOADDIRS))")
- :rules (list (ede-makefile-rule "clean-autoloads" :target "clean-autoloads" :phony t :rules '("rm -f $(LOADDEFS)")))
+ :rules (list (ede-makefile-rule :target "clean-autoloads" :phony t :rules '("rm -f $(LOADDEFS)")))
:sourcetype '(ede-source-emacs)
"Build an autoloads file.")
"Target for a single info file.")
(defvar ede-makeinfo-source
- (ede-sourcecode "ede-makeinfo-source"
- :name "Texinfo"
+ (ede-sourcecode :name "Texinfo"
:sourcepattern "\\.texi?$"
:garbagepattern '("*.info*" "*.html"))
"Texinfo source code definition.")
(defvar ede-makeinfo-compiler
- "ede-makeinfo-compiler"
:name "makeinfo"
:variables '(("MAKEINFO" . "makeinfo"))
:commands '("$(MAKEINFO) $<")
(defvar ede-texi2html-compiler
- "ede-texi2html-compiler"
:name "texi2html"
:variables '(("TEXI2HTML" . "makeinfo -html"))
:commands '("makeinfo -o $@ $<")
All listed sources are included in the distribution.")
(defvar ede-misc-source
- (ede-sourcecode "ede-misc-source"
- :name "Miscellaneous"
+ (ede-sourcecode :name "Miscellaneous"
:sourcepattern ".*")
"Miscellaneous field definition.")
(defvar ede-misc-compile
- (ede-compiler "ede-misc-compile"
- :name "Sub Makefile"
+ (ede-compiler :name "Sub Makefile"
;;; C/C++ Compilers and Linkers
(defvar ede-source-c
- (ede-sourcecode "ede-source-c"
- :name "C"
+ (ede-sourcecode :name "C"
:sourcepattern "\\.c$"
:auxsourcepattern "\\.h$"
:garbagepattern '("*.o" "*.obj" ".deps/*.P" ".lo"))
(defvar ede-gcc-compiler
- "ede-c-compiler-gcc"
:name "gcc"
:dependencyvar '("C_DEPENDENCIES" . "-Wp,-MD,.deps/$(*F).P")
:variables '(("CC" . "gcc")
:rules (list (ede-makefile-rule
- "c-inference-rule"
:target "%.o"
:dependencies "%.c"
:rules '("@echo '$(C_COMPILE) -c $<'; \\"
(defvar ede-cc-linker
- "ede-cc-linker"
:name "cc"
:sourcetype '(ede-source-c)
:variables '(("C_LINK" . "$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -L."))
"Linker for C sourcecode.")
(defvar ede-source-c++
- (ede-sourcecode "ede-source-c++"
- :name "C++"
+ (ede-sourcecode :name "C++"
:sourcepattern "\\.\\(c\\(pp?\\|c\\|xx\\|++\\)\\|C\\(PP\\)?\\)$"
:auxsourcepattern "\\.\\(hpp?\\|hh?\\|hxx\\|H\\)$"
:garbagepattern '("*.o" "*.obj" ".deps/*.P" ".lo"))
(defvar ede-g++-compiler
- "ede-c-compiler-g++"
:name "g++"
:dependencyvar '("CXX_DEPENDENCIES" . "-Wp,-MD,.deps/$(*F).P")
:variables '(("CXX" "g++")
:rules (list (ede-makefile-rule
- "c++-inference-rule"
:target "%.o"
:dependencies "%.cpp"
:rules '("@echo '$(CXX_COMPILE) -c $<'; \\"
(defvar ede-g++-linker
- "ede-g++-linker"
:name "g++"
;; Only use this linker when c++ exists.
:sourcetype '(ede-source-c++)
;;; LEX
(defvar ede-source-lex
- (ede-sourcecode "ede-source-lex"
- :name "lex"
+ (ede-sourcecode :name "lex"
:sourcepattern "\\.l\\(l\\|pp\\|++\\)")
"Lex source code definition.
No garbage pattern since it creates C or C++ code.")
(defvar ede-lex-compiler
- "ede-lex-compiler"
;; Can we support regular makefiles too??
:autoconf '("AC_PROG_LEX")
:sourcetype '(ede-source-lex))
;;; YACC
(defvar ede-source-yacc
- (ede-sourcecode "ede-source-yacc"
- :name "yacc"
+ (ede-sourcecode :name "yacc"
:sourcepattern "\\.y\\(y\\|pp\\|++\\)")
"Yacc source code definition.
No garbage pattern since it creates C or C++ code.")
