-/PSL{bg{eolbg}if 0 currentpoint exch pop LineHeight sub moveto}def
+/LineHS LineHeight LineSpacing add def
+/ParagraphHS LineHeight ParagraphSpacing add def
+/PSL{/h exch def bg{eolbg}if 0 currentpoint exch pop h sub moveto}def
-/SL{PSL isLineStep pop}def % Soft Linefeed
+/SL{LineHS PSL isLineStep pop}def % Soft Linefeed
-/HL{PSL PLN}def % Hard Linefeed
+/PHL{ParagraphHS PSL PLN}def % Paragraph Hard Linefeed
+/LHL{LineHS PSL PLN}def % Hard Linefeed
% Some debug
/dcp{currentpoint exch 40 string cvs print(, )print =}def
0 rmoveto
-/Effect 0 def
-/EF{/Effect exch def}def
+/Effect 0 def
+/EffectUnderline false def
+/EffectStrikeout false def
+/EffectOverline false def
+/EffectShadow false def
+/EffectBox false def
+/EffectOutline false def
-% stack: string |- --
% effect: 1 - underline 2 - strikeout 4 - overline
% 8 - shadow 16 - box 32 - outline
+ /Effect exch def
+ /EffectUnderline Effect 1 and 0 ne def
+ /EffectStrikeout Effect 2 and 0 ne def
+ /EffectOverline Effect 4 and 0 ne def
+ /EffectShadow Effect 8 and 0 ne def
+ /EffectBox Effect 16 and 0 ne def
+ /EffectOutline Effect 32 and 0 ne def
+% stack: string |- --
/xx currentpoint dup Descent add/yy exch def
Ascent add/YY exch def def
dup stringwidth pop xx add/XX exch def
- Effect 8 and 0 ne{
+ EffectShadow{
/yy yy Yshadow add def
/XX XX Xshadow add def
- Effect 16 and 0 ne
+ EffectBox
{SpaceBackground doBox}
{xx yy XX YY doRect}
}if % background
- Effect 16 and 0 ne{false 0 doBox}if % box
- Effect 8 and 0 ne{dup doShadow}if % shadow
- Effect 32 and 0 ne
+ EffectBox {false 0 doBox}if % box
+ EffectShadow {dup doShadow}if % shadow
+ EffectOutline
{true doOutline} % outline
{show} % normal text
- Effect 1 and 0 ne{UnderlinePosition Hline}if % underline
- Effect 2 and 0 ne{StrikeoutPosition Hline}if % strikeout
- Effect 4 and 0 ne{OverlinePosition Hline}if % overline
+ EffectUnderline{UnderlinePosition Hline}if % underline
+ EffectStrikeout{StrikeoutPosition Hline}if % strikeout
+ EffectOverline {OverlinePosition Hline}if % overline
}bind def
% stack: position |- --
ZebraColor SetColor
/double-zebra ZebraHeight ZebraHeight add def
- /yiter double-zebra LineHeight mul neg def
+ /yiter double-zebra LineHS mul neg def
/xiter PrintWidth InterColumn add def
/zebra-line LinesPrinted def
NumberOfColumns{LinesPerColumn doColumnZebra xiter 0 rmoveto}repeat
/lpc lpc ZebraHeight sub def
H ZebraHeight add}
{H}ifelse % "white" stripe
- LineHeight mul neg 0 exch rmoveto
+ LineHS mul neg 0 exch rmoveto
/zebra-line zebra-line LinesPerColumn add def
+ /zspacing 0 def
lpc dup double-zebra idiv{ZebraHeight doZebra 0 yiter rmoveto}repeat
double-zebra mod dup 0 le{pop}
- {dup ZebraHeight gt ZebraFollow 2 and 0 ne or{pop ZebraHeight}if doZebra}ifelse
+ {dup ZebraHeight gt
+ {pop ZebraHeight}
+ {/zspacing LineSpacing def
+ ZebraFollow 2 and 0 ne{pop ZebraHeight}if}ifelse
+ doZebra}ifelse
% stack: zebra-height (in lines) |- --
- /zh exch 0.05 sub LineHeight mul def
+ /zh exch 0.05 sub LineHS mul zspacing sub def
0 LineHeight 0.65 mul rmoveto
PrintWidth 0 rlineto