if not is_ipython:
- # IPython hacks readline such that `readline.set_completer`
+ # Try both initializations to cope with all IPython versions.
+ # This works fine for IPython 3.x but not for earlier:
+ readline.set_completer(new_completer)
+ # IPython<3 hacks readline such that `readline.set_completer`
# won't work. This workaround injects the new completer
- # function into the existing instance directly.
+ # function into the existing instance directly:
instance = getattr(completer, 'im_self', completer.__self__)
instance.rlcomplete = new_completer
if readline.__doc__ and 'libedit' in readline.__doc__:
;; output end marker is found. Output is accepted
;; *very* quickly to keep the shell super-responsive.
(while (and (not (re-search-backward "~~~~__dummy_completion__" nil t))
- (< (- current-time (float-time))
+ (< (- (float-time) current-time)
(accept-process-output process 0.01))