"Detach tab number FROM-NUMBER to a new frame.
Interactively or without argument, detach current tab."
(interactive (list (1+ (tab-bar--current-tab-index))))
- (let* ((tab (nth (1- (or from-number 1)) (funcall tab-bar-tabs-function)))
- (tab-name (alist-get 'name tab))
+ (let* ((tabs (funcall tab-bar-tabs-function))
+ (tab-index (1- (or from-number (1+ (tab-bar--current-tab-index tabs)))))
+ (tab-name (alist-get 'name (nth tab-index tabs)))
+ ;; On some window managers, `make-frame' selects the new frame,
+ ;; so previously selected frame is saved to `from-frame'.
+ (from-frame (selected-frame))
(new-frame (make-frame `((name . ,tab-name)))))
- (tab-bar-move-tab-to-frame nil nil from-number new-frame nil)
+ (tab-bar-move-tab-to-frame nil from-frame from-number new-frame nil)
(with-selected-frame new-frame
+(defun tab-bar-move-window-to-tab ()
+ "Detach the selected window to a new tab."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((tab-bar-new-tab-choice 'window))
+ (tab-bar-new-tab))
+ (tab-bar-switch-to-recent-tab)
+ (delete-window)
+ (tab-bar-switch-to-recent-tab))
(defcustom tab-bar-new-tab-to 'right
"Defines where to create a new tab.
(select-window (minibuffer-selected-window)))
(let ((ignore-window-parameters t))
- ;; Create a new window to get rid of old window parameters
- ;; (e.g. prev/next buffers) of old window.
- (split-window) (delete-window)
+ (unless (eq tab-bar-new-tab-choice 'window)
+ ;; Create a new window to get rid of old window parameters
+ ;; (e.g. prev/next buffers) of old window.
+ (split-window) (delete-window))
(let ((buffer
(if (functionp tab-bar-new-tab-choice)
(funcall tab-bar-new-tab-choice)