-Calling ~M-x sweeprolog-align-spaces~ will insert three spaces, to yield
-the expected layout:
+Calling ~M-x sweeprolog-align-spaces~ inserts three spaces, to yield the
+expected layout:
#+begin_src prolog
foo :-
:- use_module(library(lists)).
-With point in any position inside ~library(lists)~, typing ~C-c C-o~ will
-open the =lists.pl= file in the Prolog library.
+With point in any position inside ~library(lists)~, typing ~C-c C-o~
+opens the =lists.pl= file in the Prolog library.
Sweep also extends Emacs's ~file-name-at-point-functions~ hook with the
function ~sweeprolog-file-at-point~ that returns the resolved Prolog
(~sweeprolog-export-predicate~). If the current predicate is documented
with a =PlDoc= comment, a comment with the predicate's mode is added
after the predicate name in the export list. If point is not near a
-predicate definition, calling ~sweeprolog-export-predicate~ will prompt
+predicate definition, calling ~sweeprolog-export-predicate~ prompts
for a predicate to export, providing completion candidates based on
the non-exported predicates defined in the current buffer. To force
prompting for a predicate, invoke ~sweeprolog-export-predicate~ with a
Any number of top-levels can be created and used concurrently, each in
its own buffer. If a top-level buffer already exists, =sweeprolog-top-level=
-will simply open it by default. To create another one or more
+simply opens it by default. To create another one or more
top-level buffers, run =sweeprolog-top-level= with a prefix argument
(i.e. =C-u M-x sweeprolog-top-level-mode=) to choose a different buffer name.
Alternatively, run the command =C-x x u= (or =M-x rename-uniquely=) in the
buffer called =*sweeprolog-top-level*= and then run =M-x sweeprolog-top-level=
-again. This will change the name of the original top-level buffer to
+again. This changes the name of the original top-level buffer to
something like =*sweeprolog-top-level*<2>= and allow the new top-level to
claim the buffer name =*sweeprolog-top-level*=.
#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-list-top-levels
To open the Top-level Menu buffer, use the command ~M-x
-sweeprolog-list-top-levels~. By default, the buffer is will be named
+sweeprolog-list-top-levels~. By default, the buffer is called
=*sweep Top-levels*=.
The Top-level Menu buffer uses a special major mode named
Many standard SWI-Prolog facilities generate messages that refer to
-specific source code locations. For example, loading a Prolog file
-that contains singleton variables into the top-level will produce
-warning messages pointing to the starting line of the clauses where
-the singleton variables occur. If you enable
-~compilation-shell-minor-mode~ in the top-level buffer, Emacs recognizes
-the Prolog messages that refer to source locations and provides
-convenient commands for visiting such source locations from the
-top-level buffer. For more information about
-~compilation-shell-minor-mode~, see [[info:emacs#Compilation Mode][Compilation Mode]] in the Emacs
+specific source code locations. For example, loading a Prolog file that
+contains singleton variables into the top-level produces warning
+messages pointing to the starting line of the clauses where the
+singleton variables occur. If you enable ~compilation-shell-minor-mode~
+in the top-level buffer, Emacs recognizes the Prolog messages that refer
+to source locations and provides convenient commands for visiting such
+source locations from the top-level buffer. For more information about
+~compilation-shell-minor-mode~, see [[info:emacs#Compilation Mode][Compilation Mode]].
To use ~compilation-shell-minor-mode~ automatically in all top-level
-buffers, you can arrange for it to be enabled as part of the
-~sweeprolog-top-level-mode~ hook, as follows:
+buffers, you can arrange for the ~sweeprolog-top-level-mode~ hook to
+enable it as follows:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(add-hook 'sweeprolog-top-level-mode-hook
:ALT_TITLE: Send to Top-level
-#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-top-level-send-goal
You can send a goal to execute in a Prolog top-level from any buffer
-with the command ~M-x sweeprolog-top-level-send-goal~. This command
-prompts for a Prolog goal in the minibuffer, executes it in a
-top-level buffer and displays that buffer if it's not already visible.
+with the command ~M-x sweeprolog-top-level-send-goal~.
+#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-top-level-send-goal
+- Key: C-c C-q (sweeprolog-top-level-send-goal) :: Execute a Prolog goal
+ in a top-level buffer and display that buffer.
