("array" (nil \n
("Item: " "<item>" str (if sgml-xml-mode "</item>") \n))
+ ("article" \n)
+ ("aside" \n)
"<dd>" (if sgml-xml-mode "</dd>") \n))
("fn" "id" "fn") ;; Footnotes were deprecated in HTML 3.2
+ ("footer" \n)
("head" \n)
+ ("header" \n)
+ ("hgroup" \n)
("html" (\n
"<title>" (setq str (read-input "Title: ")) "</title>\n"
("li" ,(not sgml-xml-mode))
("math" \n)
+ ("nav" \n)
("option" t ("value") ("label") ("selected" t))
("over" t)
+ ("section" \n)
("span" nil
("acronym" . "Acronym")
("address" . "Formatted mail address")
("array" . "Math array")
+ ("article" . "An independent part of document or site")
+ ("aside" . "Secondary content related to surrounding content (e.g. page or article)")
("au" . "Author")
("b" . "Bold face")
("base" . "Base address for URLs")
("figt" . "Figure text")
("fn" . "Footnote") ;; No one supports special footnote rendering.
("font" . "Font size")
+ ("footer" . "Footer of a section")
("form" . "Form with input fields")
("group" . "Document grouping")
("h1" . "Most important section headline")
("h5" . "Unimportant section headline")
("h6" . "Least important section headline")
("head" . "Document header")
+ ("header" . "Header of a section")
+ ("hgroup" . "Group of headings - h1-h6 elements")
("hr" . "Horizontal rule")
("html" . "HTML Document")
("i" . "Italic face")
("li" . "List item")
("link" . "Link relationship")
("math" . "Math formula")
- ("menu" . "Menu list (obsolete)")
+ ("menu" . "List of commands")
("mh" . "Form mail header")
+ ("nav" . "Group of navigational links")
("nextid" . "Allocate new id")
("nobr" . "Text without line break")
("ol" . "Ordered list")
("rev" . "Reverse video")
("s" . "Strikeout")
("samp" . "Sample text")
+ ("section" . "Section of a document")
("select" . "Selection list")
("small" . "Font size")
("sp" . "Nobreak space")
+(define-skeleton html-navigational-links
+ "Group of navigational links."
+ nil
+ "<nav>" \n
+ "<ul>" \n
+ "<li><a href=\"" (skeleton-read "URL: " "#") "\">"
+ (skeleton-read "Title: ") "</a>"
+ (if sgml-xml-mode (if sgml-xml-mode "</li>")) \n
+ "</ul>" \n
+ "</nav>")
+(define-skeleton html-html5-template
+ "Initial HTML5 template"
+ nil
+ "<!DOCTYPE html>" \n
+ "<html lang=\"en\">" \n
+ "<head>" \n
+ "<meta charset=\"utf-8\">" \n
+ "<meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=edge\">" \n
+ "<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1\">" \n
+ "<title>" (skeleton-read "Page Title: ") "</title>" \n
+ "</head>" \n
+ "<body>" \n
+ "<div id=\"app\"></div>" \n
+ "</body>" \n
+ "</html>")
(provide 'sgml-mode)
;;; sgml-mode.el ends here