"turkish-alt-postfix" "Turkish" "TR«" t
"Turkish (Türkçe) input method with postfix modifiers.
-This is for those who use Latin-5 (ISO-8859-9) for Turkish. If you
-use Latin-3 (ISO-8859-3), you should use
-\"turkish-latin-3-alt-postfix\" instead.
+turkish-latin-3-alt-postfix is an obsolete alisa for turkish-alt-postfix.
Note for I, ı, İ, i.
;; Backwards compatibility.
(push (cons "turkish-latin-3-alt-postfix"
- (cdr (assoc "turkish-alt-postfix" input-method-alist)))
- input-method-alist)
+ (cdr (assoc "turkish-alt-postfix" quail-package-alist)))
+ quail-package-alist)
;; Dutch Quail input method derived from the one in Yudit by Roman
"dutch" "Dutch" "NL" t
"Dutch character mixfix input method.
-Uses the `mule-unicode-0100-24ff' charset to supplement Latin-1.
+Caters for French and Turkish as well as Dutch.
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