(defun byte-decompile-bytecode-1 (bytes constvec &optional make-spliceable)
(let ((length (length bytes))
(bytedecomp-ptr 0) optr tags bytedecomp-op offset
- lap tmp)
+ lap tmp last-constant)
(while (not (= bytedecomp-ptr length))
(or make-spliceable
(push bytedecomp-ptr lap))
(or (assq tmp byte-compile-variables)
(let ((new (list tmp)))
(push new byte-compile-variables)
- new)))))
+ new)))
+ last-constant tmp))
((eq bytedecomp-op 'byte-stack-set2)
(setq bytedecomp-op 'byte-stack-set))
((and (eq bytedecomp-op 'byte-discardN) (>= offset #x80))
;; lapcode, we represent this by using a different opcode
;; (with the flag removed from the operand).
(setq bytedecomp-op 'byte-discardN-preserve-tos)
- (setq offset (- offset #x80))))
+ (setq offset (- offset #x80)))
+ ((eq bytedecomp-op 'byte-switch)
+ (cl-assert (hash-table-p last-constant) nil
+ "byte-switch used without preceeding hash table")
+ ;; make a copy of constvec to avoid making changes to the
+ ;; original jump table for the compiled function.
+ (setq constvec (cl-map 'vector
+ #'(lambda (e)
+ (if (eq last-constant e)
+ (setq last-constant (copy-hash-table e))
+ e))
+ constvec))
+ (maphash #'(lambda (value tag)
+ (let (newtag)
+ (cl-assert (consp tag)
+ nil "Invalid address for byte-switch")
+ (setq newtag (byte-compile-make-tag))
+ (push (cons (+ (car tag) (lsh (cdr tag) 8)) newtag) tags)
+ (puthash value newtag last-constant)))
+ last-constant)
+ (setf (nth 2 (cadr lap)) last-constant)))
;; lap = ( [ (pc . (op . arg)) ]* )
(push (cons optr (cons bytedecomp-op (or offset 0)))