(defvar ede-yacc-compiler
- "ede-yacc-compiler"
;; Can we support regular makefiles too??
:autoconf '("AC_PROG_YACC")
:sourcetype '(ede-source-yacc))
;; Contributed by David Engster
(defvar ede-source-f90
- (ede-sourcecode "ede-source-f90"
- :name "Fortran 90/95"
+ (ede-sourcecode :name "Fortran 90/95"
:sourcepattern "\\.[fF]9[05]$"
:auxsourcepattern "\\.incf$"
:garbagepattern '("*.o" "*.mod" ".deps/*.P"))
"Fortran 90/95 source code definition.")
(defvar ede-source-f77
- (ede-sourcecode "ede-source-f77"
- :name "Fortran 77"
+ (ede-sourcecode :name "Fortran 77"
:sourcepattern "\\.\\([fF]\\|for\\)$"
:auxsourcepattern "\\.incf$"
:garbagepattern '("*.o" ".deps/*.P"))
(defvar ede-gfortran-compiler
- "ede-f90-compiler-gfortran"
:name "gfortran"
:dependencyvar '("F90_DEPENDENCIES" . "-Wp,-MD,.deps/$(*F).P")
:variables '(("F90" . "gfortran")
("F90_COMPILE" .
"$(F90) $(DEFS) $(INCLUDES) $(F90FLAGS)"))
:rules (list (ede-makefile-rule
- "f90-inference-rule"
:target "%.o"
:dependencies "%.f90"
:rules '("@echo '$(F90_COMPILE) -c $<'; \\"
(defvar ede-gfortran-module-compiler
(clone ede-gfortran-compiler
- "ede-f90-module-compiler-gfortran"
:name "gfortranmod"
:sourcetype '(ede-source-f90)
:commands '("$(F90_COMPILE) -c $^")
(defvar ede-gfortran-linker
- "ede-gfortran-linker"
:name "gfortran"
:sourcetype '(ede-source-f90 ede-source-f77)
:variables '(("F90_LINK" . "$(F90) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -L."))
(defvar ede-ld-linker
- "ede-ld-linker"
:name "ld"
:variables '(("LD" . "ld")
("LD_LINK" . "$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -L."))
("LTLINK" . "$(LIBTOOL) --mode=link $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -L. -o $@")
:rules (list (ede-makefile-rule
- "cc-inference-rule-libtool"
:target "%.o"
:dependencies "%.c"
:rules '("@echo '$(LTCOMPILE) -o $@ $<'; \\"
("LTCOMPILE" . "$(LIBTOOL) --tag=CXX --mode=compile $(CXX) $(DEFS) $(INCLUDES) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS)")
:rules (list (ede-makefile-rule
- "c++-inference-rule-libtool"
:target "%.o"
:dependencies "%.cpp"
:rules '("@echo '$(LTCOMPILE) -o $@ $<'; \\"
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'ede-project-class-files
- (ede-project-autoload "simple-overlay"
+ (ede-project-autoload
:name "Simple" :file 'ede/simple
:proj-file 'ede-simple-projectfile-for-dir
:load-type 'ede-simple-load
;; This must appear at the end so that the init method will work.
(defvar ede-source-scheme
- (ede-sourcecode "ede-source-scheme"
- :name "Scheme"
+ (ede-sourcecode :name "Scheme"
:sourcepattern "\\.scm$")
"Scheme source code definition.")
;;(defvar ede-source-
-;; (ede-sourcecode "ede-source-"
-;; :name ""
+;; (ede-sourcecode :name ""
;; :sourcepattern "\\.$"
;; :garbagepattern '("*."))
;; " source code definition.")
;; for the argument.
(setq context-return
- "functionargument"
:buffer (current-buffer)
:function fntag
:index arg
(setq context-return
- "assignment"
:buffer (current-buffer)
:assignee asstag
:scope scope
;; Nothing in particular
(setq context-return
- "context"
:buffer (current-buffer)
:scope scope
:bounds bounds
(list (semantic-tag-new-type inside-ns "namespace" tags nil)))
;; Create new semantic-table for the wrapped tags, since we don't want
;; the namespace to actually be a part of the header file.
- (setq newtable (semanticdb-table "include with context"))
+ (setq newtable (semanticdb-table))
(oset newtable tags newtags)
(oset newtable parent-db (oref inctable parent-db))
(oset newtable file (oref inctable file)))
The MATCH for \"thing\" is 1.
COLLECTION is a list of `things' that have been matched so far.
LEXTOKEN, is a token returned by the lexer which is being matched."
