# Currently only used for the systemd service file.
+# Where to install emacs-module.h.
# Where to install Emacs's man pages.
# Note they contain cross-references that expect them to be in section 1.
## See also these comments from 2004 about cp -r working fine:
## https://lists.gnu.org/r/autoconf-patches/2004-11/msg00005.html
install-arch-indep: lisp install-info install-man ${INSTALL_ARCH_INDEP_EXTRA}
+ umask 022 && $(MKDIR_P) -m 0755 $(includedir)
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) src/emacs-module.h $(includedir)/emacs-module.h
-set ${COPYDESTS} ; \
unset CDPATH; \
$(set_installuser); \
### Don't delete the lisp and etc directories if they're in the source tree.
uninstall: uninstall-$(NTDIR) uninstall-doc
+ rm -f $(includedir)/emacs-module.h
$(MAKE) -C lib-src uninstall
-unset CDPATH; \
for dir in "$(DESTDIR)${lispdir}" "$(DESTDIR)${etcdir}" ; do \