* lisp/autoinsert.el (auto-insert-alist): Add the no-byte-compile
cookie to the ".dir-locals.el" template.
- ";;; Directory Local Variables\n"
+ ";;; Directory Local Variables -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-\n"
";;; For more information see (info \"(emacs) Directory Variables\")\n\n"
'(setq v1 (let (modes)
;; Insert modified alist of directory-local variables.
+ ;; When changing this, also update the ".dir-locals.el" file for
+ ;; Emacs itself, as well as the template in autoinsert.el.
(insert ";;; Directory Local Variables -*- no-byte-compile: t -*-\n")
(insert ";;; For more information see (info \"(emacs) Directory Variables\")\n\n")
(princ (dir-locals-to-string