- (let ((frame (semantic-bovine-debug-frame "frame"
- :nonterm nonterm
+ (let ((frame (semantic-bovine-debug-frame :nonterm nonterm
:rule rule
:match match
:collection collection
(defun semantic-create-bovine-debug-error-frame (condition)
"Create an error frame for bovine debugger.
Argument CONDITION is the thrown error condition."
- (let ((frame (semantic-bovine-debug-error-frame "frame"
- :condition condition)))
+ (let ((frame (semantic-bovine-debug-error-frame :condition condition)))
(semantic-debug-set-frame semantic-debug-current-interface
HISTORY is a symbol representing a variable to store the history in."
(semantic-collector-buffer-deep prompt :buffer (current-buffer))
- (semantic-displayor-traditional-with-focus-highlight "simple")
- ;;(semantic-displayor-tooltip "simple")
+ (semantic-displayor-traditional-with-focus-highlight)
+ ;;(semantic-displayor-tooltip)
HISTORY is a symbol representing a variable to store the history in."
(semantic-collector-local-members prompt :buffer (current-buffer))
- (semantic-displayor-traditional-with-focus-highlight "simple")
- ;;(semantic-displayor-tooltip "simple")
+ (semantic-displayor-traditional-with-focus-highlight)
+ ;;(semantic-displayor-tooltip)
:buffer (current-buffer)
:path (current-buffer)
- (semantic-displayor-traditional-with-focus-highlight "simple")
+ (semantic-displayor-traditional-with-focus-highlight)
See `semantic-complete-inline-tag-engine' for details on how
completion works."
(let* ((collector (semantic-collector-project-brutish
- "inline"
:buffer (current-buffer)
:path (current-buffer)))
(sbounds (semantic-ctxt-current-symbol-and-bounds))
;; There are several options. Do the completion.
- (funcall semantic-complete-inline-analyzer-displayor-class
- "inline displayor")
- ;;(semantic-displayor-tooltip "simple")
+ (funcall semantic-complete-inline-analyzer-displayor-class)
+ ;;(semantic-displayor-tooltip)
start end))
:buffer (oref context buffer)
:context context)
- (semantic-displayor-traditional-with-focus-highlight "simple")
+ (semantic-displayor-traditional-with-focus-highlight)
(with-current-buffer (oref context buffer)
(goto-char (cdr (oref context bounds)))
(concat prompt (mapconcat 'identity syms ".")
(if (not context) (setq context (semantic-analyze-current-context (point))))
(if (not context) (error "Nothing to complete on here"))
(let* ((collector (semantic-collector-analyze-completions
- "inline"
:buffer (oref context buffer)
:context context))
(syms (semantic-ctxt-current-symbol (point)))
;; There are several options. Do the completion.
- (funcall semantic-complete-inline-analyzer-displayor-class
- "inline displayor")
- ;;(semantic-displayor-tooltip "simple")
+ (funcall semantic-complete-inline-analyzer-displayor-class)
+ ;;(semantic-displayor-tooltip)
(oref context buffer)
(car (oref context bounds))
(cdr (oref context bounds))
;; Create the database, and add it to searchable databases for javascript mode.
(defvar-mode-local javascript-mode semanticdb-project-system-databases
- (semanticdb-project-database-javascript "Javascript"))
+ (semanticdb-project-database-javascript))
"Search javascript for symbols.")
;; NOTE: Be sure to modify this to the best advantage of your
"For a javascript database, there are no explicit tables.
Create one of our special tables that can act as an intermediary."
;; NOTE: This method overrides an accessor for the `tables' slot in
- ;; a database. You can either construct your own (like tmp here
+ ;; a database. You can either construct your own (like newtable here
;; or you can manage any number of tables.
;; We need to return something since there is always the "master table"
;; The table can then answer file name type questions.