+This command prompts for a Prolog goal in the minibuffer, executes it in
+a top-level buffer and displays that buffer if it's not already visible.
While inserting the goal in the minibuffer, you can use ~TAB~ (or ~C-i~)
to get completion suggestions.
:ALT_TITLE: Finding Prolog Code
-The following commands let you find and jump to Prolog code from
+The following commands let you jump to a piece of Prolog code from
anywhere in Emacs:
#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-find-module
:ALT_TITLE: File Spec Expansion
-Sweep defines a handler for the Emacs function =expand-file-name= that
-recognizes Prolog file specifications, such as =library(lists)=, and
-expands them to their corresponding absolute paths. This means that
-one can use Prolog file specifications with Emacs's standard =find-file=
-(=C-x C-f=) to locate Prolog resources directly.
+Sweep defines a handler for the Emacs function ~expand-file-name~ that
+recognizes Prolog file specifications, such as ~library(lists)~, and
+expands them to their corresponding absolute paths. This means that you
+can use Prolog file specifications with Emacs's standard ~find-file~
+(~C-x C-f~) to locate Prolog resources directly.
-For example, typing =C-x C-f library(pldoc/doc_man)= will open the
-source of the =pldoc_man= module from the Prolog library, and likewise
-=C-x C-f pack(.)= will open the Prolog packages directory.
+For example, typing ~C-x C-f library(pldoc/doc_man)~ opens the source of
+the ~pldoc_man~ module from the Prolog library, and ~C-x C-f pack(.)~
+opens the Prolog packages directory.
** Built-in Native Predicates
the user has the SWI-Prolog sources checked out locally.
#+VINDEX: sweeprolog-swipl-sources
+- User Option: sweeprolog-swipl-sources :: Location of the SWI-Prolog
+ source code root directory.
The way Sweep locates the SWI-Prolog sources depends on the user
-option ~sweeprolog-swipl-sources~. When customized to a string, it is
-taken to be the path to the root directory of the SWI-Prolog source
-code. If instead ~sweeprolog-swipl-sources~ is set to ~t~ (the
-default), Sweep will try to locate a local checkout of the SWI-Prolog
-sources automatically among known project root directories provided by
-Emacs's built-in ~project-known-project-roots~ from =project.el= (see
-[[info:emacs#Projects][Projects]] in the Emacs manual for more information about =project.el=
-projects). Lastly, setting ~sweeprolog-swipl-sources~ to ~nil~
-disables searching for definitions of native built-ins.
+option ~sweeprolog-swipl-sources~. Setting it to ~nil~ disables
+searching for definitions of native built-ins altogether. To point
+Sweep to the root directory of the SWI-Prolog source code, set
+~sweeprolog-swipl-sources~ to the name of that directory. Any
+non-~nil~ non-string value says to try and locate a checkout of the
+SWI-Prolog sources among known project root directories (Sweep
+consults Emacs's built-in ~project-known-project-roots~ to find your
+project roots, see also [[info:emacs#Projects][Projects]] in the Emacs manual).
With ~sweeprolog-swipl-sources~ set, the provided commands for finding
predicate definitions operate seamlessly on native built-ins to
-display their C definitions in ~c-mode~ buffers (see [[info:ccmode#Top][the Emacs CC Mode
-manual]] for information about working with C code in Emacs). These
-commands include:
+display their C definitions. These commands include:
- ~M-x sweeprolog-find-predicate~,
-- ~M-.~ (~xref-find-definitions~) in ~sweeprolog-mode~ buffers (see
- [[#sweeprolog-xref][Definitions and References]]), and
-- ~s~ (~help-view-source~) in the =*Help*= buffer produced by ~M-x
- sweeprolog-describe-predicate~ (see [[#prolog-help][Prolog Help]]).
+- ~M-.~ (~xref-find-definitions~) in ~sweeprolog-mode~
+ buffers ([[#sweeprolog-xref][Definitions and References]]), and
+- ~s~ (~help-view-source~) in the =*Help*= buffer produced by
+ ~M-x sweeprolog-describe-predicate~ ([[#prolog-help][Prolog Help]]).
