(when (string-match-p regex c) (push c poss)))
(nreverse poss))))))
-(defvar flex-score-falloff -1.5
+(defvar flex-score-match-tightness 100
"Controls how the `flex' completion style scores its matches.
-Value is a number whose sign and amplitude have subtly different
-effects. Positive values make the scoring formula value matches
-scattered along the string, while negative values make the
-formula value tighter matches. I.e \"foo\" matches both strings
-\"barfoobaz\" and \"fabrobazo\", which are of equal length, but
-only a negative value will score the former higher than the
-The absolute value of this variable controls the relative order
-of different-length strings matched by the same pattern . Its
-effect is not completely understood yet, so feel free to play
-around with it.")
+Value is a positive number. Values smaller than one make the
+scoring formula value matches scattered along the string, while
+values greater than one make the formula value tighter matches.
+I.e \"foo\" matches both strings \"barbazfoo\" and \"fabrobazo\",
+which are of equal length, but only a value greater than one will
+score the former (which has one \"hole\") higher than the
+latter (which has two).")
(defun completion-pcm--hilit-commonality (pattern completions)
(when completions
;; score 1. The formula takes the form of a quotient.
;; For the numerator, we use the number of +, i.e. the
;; length of the pattern. For the denominator, it
- ;; counts the number of - in each such group,
- ;; exponentiates that number to `flex-score-falloff',
- ;; adds it to the total, adds one to the final sum,
- ;; and then multiples by the length of the string.
+ ;; sums (1+ (/ (grouplen - 1)
+ ;; flex-score-match-tightness)) across all groups of
+ ;; -, sums one to that total, and then multiples by
+ ;; the length of the string.
(score-numerator 0)
(score-denominator 0)
(last-b 0)
(lambda (a b)
"Update score variables given match range (A B)."
- score-numerator (+ score-numerator (- b a))
- score-denominator (+ score-denominator
- (expt (- a last-b)
- flex-score-falloff))
+ score-numerator (+ score-numerator (- b a)))
+ (unless (= a last-b)
+ (setq
+ score-denominator (+ score-denominator
+ 1
+ (/ (- a last-b 1)
+ flex-score-match-tightness
+ 1.0))))
+ (setq
last-b b))))
- (funcall update-score 0 start)
+ (funcall update-score start start)
(while md
(funcall update-score start (car md))
(put-text-property start (pop md)
'font-lock-face 'completions-common-part
(setq start (pop md)))
+ (funcall update-score len len)
(put-text-property start end
'font-lock-face 'completions-common-part
- (funcall update-score start end)
(if (> (length str) pos)
(put-text-property pos (1+ pos)
'font-lock-face 'completions-first-difference