(when (not (slot-boundp obj 'tables))
- (let ((newtable (semanticdb-table-javascript "tmp")))
+ (let ((newtable (semanticdb-table-javascript)))
(oset obj tables (list newtable))
(oset newtable parent-db obj)
(oset newtable tags nil)
(let* ((tab semanticdb-current-table)
(myrefs (oref tab db-refs))
(myinc (semanticdb-includes-in-table tab))
- (adbc (semanticdb-ref-adebug "DEBUG"
- :i-depend-on myrefs
+ (adbc (semanticdb-ref-adebug :i-depend-on myrefs
:local-table tab
:i-include myinc)))
(data-debug-new-buffer "*References ADEBUG*")
(let ((parserb (semantic-debug-find-parser-source)))
- "Debug Interface"
:parser-buffer parserb
:parser-local-map (with-current-buffer parserb
(ede-proj-makefile-sourcevar this))))))
(defvar semantic-ede-source-grammar-wisent
- (ede-sourcecode "semantic-ede-grammar-source-wisent"
- :name "Wisent Grammar"
+ (ede-sourcecode :name "Wisent Grammar"
:sourcepattern "\\.wy$"
:garbagepattern '("*-wy.el")
(defvar semantic-ede-grammar-compiler-wisent
- "ede-emacs-wisent-compiler"
:name "emacs"
:variables '(("EMACS" . "emacs")
("EMACSFLAGS" . "-batch --no-site-file --eval '(setq debug-on-error t)'")
("require" . "$(foreach r,$(1),(require (quote $(r))))"))
:rules (list (ede-makefile-rule
- "elisp-inference-rule"
:target "%-wy.el"
:dependencies "%.wy"
:rules '("$(EMACS) $(EMACSFLAGS) $(addprefix -L ,$(LOADPATH)) \
(defvar semantic-ede-source-grammar-bovine
- (ede-sourcecode "semantic-ede-grammar-source-bovine"
- :name "Bovine Grammar"
+ (ede-sourcecode :name "Bovine Grammar"
:sourcepattern "\\.by$"
:garbagepattern '("*-by.el")
(defvar semantic-ede-grammar-compiler-bovine
- "ede-emacs-wisent-compiler"
:name "emacs"
:variables '(("EMACS" . "emacs")
("EMACSFLAGS" . "-batch --no-site-file --eval '(setq debug-on-error t)'")
("require" . "$(foreach r,$(1),(require (quote $(r))))"))
:rules (list (ede-makefile-rule
- "elisp-inference-rule"
:target "%-by.el"
:dependencies "%.by"
:rules '("$(EMACS) $(EMACSFLAGS) $(addprefix -L ,$(LOADPATH)) \
to delete some items from the ring when we don't have the data.")
(defvar semantic-mru-bookmark-ring (semantic-bookmark-ring
- "Ring"
:ring (make-ring 20))
"The MRU bookmark ring.
This ring tracks the most recent active tags of interest.")
(list searchname)))
(fullsearchname nil)
- (miniscope (semantic-scope-cache "mini"))
+ (miniscope (semantic-scope-cache))
;; Find the next entry in the referenced type for
Optional SCOPETYPES are additional scoped entities in which our parent might
be found."
(let ((lineage nil)
- (miniscope (semantic-scope-cache "mini"))
+ (miniscope (semantic-scope-cache))
(oset miniscope parents parents)
(oset miniscope scope scopetypes)
;; We need to make a mini scope, and only include the misc bits
;; that will help in finding the parent. We don't really need
;; to do any of the stuff related to variables and what-not.
- (setq tmpscope (semantic-scope-cache "mini"))
+ (setq tmpscope (semantic-scope-cache))
(let* ( ;; Step 1:
(scopetypes (cons type (semantic-analyze-scoped-types (point))))
(parents (semantic-analyze-scope-nested-tags (point) scopetypes))
(when prefix
(require 'semantic/analyze)
- "Context-for-texinfo"
:buffer (current-buffer)
:scope nil
:bounds bounds
(narrow-to-region start end)
(let ((dict (srecode-create-dictionary t))
- (state (srecode-extract-state "state"))
+ (state (srecode-extract-state))
(goto-char start)
(srecode-extract-method template dict state)
(if (not srecode-map-save-file)
;; 0) Create a MAP when in no save file mode.
(when (not srecode-current-map)
- (setq srecode-current-map (srecode-map "SRecode Map"))
+ (setq srecode-current-map (srecode-map))
(message "SRecode map created in non-save mode.")
(error "Change your SRecode map file"))))
;; Have a dir. Make the object.
(setq srecode-current-map
- (srecode-map "SRecode Map"
- :file srecode-map-save-file)))
+ (srecode-map :file srecode-map-save-file)))
;; 2) Do we not have a current map? If so load.
(when (not srecode-current-map)
;; There was an error loading the old map. Create a new one.
(setq srecode-current-map
- (srecode-map "SRecode Map"
- :file srecode-map-save-file))))
+ (srecode-map :file srecode-map-save-file))))
(let* ((macroend (match-beginning 0))
(raw (buffer-substring-no-properties
macrostart macroend))
- (STATE (srecode-compile-state "TMP"))
+ (STATE (srecode-compile-state))
(inserter (condition-case nil
raw STATE)
(setq context-return
- "context-for-srecode"
:buffer (current-buffer)
:scope scope
:bounds bounds