:feature 'constant
`(((identifier) @font-lock-constant-face
(:match "^[A-Z_][A-Z_\\d]*$" @font-lock-constant-face))
- (true) @font-lock-constant-face
- (false) @font-lock-constant-face)
+ [(true) (false)] @font-lock-constant-face)
:language 'java
:override t
:feature 'keyword
:override t
:feature 'literal
`((null_literal) @font-lock-constant-face
- (decimal_floating_point_literal) @font-lock-constant-face
- (hex_floating_point_literal) @font-lock-constant-face)
+ (binary_integer_literal) @font-lock-number-face
+ (decimal_integer_literal) @font-lock-number-face
+ (hex_integer_literal) @font-lock-number-face
+ (octal_integer_literal) @font-lock-number-face
+ (decimal_floating_point_literal) @font-lock-number-face
+ (hex_floating_point_literal) @font-lock-number-face)
:language 'java
:override t
:feature 'type
;; Font-lock.
(setq-local treesit-font-lock-settings java-ts-mode--font-lock-settings)
(setq-local treesit-font-lock-feature-list
- '((comment keyword constant string)
- (type definition expression literal annotation)
+ '((comment constant keyword string)
+ (annotation definition expression literal type)
(bracket delimiter operator)))
;; Imenu.
"typeof" "var" "void" "while" "with" "yield")
"JavaScript keywords for tree-sitter font-locking.")
+(defvar js--treesit-operators
+ '("=" "+=" "-=" "*=" "/=" "%=" "**=" "<<=" ">>=" ">>>=" "&=" "^="
+ "|=" "&&=" "||=" "??=" "==" "!=" "===" "!==" ">" ">=" "<" "<=" "+"
+ "-" "*" "/" "%" "++" "--" "**" "&" "|" "^" "~" "<<" ">>" ">>>"
+ "&&" "||" "!")
+ "JavaScript operators for tree-sitter font-locking.")
(defvar js--treesit-font-lock-settings
`(((identifier) @font-lock-constant-face
(:match "^[A-Z_][A-Z_\\d]*$" @font-lock-constant-face))
- [(true) (false) (null)] @font-lock-constant-face
- (number) @font-lock-constant-face)
+ [(true) (false) (null)] @font-lock-constant-face)
:language 'javascript
:override t
property: (property_identifier) @font-lock-variable-name-face)]))
- :language 'javascript
- :override t
- :feature 'property
- `((pair key: (property_identifier) @font-lock-variable-name-face)
- (pair value: (identifier) @font-lock-variable-name-face)
- (pair
- key: (property_identifier) @font-lock-function-name-face
- value: [(function) (arrow_function)])
- ((shorthand_property_identifier) @font-lock-variable-name-face)
- ((shorthand_property_identifier_pattern) @font-lock-variable-name-face))
:language 'javascript
:override t
:feature 'pattern
- @font-lock-constant-face)))
+ @font-lock-constant-face))
+ :language 'javascript
+ :feature 'number
+ `((number) @font-lock-number-face
+ ((identifier) @font-lock-number-face
+ (:match "^\\(:?NaN\\|Infinity\\)$" @font-lock-number-face)))
+ :language 'javascript
+ :feature 'operator
+ `([,@js--treesit-operators] @font-lock-operator-face
+ (ternary_expression ["?" ":"] @font-lock-operator-face))
+ :language 'javascript
+ :feature 'bracket
+ '((["(" ")" "[" "]" "{" "}"]) @font-lock-bracket-face)
+ :language 'javascript
+ :feature 'delimiter
+ '((["," "." ";" ":"]) @font-lock-delimiter-face)
+ :language 'javascript
+ :feature 'escape-sequence
+ :override t
+ '((escape_sequence) @font-lock-escape-face)
+ :language 'javascript
+ :override t
+ :feature 'property
+ `((property_identifier) @font-lock-property-face
+ (pair value: (identifier) @font-lock-variable-name-face)
+ ((shorthand_property_identifier) @font-lock-property-face)
+ ((shorthand_property_identifier_pattern) @font-lock-property-face)))
"Tree-sitter font-lock settings.")