-* Quick access to Sweep commands
+* Quick Access to Sweep Commands
:CUSTOM_ID: quick-command-access
:DESCRIPTION: Keymap for useful commands that can be invoked from any buffer
- Key: C-c p B (sweeprolog-list-breakpoints) :: See [[#breakpoint-menu][Breakpoint Menu]].
- Key: C-c p P (sweeprolog-pack-install) :: See [[#prolog-packages][Installing Prolog Packages]].
- Key: C-c p R (sweeprolog-restart) :: See [[#prolog-init][Prolog Initialization and Cleanup]].
-- Key: C-c p F (sweeprolog-set-prolog-flag) :: See [[#prolog-flags][Setting Prolog flags]].
+- Key: C-c p F (sweeprolog-set-prolog-flag) :: See [[#prolog-flags][Setting Prolog Flags]].
- Key: C-c p T (sweeprolog-list-top-levels) :: See [[#top-level-menu][The Top-level Menu buffer]].
- Key: C-c p X (sweeprolog-xref-project-source-files) :: See [[#sweeprolog-xref][Definitions and References]].
- Key: C-c p h m (sweeprolog-describe-module) :: See [[#prolog-help][Prolog Help]].
- Key: C-c p h p (sweeprolog-describe-predicate) :: See [[#prolog-help][Prolog Help]].
-- Key: C-c p h e (sweeprolog-view-messages) :: See [[#prolog-messages][Examining Prolog messages]].
+- Key: C-c p h e (sweeprolog-view-messages) :: See [[#prolog-messages][Examining Prolog Messages]].
- Key: C-c p h n (sweeprolog-view-news) :: See [[#discovering-sweep][Discovering Sweep]].
-* Examining Prolog messages
+* Examining Prolog Messages
:CUSTOM_ID: prolog-messages
:DESCRIPTION: Messages emitted in the embedded Prolog runtime and how to display them
You can use the command ~sweeprolog-view-messages~ to display the Sweep
messages buffer. This command is bound to ~h e~ in
-~sweeprolog-prefix-map~ ([[#quick-command-access][Quick access to Sweep commands]]).
+~sweeprolog-prefix-map~ ([[#quick-command-access][Quick Access to Sweep Commands]]).
-* Setting Prolog flags
+* Setting Prolog Flags
:CUSTOM_ID: prolog-flags
:DESCRIPTION: Commands for modifying the configuration of the embedded Prolog runtime by setting Prolog flags
#+CINDEX: prolog flags
+SWI-Prolog has a set of /flags/ that let you examine and configure the
+Prolog execution runtime. You can set Prolog flags from Emacs directly
+with the following command:
#+FINDEX: sweeprolog-set-prolog-flag
-The command =M-x sweeprolog-set-prolog-flag= can be used to interactively
-configure the embedded Prolog execution environment by changing the
-values of Prolog flags. This command first prompts the user for a
-Prolog flag to set, with completion candidates annotated with their
-current values as Prolog flags, and then prompts for a string that
-will be read as a Prolog term and set as the value of the chosen flag.
-For more information on Prolog flags in SWI-Prolog see [[https://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/man?section=flags][Environment
+- Command: sweeprolog-set-prolog-flag :: Set the value of a Prolog flag.
+This command let's you interactively configure the embedded Prolog
+execution environment by changing the values of Prolog flags. It
+prompts you for a Prolog flag, with completion candidates annotated with
+their current values. Then, it prompts again for a Prolog term and sets
+the flag's value to that term.
+For more information about Prolog flags in SWI-Prolog, see [[https://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/man?section=flags][Environment
Control in the SWI-Prolog manual]].
As an example, the Prolog flag =double_quotes= controls the
interpretation of double quotes in Prolog code. By default,
-=double_quotes= is set to =string=, so e.g. ="foo"= is read as a SWI-Prolog
-string as we can easily validate in the Sweep top-level:
+=double_quotes= is set to =string=, so e.g. ="foo"= is read as a
+SWI-Prolog string as we can easily validate in the Sweep top-level:
#+begin_src prolog
?- A = "foo".
A = [102, 111, 111].
+Note that some flags have a thread-local value, and
+~sweeprolog-set-prolog-flag~ always operates only on the main thread.
+To set flags in an existing top-level thread, use the predicate
+~set_prolog_flag/2~ directly in that top-level.
* Installing Prolog Packages
:CUSTOM_ID: prolog-packages