BLocker cr_surface_lock;
- BPoint tooltip_position;
BMessage *wait_for_release_message;
EmacsView () : BView (BRect (0, 0, 0, 0), "Emacs",
struct haiku_mouse_motion_event rq;
int32 windowid;
EmacsWindow *window;
- BToolTip *tooltip;
- BPoint target_tooltip_position;
window = (EmacsWindow *) Window ();
- tooltip = ToolTip ();
if (transit == B_EXITED_VIEW)
rq.just_exited_p = true;
rq.dnd_message = false;
- if (tooltip)
- {
- target_tooltip_position
- = BPoint (-(point.x - tooltip_position.x),
- -(point.y - tooltip_position.y));
- tooltip->SetMouseRelativeLocation (target_tooltip_position);
- tooltip->SetSticky (true);
- ShowToolTip (tooltip);
- }
if (!grab_view_locker.Lock ())
gui_abort ("Couldn't lock grab view locker");
+/* A view that is added as a child of a tooltip's text view, and
+ prevents motion events from reaching it (thereby moving the
+ tooltip). */
+class EmacsMotionSuppressionView : public BView
+ void
+ AttachedToWindow (void)
+ {
+ BView *text_view, *tooltip_view;
+ /* We know that this view is a child of the text view, whose
+ parent is the tooltip view, and that the tooltip view has
+ already set its mouse event mask. */
+ text_view = Parent ();
+ if (!text_view)
+ return;
+ tooltip_view = text_view->Parent ();
+ if (!tooltip_view)
+ return;
+ tooltip_view->SetEventMask (B_KEYBOARD_EVENTS, 0);
+ }
+ EmacsMotionSuppressionView (void) : BView (BRect (-1, -1, 1, 1),
+ NULL, 0, 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
static int32
start_running_application (void *data)
/* Set VIEW's tooltip to a sticky tooltip at X by Y. */
-BView_set_and_show_sticky_tooltip (void *view, const char *tooltip_text,
- int x, int y)
+be_show_sticky_tooltip (void *view, const char *tooltip_text,
+ int x, int y)
BToolTip *tooltip;
- BView *vw;
- EmacsView *ev;
- BPoint pt;
+ BView *vw, *tooltip_view;
+ BPoint point;
vw = (BView *) view;
if (!vw->LockLooper ())
gui_abort ("Failed to lock view while showing sticky tooltip");
+ vw->SetToolTip ((const char *) NULL);
+ /* If the tooltip text is empty, then a tooltip object won't be
+ created by SetToolTip. */
+ if (tooltip_text[0] == '\0')
+ tooltip_text = " ";
vw->SetToolTip (tooltip_text);
tooltip = vw->ToolTip ();
- ev = dynamic_cast<EmacsView *> (vw);
+ vw->GetMouse (&point, NULL, 1);
+ point.x -= x;
+ point.y -= y;
- if (ev)
- ev->tooltip_position = BPoint (x, y);
+ point.x = -point.x;
+ point.y = -point.y;
- vw->GetMouse (&pt, NULL, 1);
- pt.x -= x;
- pt.y -= y;
+ /* We don't have to make the tooltip sticky since not receiving
+ mouse movement is enough to prevent it from being hidden. */
+ tooltip->SetMouseRelativeLocation (point);
- pt.x = -pt.x;
- pt.y = -pt.y;
+ /* Prevent the tooltip from moving in response to mouse
+ movement. */
+ tooltip_view = tooltip->View ();
- tooltip->SetMouseRelativeLocation (pt);
- tooltip->SetSticky (true);
+ if (tooltip_view)
+ tooltip_view->AddChild (new EmacsMotionSuppressionView);
vw->ShowToolTip (tooltip);
vw->UnlockLooper ();