(defun js--fontify-template-string (node override start end &rest _)
;; Fontification.
(setq-local treesit-font-lock-settings js--treesit-font-lock-settings)
(setq-local treesit-font-lock-feature-list
- '((comment declaration)
- (string keyword identifier expression constant)
- (property pattern jsx )))
+ '(( comment declaration)
+ ( constant expression identifier keyword number string)
+ ( bracket delimiter escape-sequence jsx operator
+ pattern property)))
;; Imenu
(setq-local imenu-create-index-function
(defvar json-ts-mode--font-lock-settings
:language 'json
- :feature 'comment
- :override t
- '((comment) @font-lock-comment-face)
+ :feature 'bracket
+ '((["[" "]" "{" "}"]) @font-lock-bracket-face)
:language 'json
- :feature 'string
- :override t
- '((escape_sequence) @font-lock-constant-face
- (string) @font-lock-string-face)
+ :feature 'constant
+ '([(null) (true) (false)] @font-lock-constant-face)
+ :language 'json
+ :feature 'delimiter
+ '((["," ":"]) @font-lock-delimiter-face)
:language 'json
:feature 'number
- :override t
- '((number) @font-lock-constant-face)
+ '((number) @font-lock-number-face)
:language 'json
- :feature 'constant
+ :feature 'string
+ '((string) @font-lock-string-face)
+ :language 'json
+ :feature 'escape-sequence
:override t
- '([(null) (true) (false)] @font-lock-constant-face)
+ '((escape_sequence) @font-lock-escape-face)
:language 'json
- :feature 'pair
+ :feature 'error
:override t
- `((pair key: (_) @font-lock-variable-name-face)))
+ '((ERROR) @font-lock-warning-face))
"Font-lock settings for JSON.")
(defun json-ts-mode--imenu-1 (node)
;; Font-lock.
(setq-local treesit-font-lock-settings json-ts-mode--font-lock-settings)
(setq-local treesit-font-lock-feature-list
- '((comment string number) (constant pair) ()))
+ '((constant number string)
+ (escape-sequence)
+ (bracket delimiter error)))
;; Imenu.
(setq-local imenu-create-index-function #'json-ts-mode--imenu)
"Major mode for editing Bash shell scripts."
(when (treesit-ready-p 'bash)
(setq-local treesit-font-lock-feature-list
- '((comment function string heredoc)
- (variable keyword command declaration-command)
- (constant operator builtin-variable)))
+ '(( comment function heredoc string)
+ ( command declaration-command keyword number variable)
+ ( bracket builtin-variable constant delimiter
+ misc-punctuation operator)))
(setq-local treesit-font-lock-settings
;;; Tree-sitter font-lock
(defvar sh-mode--treesit-operators
- '("|" "|&" "||" "&&" ">" ">>" "<" "<<" "<<-" "<<<" "==" "!=" ";"
- ";;" ";&" ";;&")
+ '("|" "|&" "||" "&&" ">" ">>" "<" "<<" "<<-" "<<<" "==" "!=" ";&" ";;&")
"A list of `sh-mode' operators to fontify.")
(defvar sh-mode--treesit-keywords
:feature 'operator
:language 'bash
- `([ ,@sh-mode--treesit-operators ] @font-lock-builtin-face)
+ `([,@sh-mode--treesit-operators] @font-lock-operator-face)
:feature 'builtin-variable
:language 'bash
`(seq bol
(or ,@builtin-vars)
- @font-lock-builtin-face))))
+ @font-lock-builtin-face)))
+ :feature 'number
+ :language 'bash
+ `(((word) @font-lock-number-face
+ (:match "^[0-9]+$" @font-lock-number-face)))
+ :feature 'bracket
+ :language 'bash
+ '((["(" ")" "((" "))" "[" "]" "[[" "]]" "{" "}"]) @font-lock-bracket-face)
+ :feature 'delimiter
+ :language 'bash
+ '(([";" ";;"]) @font-lock-delimiter-face)
+ :feature 'misc-punctuation
+ :language 'bash
+ '((["$"]) @font-lock-misc-punctuation-face))
"Tree-sitter font-lock settings for `sh-mode'.")
