/* Record a tag. */
+static void
pfnote (name, is_func, linestart, linelen, lno, cno)
char *name; /* tag name, or NULL if unnamed */
bool is_func; /* tag is a function */
* `nonam'.
#define traditional_tag_style TRUE
+static void
new_pfnote (name, namelen, is_func, linestart, linelen, lno, cno)
char *name; /* tag name, or NULL if unnamed */
int namelen; /* tag length */
+static void
C_entries (c_ext, inf)
int c_ext; /* extension of C */
FILE *inf; /* input file */
* Return the size of the name of the predicate, or 0 if no header
* was found.
+static int
prolog_pred (s, last)
char *s;
char *last; /* Name of last clause. */
* Return the size of the name of the function, or 0 if no function
* was found.
+static int
erlang_func (s, last)
char *s;
char *last; /* Name of last clause. */