(defvar otf-script-alist)
-;; The below was synchronized with the latest Oct 8, 2020 version of
+;; The below was synchronized with the latest Sep 12, 2021 version of
;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/scripttags
(setq otf-script-alist
'((adlm . adlam)
(copt . coptic)
(xsux . cuneiform)
(cprt . cypriot)
+ (cpmn . cypro-minoan)
(cyrl . cyrillic)
(dsrt . deseret)
(deva . devanagari)
(gur2 . gurmukhi)
(hani . han)
(hang . hangul)
- (jamo . hangul)
+ (jamo . hangul) ; Not recommended; use 'hang' instead.
(rohg . hanifi-rohingya)
(hano . hanunoo)
(hatr . hatran)
(musc . musical-symbol)
(mym2 . burmese)
(mymr . burmese)
+ (nand . nandinagari)
(nbat . nabataean)
(newa . newa)
(nko\ . nko)
(sogo . old-sogdian)
(sarb . old-south-arabian)
(orkh . old-turkic)
+ (ougr . old-uyghur)
(orya . oriya)
(ory2 . oriya)
(osge . osage)
(takr . takri)
(taml . tamil)
(tml2 . tamil)
+ (tnsa . tangsa)
(tang . tangut)
(telu . telugu)
(tel2 . telugu)
(tibt . tibetan)
(tfng . tifinagh)
(tirh . tirhuta)
+ (toto . toto)
(ugar . ugaritic)
+ (vith . vithkuqi)
(vai\ . vai)
(wcho . wancho)
(wara . warang-citi)