; Merge from emacs-26
9533d76b0b Keep Man sections in natural order (bug#28998)
d63c9a96f5 * lisp/minibuffer.el: Install a workaround for bug#16274
7657a86709 Fix comparisons with tip_frame in GTK builds
603a0716a8 Improve the documentation of M-n for entering file names
72f813fb56 Fix desktop auto-save timer when linum-mode is used
44340b475f Fix "C-h k" in xterm-mouse-mode
05aa6d4a68 Fix off-by-1 bug in --enable-checking=stringbytes
096f638ddc Correct the indentation of C99's compound literals.
c52a2aa8f3 Improve the doc string of 'dired-isearch-filter-filenames'
e592b92482 * lisp/isearch.el (search-invisible): Doc fix. (Bug#29222)
f3e69a80ab Fix display of line numbers in GTK builds
e6f1fd4091 Fix previous change to flymake-diag-region (bug#29174)
89382780e1 flymake-diag-region really returns nil if region is invali...
535688a418 Flymake correctly highlights whole last line if eob (bug#2...
72e62d3fdb Protect Flymake checkdoc backend against checkdoc errors (...
b28de57411 Sort entries of the Flymake diagnostics buffer (bug#29175)
fc56bea142 Correctly indent C++14 brace lists which are a second argu...
9dde8be9cd Fix redisplay of overlay-arrows on GUI frames
0da08f2f8e Protect Flymake tests against older Ruby and Perl (bug#29187)
781f276cc1 Fix URL cookie expiration bug