"Keymap used by `icomplete-mode' in the minibuffer.")
(defun icomplete-force-complete-and-exit ()
- "Complete the minibuffer and exit.
+ "Complete the minibuffer with the longest possible match and exit.
Use the first of the matches if there are any displayed, and use
the default otherwise."
- (if (or (and (not minibuffer-default) icomplete-show-matches-on-no-input)
- (> (icomplete--field-end) (icomplete--field-beg)))
+ ;; This function is tricky. The mandate is to "force", meaning we
+ ;; should take the first possible valid completion for the input.
+ ;; However, if there is no input and we can prove that that
+ ;; coincides with the default, it is much faster to just call
+ ;; `minibuffer-complete-and-exit'. Otherwise, we have to call
+ ;; `minibuffer-force-complete-and-exit', which needs the full
+ ;; completion set and is potentially slow and blocking. Do the
+ ;; latter if:
+ (if (or
+ ;; there's some input, meaning the default in off the table by
+ ;; definition; OR
+ (> (icomplete--field-end) (icomplete--field-beg))
+ ;; there's no input, but there's also no minibuffer default
+ ;; (and the user really wants to see completions on no input,
+ ;; meaning he expects a "force" to be at least attempted); OR
+ (and (not minibuffer-default)
+ icomplete-show-matches-on-no-input)
+ ;; there's no input but the full completion set has been
+ ;; calculated, This causes the first cached completion to
+ ;; be taken (i.e. the one that the user sees highlighted)
+ completion-all-sorted-completions)
+ ;; Otherwise take the faster route...
(defun icomplete-force-complete ()