(provide 'sh-script)
"while" "with" "yield")
"TypeScript keywords for tree-sitter font-locking.")
+(defvar ts-mode--operators
+ '("=" "+=" "-=" "*=" "/=" "%=" "**=" "<<=" ">>=" ">>>=" "&=" "^="
+ "|=" "&&=" "||=" "??=" "==" "!=" "===" "!==" ">" ">=" "<" "<=" "+"
+ "-" "*" "/" "%" "++" "--" "**" "&" "|" "^" "~" "<<" ">>" ">>>"
+ "&&" "||" "!" "?.")
+ "TypeScript operators for tree-sitter font-locking.")
(defvar ts-mode--font-lock-settings
:language 'tsx
`(((identifier) @font-lock-constant-face
(:match "^[A-Z_][A-Z_\\d]*$" @font-lock-constant-face))
- [(true) (false) (null)] @font-lock-constant-face
- (number) @font-lock-constant-face)
+ [(true) (false) (null)] @font-lock-constant-face)
:language 'tsx
:override t
property: (property_identifier) @font-lock-function-name-face)]))
- :language 'tsx
- :override t
- :feature 'property
- `((pair key: (property_identifier) @font-lock-property-face)
- (pair value: (identifier) @font-lock-variable-name-face)
- (pair
- key: (property_identifier) @font-lock-property-face
- value: [(function) (arrow_function)])
- (property_signature
- name: (property_identifier) @font-lock-property-face)
- ((shorthand_property_identifier) @font-lock-property-face)
- ((shorthand_property_identifier_pattern)
- @font-lock-variable-name-face))
:language 'tsx
:override t
:feature 'pattern
(jsx_attribute (property_identifier) @font-lock-constant-face))
+ :language 'tsx
+ :feature 'number
+ `((number) @font-lock-number-face
+ ((identifier) @font-lock-number-face
+ (:match "^\\(:?NaN\\|Infinity\\)$" @font-lock-number-face)))
+ :language 'tsx
+ :feature 'operator
+ `([,@ts-mode--operators] @font-lock-operator-face
+ (ternary_expression ["?" ":"] @font-lock-operator-face))
:language 'tsx
:feature 'bracket
'((["(" ")" "[" "]" "{" "}"]) @font-lock-bracket-face)
:language 'tsx
:feature 'delimiter
- '((["," ":" ";"]) @font-lock-delimiter-face))
+ '((["," "." ";" ":"]) @font-lock-delimiter-face)
+ :language 'tsx
+ :feature 'escape-sequence
+ :override t
+ '((escape_sequence) @font-lock-escape-face)
+ :language 'tsx
+ :override t
+ :feature 'property
+ `(((property_identifier) @font-lock-property-face)
+ (pair value: (identifier) @font-lock-variable-name-face)
+ ((shorthand_property_identifier) @font-lock-property-face)
+ ((shorthand_property_identifier_pattern)
+ @font-lock-property-face)))
"Tree-sitter font-lock settings.")
(setq-local treesit-font-lock-settings ts-mode--font-lock-settings)
(setq-local treesit-font-lock-feature-list
'((comment declaration)
- (string keyword identifier expression constant)
- (property pattern jsx bracket delimiter)))
+ (constant expression identifier keyword number string)
+ (bracket delimiter jsx pattern property)))
;; Imenu.
(setq-local imenu-create-index-function #'js--treesit-imenu)