;; Loop lexer to handle tokens in current line.
;; Indentation decreased
- ((progn
- ;; Pop items from indentation stack
- (while (< curr-indent last-indent)
- (pop wisent-python-indent-stack)
- (setq semantic-lex-current-depth (1- semantic-lex-current-depth)
- last-indent (car wisent-python-indent-stack))
- (semantic-lex-push-token
- (semantic-lex-token 'DEDENT last-pos (point))))
- (= last-pos (point)))
- ;; If pos did not change, then we must return nil so that
- ;; other lexical analyzers can be run.
- nil))))
+ (t
+ ;; Pop items from indentation stack
+ (while (< curr-indent last-indent)
+ (pop wisent-python-indent-stack)
+ (setq semantic-lex-current-depth (1- semantic-lex-current-depth)
+ last-indent (car wisent-python-indent-stack))
+ (semantic-lex-push-token
+ (semantic-lex-token 'DEDENT last-pos (point))))
+ ;; (if (= last-pos (point))
+ ;; ;; If pos did not change, then we must return nil so that
+ ;; ;; other lexical analyzers can be run.
+ ;; nil)
+ ))))
;; All the work was done in the above analyzer matching condition.